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Everything posted by gullbooy

  1. Happy Birthday <3
  2. ~[happy]~(red) ~[birthday]~(blue) @Sam
  3. username : vanja333 Last seen : 19 August 2018 Screenshot :
  4. ussername : oguzhann0 last seen: 3rd October 2017 Screenshoot:
  5. username : fatihgo lastseen : 29th oct 2018 /UK time screenshot ;https://imgur.com/a/Vm7yeqk
  6. Username: freepalestine Seen: 13th october 2018 Screenshot; https://imgur.com/a/MDi3zB9
  7. Username: freepalestine Seen: 13th october 2018 Screenshot; https://imgur.com/a/MDi3zB9
  8. username: toriyama last seen: 2nd august 2018 screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/zkttXME
  9. username: mehdilajmi last seen : 16 september 2018 screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/GmRYfb7
  10. username: uhhbourne last seen : 21 september2018 screenshoot : https://imgur.com/a/YX70SiG
  11. username; dingir last seen : 1 september 2018 screen shoot: https://imgur.com/a/M8O89nR
  12. username: usamali last seen : 17 May 2018 screenshoot : https://imgur.com/a/Ny2IPN8
  13. username: usamali last seen : 17 May 2018 screenshot : https://imgur.com/a/UcUxUN5
  14. username : archaon last seen : 31 may 2018 screen shoot ; https://imgur.com/a/QamSKIE
  15. username : dzannabadz last seen ; 25 may 2018 screenshot ;https://imgur.com/a/moAt24J
  16. username: dzannabadz last seen: 17th may 2018 screanshoot :https://imgur.com/a/AwA5RWL
  17. Username: ming1434 last seen : 18th march 2018 secrenshot: https://imgur.com/a/Q3QFse2
  18. I - BASIC INFORMATION Nickname: Ayoub Loginname: gullbooy Age: 23 Gender: Male Nationality: Algeria Languages Spoken: English Arabic Please rate your english skills (1/10): 7 Tell us about yourself in a line: i have no idea what should i tell you about me II - GAME INFORMATION How long have you been playing MTA: about 3 years How long have you been playing SAES: 200 hours How much do you in-game hours: 6-7 hours How much hours can you play per day: 10 hours Max Please list your previous Gangs/Squads/Companies: / Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before(with the reason): never III - RULES AND MISC What is Roleplay:use animation as possible as i can acting like real life in game and have fun What is Marker arrest: chose a criminal and arest him What is DeathMatching:killing without reason or for reveng Did you read SAES:RPG Server Rules: yes Did you read QRF Squad Rules:yes Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 6: use a role play before aresting if he refuse i arest him Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 3: i don't arest less then 5 stars Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 4: use bind when i chase criminals Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 7: stay professional
  19. I - BASIC INFORMATION Nickname: Ayoub Loginname: gullbooy Age: 23 Gender: Male Nationality: Algeria Languages Spoken: English Arabic Please rate your english skills (1/10): 7 Tell us about yourself in a line: i have no idea what should i tell you about me II - GAME INFORMATION How long have you been playing MTA: about 3 years How long have you been playing SAES: 200 hours How much do you in-game hours: 6-7 hours How much hours can you play per day: 10 hours Max Please list your previous Gangs/Squads/Companies: / Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before(with the reason): never III - RULES AND MISC What is Roleplay:use animation as possible as i can acting like real life in game and have fun What is Marker arrest: chose a criminal and arest him What is DeathMatching:killing without reason or for reveng Did you read SAES:RPG Server Rules: yes Did you read QRF Squad Rules:yes Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 6: use a role play before aresting if he refuse i arest him Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 3: i don't arest less then 5 stars Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 4: use bind when i chase criminals Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 7: stay professional 2
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