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Everything posted by Versace

  1. Requests must be sorted within 48 hours of them being made. Any SAES member or SAHA member can sort these requests for you. If you fail to get the request sorted within 48 hours of you posting it, it will be removed and the property will be put up for general sale. Failed to claim within 48 hours. Property put on public sale.
  2. Been a week with no bids. Archived
  3. Been a week since the last bid. Archived
  4. Request Denied. User is an Admin, please refer to this Post for future requests.
  5. @Pacano re; SAHA auctions / auctions in general. If you increase the bid by a tiny amount, it will not count. We do not want to encourage a spam post war of increasing by $1 every post. You have been warned. Increase the previous bid by at least 10% OR $1,000,000 - whichever is the lower figure.
  6. Been a week since the last bid. Archived.
  7. @JukyPlatinium re; SAHA auctions / auctions in general. If you increase the bid by a tiny amount, it will not count. We do not want to encourage a spam post war of increasing by $1 every post. You have been warned. Increase the previous bid by at least 10% OR $1,000,000 - whichever is the lower figure.
  8. Seems to have been sorted already. 2/2
  9. Broken screenshot + user is not inactive. Request denied
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