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Everything posted by Spider

  1. HBD @Kuby w nik zebi m3tch ta7km zbi ki nkon n diro f DM f TR ya zab.
  2. @Rocker it belongs to a SAES membre.
  3. Type: Chicken Arrest. LWS/G6: @Filex Prize: 1 Million Winner: @Fantastic Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. gz and hbd @Scorpyo can you give me pls 50m in game i'm so poor pls ser i so need <3 <3 :)
  5. HBD Scorpyo Scorpyo HBD (@)(@)(@)(@)
  6. @Markus 3m for first prop
  7. ::: Gang's Activities ::: Turfing BC/TR ::: Before After :::
  8. Irish Hotel Room: #4 Account Name: firas19 Last Seen: 22may 2020 screenshot
  9. Address: lupine ave apartment complex Account name: wissou Last seen: 20th may 2020 Screenshot:
  10. Underground Emprie's Activity Check
  11. Ingame name: 215|Spider Ingame username: kaka02 Previous organizations and leaving causes: CripZ: kicked because i changed IC to ThC without permission. Navy Malistrip: kicked because i fought with an HQ. ICE: i left because it's inactive squad. Comando Da Capital: kicked , i can explain the reason in-game. Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire has always been loyal to it's members and is considered one of the most respectable groups in San Andreas. It offers a variety of unique and special advantages that can only be obtained through criminal activities. Underground Empire owns pratically every casino in Las Venturas making it one of the most powerful organizations that has ever existed In addition, his jobs include arms trafficking, drug trafficking, drug dealing, buying police officers to turn a blind eye to money laundering . So long Underground Empire has a defference what's up to be like no ethic limits as well as their unbreakable brotherhood and etc. What binds you with Underground Empire: i want to be part of Underground Empire because of my loyality as i'm a loyal one which can help this organization with my loyality , also my activity i'm active in-game and in media archive too . Add to that i like this organization and it's activity it has a loyal skilled and great members who i've hanged around with them . What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is an organization can only be good if they act together and are cleverly organized, the leaders have a huge influence regarding this part. Usually they operate in groups in order to achieve a specific goal, either money or territories. Working together makes the "job" a lot easier and more efficient because you understand your partners and you're able to easily communicate with them this organization job too is trafficking drugs/weapons and everything like that.
  12. Happy Birthday nigga @alex0107
  13. Ingame name: 215|Spider Ingame username: kaka02 Previous organizations and leaving causes: CripZ: kicked because i changed IC to ThC without permission. Navy Malistrip: kicked because i fought with an HQ. ICE: i left because it's inactive squad. Comando Da Capital: kicked , i can explain the reason in-game. Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire has always been loyal to it's members and is considered one of the most respectable groups in San Andreas. It offers a variety of unique and special advantages that can only be obtained through criminal activities. Underground Empire owns pratically every casino in Las Venturas making it one of the most powerful organizations that has ever existed In addition, his jobs include arms trafficking, drug trafficking, drug dealing, buying police officers to turn a blind eye to money laundering. What binds you with Underground Empire: i want to join Underground Empire because of my loyality as i'm a loyal one which can help this organization with my loyality , also my activity i'm active in-game and in media archive too . Add to that i like this organization and it's activity it has a loyal and skilled members . What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is an organization can only be good if they act together and are cleverly organized, the leaders have a huge influence regarding this part. Usually they operate in groups in order to achieve a specific goal, either money or territories. Working together makes the "job" a lot easier and more efficient because you understand your partners and you're able to easily communicate with them this organization job too is trafficking drugs/weapons and everything like that.
  14. @Lincoln zebi
  15. HBD @Kybali0n 3rs
  16. 1m for the bc one, and 1m for the ls's house
  17. @x-Liyones-x :D :D nice one
  18. the best ones @ZeKinG @Ardron @Teddy worst ones : @Bartman said in [POLL] Who are the 3 best and worst SAES's admins?: " wont say a worst admin because he do his job for the server but me, personally dont like his attitude
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