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Everything posted by Terry

  1. Your Ingame nickname : Terry Your username : rizacem Your ingame hours : above 2000 Your building skills ?/10 : 7 Your English skills ?/10 : 8 Your current G/S/C : Arms Assassins Your Current Group(s) : Brothers of Metal / ZIP / Centrino Honorary Do you have Discord ?: Yes. Why you want to join CEO and why should we accept you ?: Because I think this group has a good future and I want to help improve it.
  2. @silence said in So I made a script for SAES..: My knowledge of programming is of decent level. @blade said in So I made a script for SAES..: There were a handful of mistakes made in your script. I had given you tips and shown you a better way of doing what you wanted to achieve. So your knowledge of programming is not of so called 'decent' level so quit bragging about how perfect you think you are because you are not. @silence said in So I made a script for SAES..: Me and NanoBob got into a bit of a beef about how the script should be made. To be honest it looks like from outside that you couldn't take it when Nanobob certainly pointed out your mistake in the code and instead of admitting you were wrong, you chose to say 'it was a joke just to piss Nanobob off.' 'Just to piss you off' I doubt even if thats the case but even if we assume it's true, that's very nice of you! I think not. @silence said in So I made a script for SAES..: Right now NanoBob is gatekeeping the script because of this. If it does not fit the exact way he would do it, it won't get approved. Nope. That's why NanoBob is gatekeeping the script you attempted to create. @silence said in So I made a script for SAES..: **NanoBob then said that I just lost my last chance to have him review the code (No way of getting it in now, because he says so) What part of this you don't understand ? @silence said in So I made a script for SAES..: Anyway lets move on. After that NanoBob went on to point out how useless my script is, and that there's no point in getting it in. And he's right about it. Wow, you made a script so we could listen to original GTA:SA songs ingame, like they are very hard to find. cough a few clicks in youtube cough If you want to make a difference with your 'super knowledge' and 'brillant skills' of scripting, I suggest you to go contact @Tilong. He had a great idea of new type of a heist and he started mapping the building for it but he had to stop at a point because he couldn't find a scripter that would help him with creating and completing the script. Go, script that instead of this radio bullshit can ya ? Then if your script is good enough, you can blame Nanobob if he doesn't approve it. Feel free to prove him wrong. @silence said in So I made a script for SAES..: Let's move on to the actual topic that I would like to discuss. NanoBob is currently working on a seperate server called KATLA. I am sure many of you are aware of this. It's not a part of SAES clan any longer, so it's a completely different server. So a person that is not really working for SAES, but his own seperate server - is the same person that is leading the development team on SAES. He has the final voice. That is dictatorship. I would like to discuss the removal of NanoBob as the head of the development team, and suggest another person to be appointed. NanoBob is not even 20 years of age yet, and gets to choose what gets in or not. It should be a neutral decision, and not subjective. Blade is an excellent scripter. He could be a candidate instead, just an example. Wow, you thought about this all by yourself and SAES HQ couldn't think of it before you had to point it out ? Damn man you are good. They should invite you in the SAES clan and give you HQ instantly. It seems that your point in creating this topic isn't even trying to push your radio script to be put in the server, it's trying to humiliate Nanobob and promote yourself but you failed hard, please quit being an attention whore. I think everyone should go back to do what they are good at. In that case, you Silence, are good at making ban appeals! https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/72670-ban-appeal-prince808-banned-by-saesmagnusclosed/
  3. Create a topic in this section: https://saesrpg.uk/category/23/banned-from-saes-rpg-server Use the following format: Nickname: Username: Ban Date: Banned By: IP: Serial: Ban Reason: Why should we unban you?:
  4. Remove PBRs for good. #MakeBRsGreatAgain
  5. Granted but you will be banned. I want to see Kipt muted forever.
  6. Good update, bank robberies are finally going to be a challange and mean something. One last thing to do though, remove public bank robberies and make it a reward for being a gang member once again and we are good. MAKE BANK ROBBERIES GREAT AGAIN!
  7. @raiden said in Arms Assassins: Nickname: Raiden Age: i am seventeen years old Country: Turkey Languages spoken: Turkish and English From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 7
  8. All applications have been denied. -AA HQ Team
  9. OgKush, I experienced the same with my laptop and I exactly know what it feels like. I tried everything but nothing solved my problem so as a last solution I had to replace my laptop's keyboard. I bought an original copy of the keyboard and let the service handle the rest and at the end of the day my problem was fixed.
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