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Everything posted by Cristian

  1. Happy brithday @ALIJR007
  2. Activity number #4 Date: 29/01/2021 Information: Car repair CC member/s: N/A Other members:Me Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/Htq6rnF
  3. Patrol #1678 Personal Patrol: #27 Participants: @Cristian Amount of healed or Time of patrol:1 hour ScreenShots: ::: :::
  4. Activity number #3 Date: 28/01/2021 Information: Impounder CC member/s: @Gal al and @Afufu Other members: @beauty and me Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/5uQOgiT
  5. Happy Birthday @Canelas
  6. ~[25.01.2021 Robbing stores]~ ::: :::
  7. Dj: @Cristian Broadcasted on 25/01/2021 Duration :43 minutes Additional Information: Played Requests Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. ~[E]~(orange)vent ~[N]~(orange)umber: #21 ~[T]~(orange)ype of ~[E]~(orange,pink,orange)vent:Last Man Standing ~[LWS]~(lime) Helper(~[s]~(orange)): @ANARCHY ~[P]~(orange)rize:~[$1.000.000]~(green) ~[W]~(orange)inner(~[s]~(orange)): @BurakO ~[S]~(orange)creenShots: ::: :::
  9. is Good Idea
  10. Participants: @Cristian District: Around San Andreas Shift period:24 minutes Number of vehicles: 5 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/lBIOvfr
  11. Participants: @Cristian District: Around San Andreas Shift period:17 minutes Number of vehicles: 11 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/LKvPbJv
  12. Participants: @Cristian District: Around San Andreas Shift period:20 minutes Number of vehicles: 7 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/fr9U80H
  13. ~[E]~(orange)vent ~[N]~(orange)umber: #20 ~[T]~(orange)ype of ~[E]~(orange,pink,orange)vent:Last Man Standing ~[LWS]~(lime) Helper(~[s]~(orange)): @Stoner ~[P]~(orange)rize:~[$1.000.000]~(green) ~[W]~(orange)inner(~[s]~(orange)): @Candy ~[S]~(orange)creenShots: ::: :::
  14. 19.01.2021 Assisting Z in TR BR
  15. Gzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  16. Happy Birthday @Lincoln
  17. Happy Brithday @JaKeL
  18. ~[15.01.2021]~ Event type:Protection Event @Jefferson Prize(s): $30.000.000 LWS: @Yoko_Kurama @ANARCHY Winner(s): @Dudi Screenshots: ::: :::
  19. Participants: @Cristian District: Around San Andreas Shift period:15 minutes Number of vehicles: 5 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4CHISZE
  20. Activity type:Trucking around all San Andreas Date: 11/01/2021 Participants: @Cristian | @Nova | @SKY-911 Screenshots: ::: :::
  21. Activity type:Trucking around all San Andreas Date: 11/01/2021 Participants: @Cristian | @Nova | @SKY-911 Screenshots: ::: :::
  22. Activity type:Trucking around all San Andreas Date: 11/01/2021 Participants: @Cristian | @Nova | @SKY-911 Screenshots: ::: :::
  23. Activity type:Trucking around all San Andreas Date: 11/01/2021 Participants: @Cristian | @Nova | @SKY-911 Screenshots: ::: :::
  24. Participants: @Cristian and @M7mDGr7 Story:A day of Mechanical Screenshots: ::: I was on one night until I got an emergency call and of immediately went to where the emergency was. When he arrived at the emergency, he asked the man what the fault was in his car and she told me that it was the radiator that was failing and smoke began to come out. and I told the man that I would have to take it to the workshop to put a new radiator. I remove the radiator and find a new one for the car. After installing the new radiator, he tells the man that his car is ready. END.. :::
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