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Everything posted by Cristian

  1. Happy Birthday @zizou
  2. 23/10/2020 Event Type:LMS Prize: $1.000.000 LWS: @Koko Winner(s): @Dinaz Screenshots:
  3. ~[AA TURF NIGHT 22-10-2020]~ Before: After:
  4. Happy Birtday @Bangas
  5. AA BANKROB 22-10-2020 BR BC
  6. This is a manual post TXN ID:4PL323831U177123J Donation amount: 20.00GBP Vehicle Type:Shamal/Glendale Vehicle Colour:I want to put the Sticker1 wrap on shamal and Glendale / Free Wrap Specify any upgrades: Username to lock: (CristianEscobar) Where you want it placed: I want to put the Glendale in my house "3 River Street" and the shamal at the San fierro airport @Brophy confirm pls
  7. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 20/10/2020 Participants: N/A ScreenShots ::: :::
  8. Happy birthday @Velona
  9. ~[AA Roleplay]~ History:Arms dealer Screenshots: ::: I was on the boat when I received a call from a store that sells weapons. He told me that he wanted large weapons like 2 m4 and 3 ak-4 and ammunition and I said ok, let me pack the weapons in some boxes and put them on the truck. After having uploaded the weapons and ammunition, I went to their location. I got off the truck and went into the store to talk to the Lord After having talked with him we assured that the price of everything was $ 5,000, after talking with him I left the store to look for the weapons and ammunition. After taking the weapons and ammunition, I put him in his place inside the store and went to where the Lord was to receive the money from the sale of the arms and ammunition. After paying myself, I left the store and kept selling more guns. :::
  10. ~[Participants in The RP]~(lime) ~[TMH]~(lime): @Cristian ~[ALT and Mech]~(yellow): @MrGamer ~[RP Scenario:]~(lime) __We were my coworker and I was on a beautiful afternoon in San Andreas, we were waiting for calls from people who needed a mechanic and my partner got a call from a person who didn't start his burrito engine, my partner and I got on. the crane and I went to its location, which was in Red Country, when I arrived I went to check the engine to see what the problem was, after checking it the problem was that the battery was a little damaged so I went to a nearby workshop, I bought the battery and I went to where the burrito was, I put the battery in and told him about the price of the battery was $ 50, then I told the man that his truck is ready. ~[ScreenShot:]~(lime) ::: :::
  11. ~[AA Activity]~ 17.10.2020 Store robberies ::: :::
  12. Happy Birthday @SAFP-Stone
  14. ~[D]~(green)ate and Time: ~[15/10/20]~(green) - Evening ~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)/If Any:
  15. ~[D un t e un n d T i m e : 15 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 0 m o r n i n g T y p e o f A c t i v i t y : R a c e F l ag]~(lime) ::: :::
  16. Roleplay type:Burning building Location: Red Country Participants: @LAPD_Spanish_VEN @Veneno-x and me Screenshots and Description: ::: I was patrolling until I heard a Code 904B in Red Country on the radio and I quickly went to the burning building. After arriving at the site I got off the fire truck, I went to the back to find the hose to put it in the fire hydrant. After having done that, I made sure that the person was fine to move him away from the building. After putting him in the ambulance we continued putting out the fire in the Building. I got into the ambulance so I could take the person to a nearby hospital. We got to the hospital and there was a doctor, I told the doctor, Me:doctor helps I have a person who was in a fire in a building, the person got out of the ambulance and I put them on the stretcher. I talked to the doctor to find out if I have burns. The doctor told me that he had nothing and the person was better. and the person said thank you very much for saving my life, and I kept working. :::
  17. Participants: @Veneno-x Story:A day of Mechanical Screenshots: ::: I was sitting waiting for a client to come and then half an hour later a Client arrives. I approached him and we talked about how I could help him and the man told me that the engine sounded very bad and the door was dented and then I said ok sir, I will fix your problem. Park the car in the workshop and look for the parts that failed the engine which were the pistons I go to the car and put the new pistons. After placing the new pistons I went to the part of the doors I removed several screws to the door and removed the car door to place the new doors. I took the new door and put them to the car and then I had to paint it to its original color So I told the Lord that his car is ready, the cost of everything is $ 550 and the Lord said ahh ok, I already paid him, he paid me I gave him his car and he left happy --------Purchased Items----------- The pistons is worth $ 250 which is its Original cost. The 2 doors each worth $ 150 at their original cost :::
  18. The auction is canceled since I do not want to sell it
  19. hbd @ItzMoha ;3
  20. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date:09/10/2020 Participants:@me and @Judy Screenshots: ::: :::
  21. Happy birthday @Kikas
  22. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date:08/10/2020 Participants:@me Screenshots: ::: :::
  23. ~[Participants]~(black): (me) ~[District]~(black): LV ~[Shift period]~(black): All night ~[Number of vehicles]~(black,black,black): 6 ~[Screenshots]~(black,black): ::: :::
  24. Patrol: #1506 Personal Patrol: #24 Participants: @Cristian @LAPD_Spanish_VEN Amount of healed or Time of patrol:1 hour ScreenShots: ::: :::
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