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Everything posted by Maksim

  1. Roleplay #13 RolePlay Name: Tough Choice Story: It was getting late and I was having a dinner in one of my favourite restaurants.Meanwhile,my phone started ringing,It was one of my regulars.He told me that he needed some product as soon as possible but also warned me that there were cops patrolling all over the city.He was a trucker guy,it would be hard not to notice him due to his big-ass truck.We set up a date and a place.We met there,loaded the products to his trucks and made the last arrangements.When we seperated,I saw a police car near the meeting place and I called him immediately to tip the wink.In a while,I've heard about him from a homie of mine that he got pulled over.I got in to my car and drove straightly to him.There were couple of pigs,searching the truck and also the trucker.As they were putting the cuff on,he got away and got into his truck.It was a bit suprising,he was running away with that huge truck and cops were onto him.Meanwhile I was right behind them making sure that he would get rid of the cops.Though,it didn't take cops to catch him too long.I had two choices,whether I would just ignore the situation and let the cops find our product or I'd take my gun and put bullets in their head.Things were getting heated and I made my choice,I killed those cops in cold-blood. Date: 26/8/2020 Helper(s): Cena - @maksim - @andrea - @Dalb Secreen(s): ::: ![alt text]( :::
  2. 28 th*
  3. Address: La confrrie Des Lions Warehouse Account name: hiredkiller Last seen: 28 july 2020 Screenshots
  4. Participants: Maksim and @Guard District: Most of districts Shift period: night Shift (26/08/2020) Number of vehicles: 15 SS click
  5. hbd Malaka sasaka :bonjour: :honk: :clown_face:
  6. Participants: Maksim and @ALIJR007 District: Most of districts Shift period: afternoon Shift (25/08/2020) Number of vehicles: 13 SS click
  7. GXT Members: @Maksim Time Taken: 1 hour Deliveries: Fueling Stations around LS and SF Screenshots: SS click
  8. ^[] ^[#998] ^[Event Type: Attackers vs Deffenders] ^[Organiser: ma bro @Filippo] ^[Winners: Team Draven leader @Leb] [Prize: 2 000 000 ( each 200 k )] w [
  9. Date of Roleplay : 24.08.2020 Characters : Firefighter: @Maksim (SAFD applicant) Member of the MIT: @Dalb Storyline : Once a month, each police squad is required to go through a base check with a fire inspector. As the month is coming to an end, I was given an assignment from the squad leader, I had to go to the fire department to talk to the inspector. I went to the fire department and found a fire inspector there. He got into his company car and we drove to the base. The inspector began to check the presence of a fire extinguisher, the distance between the cars, measured the base doors. He made some remarks that are easy to correct. After that we drove back to the fire department to give me permission to use the base. Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. GXT Member(s): @Maksim Activity Type: Refueling all San Fierro Time Taken: 15 minutes. Screenshots: SS click me
  11. Participants: @Maksim , @The-Best1 @Witti and @Rocker District: All Districts. Shift period: morning shift Number of vehicles: 3 Vehicles. Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. Date of Roleplay : 21.08.2020 Characters : Firefighter: @Maksim Member of the MIT: @Dalb Storyline : I was patrolling the town of Los Santos, I noticed a car exploded on the road, probably because of the Los Santos gangs. After inspecting the car for explosives, I called the fire department. The firefighter extinguished the fire and helped remove the burnt out car from the road. Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. Participants: Maksim and @Minx District: Most of districts Shift period: Night Shift (21/08/2020) Number of vehicles: 10 SS click on me
  14. ^[Public Bank Robbery..]
  15. ~[My activity #7!!!]~ Participants: @Maksim and @Niklaus District: Most of districts Shift period:Afternoon Shift (19/08/2020) Number of vehicles: 20 ss click me
  16. SF BR 8/8 (20/08/2020) ::: ::: Turf (19.08.2020) Before ::: ::: After ::: :::
  17. GXT Members: @Maksim Activity Type: Trucking Time Taken: 30 minutes Screenshots: Click me
  18. ~[My activity #6!!!]~ Participants: @Maksim District: SF (Near hospital and turf long zone) Shift period:Afternoon Shift (18/08/2020) Number of vehicles: 5 ::: :::
  19. #997 Event Name : LMS LWS/G6/CEO : @Dufabo Winner : @Kuby Price : 1.000.000 Screenshot's :
  20. ^[SR] ![alt text](https://sun9-71.userapi.com/c206828/v206828445/1832d5/r6YEJckqqvQ.jpg)
  21. ~[My activity #5!!!]~ Participants: @Maksim and @Niklaus District: Most of districts Shift period:Afternoon Shift (18/08/2020) Number of vehicles: 8 ::: :::
  22. ~[My activity #4!!!]~ Participants: @Maksim and @Niklaus District: Most of districts Shift period:Afternoon Shift (18/08/2020) Number of vehicles: 14 ::: :::
  23. ~[My activity #3!!!]~ Participants: @Maksim District: Most of districts Shift period:Morning Shift (18/08/2020) Number of vehicles: 9 ::: :::
  24. ~[My activity #2!!!]~ Participants: @Maksim District: Most of districts Shift period:Morning Shift (18/08/2020) Number of vehicles: 12 ::: :::
  25. #996 Event Name : Race on NRG - MC.Top LWS/G6/CEO : @Colobria Winner : @Kuby Price : 1.000.000 Screenshot's : ::: :::
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