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Everything posted by gullbooy

  1. Activity Type: Securing BR (0/8) FBI Members Involved: @Yarpen @Gnar @NORI999 Date: 04/1/2021 Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. Activity Type: Securing The Jail FBI Members Involved: @R1zo0R @Yarpen @Gnar Date: 04/1/2021 Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Event: The King Of Arrest Reward: 1.500.000$ Winner: @thebutcher LWS: @Westbrook FBI Members Involved: @Yarpen Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Activity Type: VIP FBI Members Involved: @kirosa @Yarpen Date: 04/1/2021 Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. ~[Event:]~ Roadtrain Race ~[Date :]~(gray) 04/01/2021 ~[LWS:]~(lime) @MrSolrac ~[Winner:]~(yellow,lime) @MarksMan ~[Prize:]~(red) 1.500.000 Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. Activity type: Refilling stations around SA. Date: 03/01/2021 Participants: Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Activity type: Refilling stations around SA. Date: 02/02/2021 Participants: Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Activity Type: Stopping BR (2/8) FBI Members Involved: @JojoDb @Daryl @Yarpen @TripleX @Gnar Date: 02.01.2021 Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. Activity type: Refilling stations around SA. Date: 01/01/2021 Participants:@King Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. Activity type: Role play Date: 01/01/2021 Participants: @Garcia @VeX @AfffH @Saradona @VenusX Story: ~[The Bad Trucker]~(red) On the night of 01/01/2021, I needed money in any legal or illegal way, not interested in the consequences. Due to lack of money, I was oppressed, so I decided to go to the bar until it got drunk, but what happened was not at all expected. Screenshots: ::: Entering The Bar listening To the conversation( ~[Talking about Drugs Delivers]~(red) ) I introduced my self to them and explained my situation . after long time they give me chance . They showed me the medications to be delivered to the home base The quantity was just fine, so I decided to get down to business and started loading it inside the motorbikes I drove to their main base with the cargo being protected by them Arrive at the headquarters ~[Unloading]~(red) ~[Celebrating mission success]~(sienna) Thank you @Los-Lunas for join @Garcia big <3 for you for helping me As Zip @VenusX thank you too :::
  11. Activity type: Refilling stations around SA. Date: 31/12/2020 Participants: Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. ~[Happy Birthday]~ @TripleX
  13. Activity type: Refilling stations around SA. Date: 30/12/2020 Participants: Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. Activity type: Refilling stations around SA. Date: 29/12/2020 Participants: Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Activity type: Refilling stations around SA. Date: 28/12/2020 Participants: Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. Activity type: Refilling stations around SA. Date: 27/12/2020 Participants: Screenshots: ::: :::
  17. Activity type: Role Play Date: 26/12/2020 Participants: @TheRealSteven Story: ~[Desert Eagle]~(green) On December 26th, I received a phone call from Desert Eagle to transport a military cargo from San Fierro Military Port to their station, the shipment was a tank and a Patriot. And because the payload is valuable, an army has been assigned to protect it. Screenshots: ::: the Call Phone Following The Lead We stopped at Area 51 Gate until he told me about their laws for secret reasons ~[Payload is delivered successfully]~(green) :::
  18. Activity type: Refilling oil refineries Date: 25/12/2020 Participants:@Yarpen Screenshots: ::: :::
  19. Activity type: Refilling stations around SA. Date: 25/12/2020 Participants: Screenshots: ::: :::
  20. Activity type: Refilling stations around SA. Date: 23/12/2020 Participants: Screenshots: ::: :::
  21. Activity type: Refilling stations around SA. Date: 19/12/2020 Participants: Screenshots: ::: :::
  22. Activity type: Refilling stations around SA. Date: 18.12.2020 Participants: Screenshots: ::: :::
  23. Activity type: Refilling stations around SA. Date: 16.12.2020 Participants: Screenshots: ::: :::
  24. Type Of Activity: Refilling stations around SA. Date: 13.12.2020 Participants: Screenshots: ::: :::
  25. Type Of Activity: Refilling stations around SA. Date: 06.12.2020 Participants: Screenshots: ::: :::
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