Type of event: Blind Fallout Price: 1.000.000$ Radio SA members: none, only LWS KARIM LWS: @KARIM Winner(s): @Honer112 Date: 07/12/2020 Screenshots of the event: https://imgur.com/ORVoyF9 Type of event: Musical chair Price: 1.000.000$ Radio SA members: none, only LWS KARIM LWS: @KARIM Winner(s): @Kuby @Amazing Date: 07/12/2020 Screenshots of the event: https://imgur.com/t4NKlsj Type of event: DD Price: 1.000.000$ Radio SA members: none, only LWS KARIM LWS: @KARIM Winner(s): @Trap , cripz Date: 07/12/2020 Screenshots of the event: https://imgur.com/bDfXUAQ