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Everything posted by Maksim

  1. TMH Racers Take On Raceflag Opponents - Type: RaceFlag Participants: Maksim,jccx,jokerfly and kuby Location: LS-LV Highway Winner : 1st - Joker, 2nd - jccx, 3rd - Maksim Screenshots
  2. GXT Members: @Maksim Time Taken: 40 mins or more +- Deliveries: 5 Screenshots SS click
  3. Address: I Have 200 Ilegal Pakistanis In Here Corp Account name: bassewass Last seen: 16th August 2020 Screenshots:
  4. Post N : 4 ~[D]~(421f21)ate : 04.10.2~[0]~(421f21) ~[C]~(421f21)uban Cars Member'~[s]~(421f21) : @Judy ~[S]~(421f21)creenShot~[s]~(421f21) Click
  5. ^[] ^[BR in LV 8/8] ^[]
  6. ^[] ^[TURF WAR BEFORE] ^[] ^[TURF WAR AFTER] ^[]
  7. FBI camping near the SR
  8. ^[] ^[BR in SF 8/8] ^[]
  9. GXT Members: @Maksim Time Taken: 20 mins or more +- Deliveries: 5 Screenshots SS click
  10. ^[Participants in The RP:] Generation X @M7mDGr7 RP Scenario: tonight I received a call from a person there and this person wanted to buy a new wheels on his car as he already had the old discs he said that we should meet in the special place he pointed out the place and I'm left with discs that he told to the place of arrival, he opened the gate and I rolled discs which he liked with udovolsviem and said that I would put it on the car these rims as he's already looking forward to what I'd put them all it was hard we talked agreed about the money and successfully said goodbye ScreenShot(s): Click
  11. ^[Participants in The RP:] Generation X @M7mDGr7 RP Scenario: I was standing on the side of the road and I was playing with my phone and a man comes up to me in an Audi car''and I asked if he could change the spare wheel on his car I first thought and then remembered that this is quite an easy job and said Yes of course and started doing the work only before that I found out where the spare wheel is it turns out it was in the trunk of the car under the lower cover of the cabin and so I took out of my tow truck a special item on unscrewing wheels for passenger cars and successfully changed everything put a new wheel ScreenShot(s): Click
  12. ^[Participants in The RP:] The Company @Kree RP Scenario: I was just driving to the atm to withdraw my money and on the road listening to the radio I saw a man in a tuxedo waving toli or shouting for help I stopped and started asking what he needed from me I found out that his car is located from the place that I needed we went to the place where we arrived it turns out that he had smoke coming from under the engine and the front left wheel was punctured apparently ran over spikes I lifted the tow truck with a special cable and the first action changed the wheel and then moved on to fixing the engine I successfully twisted it turns out that the car overheated due to empty long standing on the move and it needed to warm up or something ScreenShot(s): Click
  13. Roleplay# 1 Participants: @M7mDGr7 and @Maksim Story Today I was just patrolling the streets of LV and I received a call from an unknown number it turns out it was an injured person he went to the store and can't move and I recognized his cordinates and went to help after a short road I immediately realized where he was and went when I arrived at the meeting place I was shocked by what I saw this man it turns out that he just pinched the nerves of his foot and could Not move I quickly corrected it and asked if he needed help? he refused I said goodbye and went on patrol Screenshots: (https://imgur.com/a/56iGWg9)
  14. Post N : 3 ~[D]~(421f21)ate : 30.09.202~[0]~(421f21) ~[C]~(421f21)uban Cars Member'~[s]~(421f21) : @Filippo ~[S]~(421f21)creenShot~[s]~(421f21) Click
  15. ^[] ^[BR in SF 8/8] ^[]
  16. Patrol: #5 Participants: Maksim Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 23mins ScreenShots: Click
  17. Date : 27.09.2020 Participants: @Maksim @scofield @Blue and @Leonard Roleplay Story: Today we decide to open the temporare Cuban Cars garage in LVX, to help people who are going pass there heading to LS to see if they got any problem, with the help of our mechanics we managed to deal with costumers fast and without any problems, after very long day of work we decided to close the garage since costumers stop dropping by, and we let every mechanic to go back to his usual post until further report of another service. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZEkuYLP
  18. Date : 28.09.2020 Participants : Maksim and @WHOisCHEMIK Roleplay story: This afternoon I was standing near the garage and sat playing with my phone but the phone suddenly rang and it turns out one person was needed help and help was that from the left a few meters from his car raced very gray smoke that I learned from him after we dogovorilis to meet and where I went for help to the man after his arrival I called him that he opened the garage so say ,,base" we said Hello turns out it was a girl after long I realized that in fact there is over antifreeze and I just had to fill in a new I filled it with new antifreeze and we agreed to pay and we say goodbye Screenshots : ScreenShoots (click)
  19. ^[Hello everyone,Here you will find all my Cuban Cars activities] ^[My format:] ^[Patrol] ~[P]~(824135)ost N~[]~(824135) : ~[D]~(824135)ate : ~[0]~(824135) ~[C]~(824135)uban Cars Member'~[s]~(824135) : @ ~[S]~(824135)creenShot~[s]~(824135) ^[Event] ~[N]~(824135)umbe~[r]~(824135) of even~[t]~(824135) ~[E]~(824135)ven~[t]~(824135) ~[P]~(824135)ost N~[]~(824135) : ~[O]~(824135)rganise~[r]~(824135) ~[W]~(824135)inner~[s]~(824135): ~[P]~(824135)riz~[e]~(824135): ~[S]~(824135)creenShot~[s]~(824135) ^[RolePLay] ~[P]~(824135)ost N~[]~(824135) : ~[D]~(824135)at~[e]~(824135): ~[P]~(824135)articipant~[s]~(824135) ~[R]~(824135)olepla~[y]~(421f21) ~[S]~(824135)tor~[y]~(824135): ~[S]~(824135)creenshot~[s]~(824135): Activity Signature : Total activities : 35 ^[Role Plays 8] ^[Events 0] ^[Patrols 27] P.s Thank you for the design work of these people : @xDarkMan and @Zodiyac
  20. Participants: Maksim District: Most of districts Shift period: night Shift (27/09/2020) Number of vehicles: 6 SS click
  21. TMH Racers Take On: TMH-H|Maksim Type: RaceFlag Participants: Riseagain,Mooyee,jccx and nobadi Location: BC Position: 3 Screenshots: click
  22. TMH Racers Take On: TMH-H|Maksim Type: RaceFlag Participants: Vanessa,Jccx,Nobadi,moyee and me Location: BC Position: Last Screenshots: click
  23. Patrol: #4 Participants: Maksim Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 35mins ScreenShots: Click
  24. TMH Racers Take On: TMH-H|Maksim Type: RaceFlag Participants: Make,Kingsmoke,vanessa,moyee sira and jccx me too Location: SF Position: Last Screenshots: click
  25. ^[] ^[TURF WAR BEFORE] ^[] ^[TURF WAR AFTER] ^[]
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