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Everything posted by Versace

  1. @cheess said in LS Bedsit3: bought by me. some usefull saha lock pls Archived.
  2. @landshark said in [SAHA] Xoomer Gas Station: 67 Winning bid, Contact SAHA ingame within 48 hours. Sorted.
  3. Sorted https://tenor.com/view/iscy-poo-isco-2021-miss-gif-19979018
  4. Address: Stays Milk Store Account name: omarharb Last seen: 13th December 2020 Screenshots:
  5. Your ingame username: kinggamer Your ingame alias: Versace Your year of birth: 2001 Your gender: Male Nationality: Ethiopian, Armenian, American, Italian Country of residence: Netherlands How long you have been playing SAES: Started off in 2014, went inactive around 2015, came back from inactivity during May of 2020 Qualities you can offer: Im an intuitive person. Im continuously improving at making quick and effective decisions. I would say that Im very fair and dont discriminate towards anyone. I can admit when Ive made a mistake and take full responsibility for it. I learn from my mistakes and do what I can to make sure they dont happen again. I can keep my emotions in check even in a heated argument. I have high patience and can explain or go over instruction/rules countless of times before tiring out. I dont look down on people who arent proficient in English. I personally enjoy writing so editing or typing up new topics wouldnt be drag for me. Im a quick learner and can adapt to my environment with ease. My native language is English, I can also speak Amharic and understand a bit of French and Italian to an extent. I keep my work ethics high and focused on the task ahead of me giving the best possible effort I can, such as with this application. Your weaknesses: Getting irritated sometimes. Ive tackled this since coming back from my inactivity and have improved at it by simply taking a step back for a few minutes to calm down. I generally tend to overthink my decisions. This is a weakness Ive really tried improving and have gradually succeeded at it by taking all factors into consideration when deciding and following my instinct. Do you have Discord Installed: Yes Reason for application: I have been helping people in game for a long time now. Whether the recruitment was open/closed, it never influenced my decision to help others out. Although this may sound clich, I would like to be helpful and resourceful to players and clan members of the server while trying to climb the ladder. Staff is a position many yearn for, I too wish to reach this height during my career in SAES and I do think I am capable of handling this position with all the responsibilities that come with it. Server Memberships: B~B / LWS / OB / LoungeVc / CC / Senator Additional information: My name is Lewis, I study Economics and Business Economics at a well known University in Netherlands. Like in game I have a very calm and collected attitude in my daily life, probably due to the way I was brought up. I am sometimes active in the morning, but mostly active in the afternoon/early evening. Due to Uni, I have exams every 6/7 weeks. I am pretty active except during the 5th /6th week. I would also like to note that, whenever people needed help on discord, at first I didnt know much as well, but Ive noticed a trend in the problems people were having so I decided to learn the solutions myself and help out whenever its needed. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Ive received 1 Admin Jail for marker killing a few days after returning from my inactivity. Previous (legitimate) bans: None
  6. Happy Birthday undercover Camel!
  7. OB = worst group. @Velona and @ColdPlay are giving free invites to those who join JUMBO. @Yoko_Kurama help!
  9. Trouble in paradise for @Bodo420 and @Niklaus
  10. 1/11/2020 - Turfing LS @Niklaus & @Simson also helped turf, but timed out due to crappy internet. Before: After:
  11. Versace


    @LSD This section is for the media archive of your gang. If you wanted to create a new topic for your gang, then it should be posted here : https://saesrpg.uk/category/134/gangs?page=1
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