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Everything posted by JukyPlatinium

  1. Yoloooo #4 at 2 weeks and a half workin @Defence-Intelligence-Agency
  2. Type Of Activity: Delivery Date: 03/07/2021 Participants: ScreenShots: ::: (https://imgur.com/a/1pQDvQF) :::
  3. Adress: Vespucci Beach Cleaning Storage Owner: xxamounexx Last-Seen: 2 june Screenshots: https://imgur.com/w4aGaYk
  4. Adress: Gay Theatre Corp Owner: xxamounexx Last-Seen: 2 june Screenshots: https://imgur.com/mcreNF4
  5. Number of Event: 52 Date of Event : 30/06/2021 Type of Event : Chicken Arrest LWS/Helper : @RiKkI Prize : $1.000.000 Winner : @harold420 ScreenShots : ::: :::
  6. @diogocbc & @thegost442 ~[Accepted]~(lime) & ~[Invited]~(cyan) Welcome! Ghost,Denied
  7. Number of Activity: 96 Date of Activity : 20/06/2021 Type of Activity : Stopping SR Involved Members: Juky,Lazar,Bean,Tadas,MoqinoX ScreenShots :
  8. Type Of Activity: Delivery Date: 19/06/2021 Participants: @Razak ScreenShots: ::: (https://imgur.com/a/njfn2Hb) :::
  9. House near SF bank. It takes 8-10 seconds to reach the bank. Starting price: ~[$ 2.000.000]~(green) Minimum bid increase: ~[$ 500.000]~(green)
  10. @moqinoX ~[Accepted]~(lime) & ~[Invited]~(cyan) Welcome!
  11. @khal1kulov said in SAES Web portal with leaderboards: i can't login use ur mta account informations
  12. Number of Activity: 91 Date of Activity : 12/06/2021 Type of Activity : Stopping SR Involved Members: Juky,Remp,Sohayb ScreenShots :
  13. @GTD ,~[DENIED]~(red) Re-apply at 01/07/2021 if you still interested
  14. Number of Activity: 88 Date of Activity : 10/06/2021 Type of Activity : Protecting VIP's & Stopping SR Involved Members: Juky,Neji,SAM,Remp ScreenShots : VIP 1 VIP 2 VIP 3 SR
  15. @Hameed314 & @JohnClark ,~[DENIED]~(red) Re-apply after 2 weeks if you still interested
  16. Number of Activity: 85 Date of Activity : 09/06/2021 Type of Activity : Protecting VIP Involved Members: Juky,Neji,Mirac ScreenShots :
  17. Number of Activity: 72 Date of Activity : 07/06/2021 Type of Activity : Protecting VIP & Stopping SR Involved Members: Juky,Neji,Razak,SAM ScreenShots :
  18. Number of Activity: 71 Date of Activity : 06/06/2021 Type of Activity : Protecting VIP & Stopping SR Involved Members: Juky,Bean,Neji ScreenShots :
  19. TMH Technicians Working on: 05/06/2021 TMH Technicians Involved: JukyPlatinium Location: LVX Estimated Duration of Working: 13 minutes Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 11 Helpers: @Razak Screenshots : ::: (https://imgur.com/a/pHFi8LF) :::
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