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Everything posted by Versace

  1. Been a week with no bids. Archived
  2. Requests must be sorted within 48 hours of them being made. Any SAES member or SAHA member can sort these requests for you. If you fail to get the request sorted within 48 hours of you posting it, it will be removed and the property will be put up for general sale. Failed to claim within 48 hours. Property has been put on public sale.
  3. Seems it was handled by another.
  4. Been a week since the last bid. Archived
  5. User is not inactive. Request Denied
  6. User is not inactive. Request Denied
  7. Posted in the wrong section. Post has been moved to the correct place
  8. "Can you can a canned can into an un-canned can like a canner can can a canned can into an un-canned can?" The answer to this is my answer to your question @Spetnazz
  9. Request denied. Requested here first(https://saesrpg.uk/topic/26285/inactive-rc)
  10. Requests must be sorted within 48 hours of them being made. Any SAES member or SAHA member can sort these requests for you. If you fail to get the request sorted within 48 hours of you posting it, it will be removed and the property will be put up for general sale. Failed to claim within 48 hours. Property has been set to public sale.
  11. Request denied. The user is an admin. Please check the username --> (https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6786/saes-clan-members) before requesting.
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