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Everything posted by Terry

  1. That'd be hard to track, simply respawn somewhere else if your base is under police raid.
  2. Just remove the cooldowns and punish those who abuse it, or shorten the cooldown to 1 second and implement it for both /sell & /offerbribe, and other commands because 3 seconds is a bit pain in the ass. __ Oh and it's within the duty of Five-0 to deal with corruption as well Howlze, it's our pleasure to bring your ass to the jail!
  3. Donations of 50 confirmed, Jonas added "suporter" to the donator spawn in game. In the event the archive goes down or you are unable to load your previous donation topics, you can now use this topic as a reference that you have donated 50. Thanks!
  4. As I previously mentioned and as it's clearly pointed out in the main post if you read, I checked and it's because both Auto and Smokey are not added to donator group ingame, therefore they can't use the privilege of the modshop. Please click HERE to request the donator spawn if you're eligible for it. @Smokey187 @Auto
  5. @Auto said in Donation Vehicle Manager & Engine/Drive Type Upgrades: I tried in some places and it's asking for money https://imgur.com/a/PZeu7Sq @Daryl I took a quick look at your profile and saw you never officially requested to be added to donator group sql, so I assume that's the reason. You seem to be eligible for the donator spawn (30GBP+) so you can request it. @Daryl said in Donation Vehicle Manager & Engine/Drive Type Upgrades: This one is very simple. You can take your donation car (if you are the primary owner AND you are in the donator SQL) to any modshop capable of doing upgrades, and all upgrades will be free. To get into the donator sql (which your membership is indicated by the crown beside your name) you must have donated 30 to the server in total over your life time. If you meet this criteria but you have not yet been added to the donator SQL/Spawn, you can apply for that HERE.
  6. Ladies and gentlemen, it is the moment you all have been waiting for, it is that time of the year once again! After discussing it among the Desert Eagles command, I am pleased to announce that we, Desert Eagles have decided to host a live recruitment for Christmas in three weeks. Recruitment Date: 21 December 2019, Saturday. Recruitment Time: 18:00 Server Time Requirements: You will need to spawn as a civilian in order to participate in the recruitment. You will not need to bring any guns or any kind of equipment to the recruitment, we will provide you everything needed. Forbidden classes: We do not allow any CLO or SAP members to join DE therefore if you are a member of any of these groups, you are not allowed to partake in the DE recruitment so please do not bother coming at all, you will be kicked out of the recruitment as soon as we find out. (Yes, we do check every single player) Admin messages will be made during the day and a few minutes before the recruitments to give you further instructions. We suggest you to come no more, but no less than 25 minutes in advance. Anyone arriving late will NOT be able to join the recruitment. If you are unsure of the time, you can try simply googling 'What time is it in London?' to compare it with your local time. The recruitment will begin at 18:00 Server/London time. The details of the tests you will have to go through will not be disclosed until the recruitment. You may prepare for our traditional tests including parachuting and team deathmatch. If you have any questions to ask, let us know in the comments. Good luck to all candidates and see you there! Desert Eagles HQ General of the Army Bunny General of the Army Patrol General Dyam Brigadier General Crash Colonel Absent Air Marshal Hassoni Admiral of the Fleet Scorpyo Brigadier Payne Adjutant General Terry
  7. Happy birthday bitch. Now come and sing me a song again.
  8. Congratulations everyone, well deserved!
  9. This would be a great replacement for city bank interiors, I have a couple of suggestions though: Remove these walls and make the saferoom wide open. Make these windows invincible. And maybe place 2 crack markers in both of these places, and make it so that both of the markers are needed to be cracked in order for 3rd door to open. This would encourage criminals to teamwork more, and prevent someone from just solo'ing a bank robbery as it's meant to be, because robbing a bank is a teamwork, not just a single individual thing. Some gangs may send 2 crackers to do the work to save time, and if you're short on crackers, one cracker would have to crack them both one by one, but that would give the cops more time to respond, which takes us back to my first point, BR being a teamwork and not just a single individual thing.
  10. Address: The Boring Store Corp Account name: firefox201791 Last seen: 27 October 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/MK70ads
  11. Address: Accomidation Quaters 6 Account name: magma Last seen: 24 October 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/C3UMKS4
  12. This property belongs to a SAES Clan Member, therefore you can't get it. Please check this topic for future requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6786/saes-clan-members
  13. Or we could give squads a spray tag just like gangs, and make them able to toggle between pepper spray and spray can with a command!
  14. Failure to claim the property within 48 hours, therefore it's been set to public sale.
  15. Failure to claim the property within 48 hours, therefore it's been set to public sale.
  16. @Blade said in Show us yourself V3: I'd tap that
  17. Preparing memes about MMC's demotion be like
  18. @Kim has failed to claim the property within 48 hours, therefore this is now the winning bid: @EvozZ said in SAHA Auction SF Railroad station: 35m @EvozZ You have 48 hours to find a housing agent and claim the property. @Kim is banned from taking part in SAHA auctions for 12 months, and is also fined 25% of his bid, which in this case is $10.000.000
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