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Everything posted by JukyPlatinium

  1. Number of Activity: 49 Date of Activity : 02/05/2021 Type of Activity : Stopping PBR Involved Members: Juky,Razak,Remp ScreenShots :
  2. Number of Activity: 47 Date of Activity : 01/05/2021 Type of Activity : Stopping Navm BR 0/8 Involved Members: Juky,Razak,Remp ScreenShots :
  3. Number of RolePlay: 9 Date of RolePlay : 01/05/2021 Type of RolePlay : Taking drugs Involved Members : @JukyPlatinium @Remp @Razak Helpers: @BlaZe @Vexy @Wittii Story: I was next to the policemen, Razak and Remp at our base until we received a call from an old woman saying that her grandson was using drugs in large quantities and when he ran out for him he did everything to take money and buy drugs and she said she was tired of him and wanted to report him to the police after that we went straight to LSPD and we tracked down his grandson's phone number We found him at the base of the Bloodz gang tasting their drugs in a camel. The two policemen and I questioned them to find out what they were doing and waited for the right time to go to them and arrest them. When we got the chance, we ran to look for them and pointed the weapons at their heads while Remp was examining the car for what was inside. He found it was a lot of drugs, about a kilogram of drugs, after he announced that he had found drugs. he ordered them to restrain criminals in order to take them to prison. We handcuffed two of them, but the third kept dribbling until he pulled out a weapon and pointed it at Remp's head. Razak was behind him and was preparing with my signal to kill this criminal, so I ordered him to kill him. The body goes to the morgue, and the remaining criminals go to prison until their verdict is rendered. We wait ScreenShots : ::: :::
  4. @Paralita1 / @vasputin1 ~[[Accepted]]~(lime) & ~[[Invited]]~(cyan) Welcome!
  5. Number of Activity: 43 Date of Activity : 27/04/2021 Type of Activity : GSF BR 1/8 Involved Members: Juky,Akali,Paralita,Orphan ScreenShots :
  6. Number of Activity: 40 Date of Activity : 24/04/2021 Type of Activity : Stoping SR' Involved Members: Juky,Akali,Sayliski ScreenShots : ~[SR]~(cyan)
  7. Number of Activity: 39 Date of Activity : 23/04/2021 Type of Activity : Stoping SR' Involved Members: Juky,fanta,bravo,Akali,Sayliski ScreenShots : ~[SR]~(cyan)
  8. Dear @papiii ,~[Accepted]~(lime) & ~[Invited]~(cyan) Welcome! Dear @calvin,We didnt see you ingame,try to patroll with the members,Resault will be given shortly ~[Under-review]~(gray)
  9. Number of Event: 15 Date of Event : 21/04/2021 Type of Event : Chicken Arrest LWS/Helper : Judyes Prize : $1.000.00. Winner : Beckham ScreenShots : ::: :::
  10. sadly,i hope you torgdo chwi flil
  11. Number of Activity: 24 Date of Activity : 17/04/2021 Type of Activity : Protecting VIPs & Stopping SR Involved Members: JukyPlatinium,Akali,Ismaken ScreenShots :
  12. @Bravo11 / @Ismaken / @hamataher / @Spider / @Dominic_TOretto , All of you ~[Accepted]~(lime) & ~[Invited]~(54EAFE) Welcome aboard! Dear @Lisner ,Your application is ~[Accepted]~(lime),Meet an HQ ingame for the rest
  13. Number of Activity: 21 Date of Activity : 17/04/2021 Type of Activity : Protecting VIPs & Stopping SR Involved Members: JukyPlatinium,Razak,Jeff,Sohayb,Witti ScreenShots :
  14. Dear @Lisner You have 24 hours to fix your application,Or you will be denied.thanks
  15. @hammer-1 said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic: Application format: Part I Real name : Mohamed Username : andomiiie In game name: hammer Age : 19 Nationality : Algeria **How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? 2 years Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before? If so, why? : I dont get any banned & i got 3 aj frist bcz i join br when i was on gang 2 Dm 3 Park arrest Please list your previous squad/gang history: MIT & Navm & outfit How many hours do you have in-game? 975h RP Skills 0/10: 6/10 Driving Skills 0/10 : 8/10 English Skills 0/10: 4/10 PART III Explain Roleplay(RP)What does it mean: A tradition of a living. Explain Deathmatch(DM) What does it mean: Kill with out resson Explain Marker Arrest What does it mean: Don't leave someone for a while after they enter. Dear Hammer, ~[DENIED]~(red) / BLACKLISTED dont bother reapply
  16. Happy birthday sa7bi Lkiiing <3
  17. This is an automated post TXN ID: 3GM678844N9280532 Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  18. Date: 16/3/2021. Event Type: Hide & Seek Prize: $1.000.000 LWS: Kowalski Winner: Youssef Screenshots: ::: ~[too lazy to cute the photos ..nik om everyone opens spoiler]~ :::
  19. Date: 17/03/2021 SF BR 8/8 Date: 17/03/2021 LV BR 8/8
  20. @Michael Black Bikers :face_with_tears_of_joy:
  21. @Scorpyo Dude look at the votes
  22. @michael said in [SUGGESTION] TURF WAR: Bump... Why the fuck is nothing being changed? as you can see the votes are pretty much 50/50 so it is only fair to make the map 50% headshot and 50% without @Tut-Greco
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