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Everything posted by Garcia

  1. ~[Event ]~(Purple) 069 ~[Event Type]~(Purple) Destruction Derby ~[LWS/G6 Helper:]~(Purple) KARIM ~[Reward:]~(Purple) 1.000.000$ ~[Winner:]~(Purple) @JasonBourne @AEGAN ~[Screenshots:]~(Purple) ::: :::
  2. @Maxyou12 ok ill tell them next time to not go afk bro
  3. ~[Event ]~(Purple) 068 ~[Event Type]~(Purple) Parkour survivor 1v1 ~[LWS/G6 Helper:]~(Purple) KARIM ~[Reward:]~(Purple) 1.000.000$ ~[Winner:]~(Purple) @PerrooLocoo ~[Screenshots:]~(Purple) ::: :::
  4. @JohnnyEnglish yeah i know, his topic is a bit complicated anyways i voted yes already
  5. isn't this @Aurora 's suggestion?
  6. @denox get unbanned sexi boi, we missed u
  7. ~[Event ]~(Purple) 067 ~[Event Type]~(Purple) Lucky Number ~[LWS/G6 Helper:]~(Purple) KARIM ~[Reward:]~(Purple) 3.000.000$ ~[Winner:]~(Purple) A Team @soniN @Kuby @Raf0 @ItzMoha ... ~[Screenshots:]~(Purple) ::: :::
  8. ~[Event ]~(Purple) 066 ~[Event Type]~(Purple) Sea Battle ~[LWS/G6 Helper:]~(Purple) KARIM ~[Reward:]~(Purple) 3.000.000$ ~[Winner:]~(Purple) Win Team @redlive122 ~[Screenshots:]~(Purple) ::: :::
  9. ~[Event ]~(Purple) 065 ~[Event Type]~(Purple) PUBG ~[LWS/G6 Helper:]~(Purple) KARIM ~[Reward:]~(Purple) 4.000.000$ ~[Winner:]~(Purple) @Kaioshin ~[Screenshots:]~(Purple) ::: :::
  10. ~[Event ]~(Purple) 064 ~[Event Type]~(Purple) Destruction derby ~[LWS/G6 Helper:]~(Purple) KARIM ~[Reward:]~(Purple) 2.000.000$ ~[Winner:]~(Purple) @ANARCHY @Kaioshin ~[Screenshots:]~(Purple) ::: :::
  11. ~[Event ]~(Purple) 063 ~[Event Type]~(Purple) Sea Battle ~[LWS Helper:]~(Purple) @KARIM ~[Reward:]~(Purple) 5.000.000$ ~[Winner:]~(Purple) Pirates Team @Westbrook ~[Screenshots:]~(Purple) ::: ::: ~[Event details:]~(Purple) Event name: you can call it ~[Sea Battle]~(purple) or ~[Pirates Fights]~(purple) Event Code build: ~[https://pastebin.com/VShM4Tyf]~(purple) Builders of the event: it was my idea and i was helping LWS Trusted ~[@KARIM#4415]~(purple) while he was building How to do this event?: Well this isn't a new creative type or but the idea of it is a bit different and i would like to share how it done with you guys First of all you gotta go to the tarmac floor that above all the ships, where you open warp and choose two captains to choose their own teams, because this event need two teams to play against eachothers Second, when the captains choose their teams all you gotta do is open two left and right sides for the two teams to go to their ships ( each team has two ships that are connected to eachothers ) and at the side of a ship theres a tunnel for rushing to other eachothers ships, it can be used for none snipers players where they can finish their own enemy
  12. ~[Event ]~(Purple) 062 ~[Event Type]~(Purple) Attackers VS Defenders ~[LWS/G6 Helper:]~(Purple) KARIM ~[Reward:]~(Purple) 8.000.000$ ~[Winner:]~(Purple) IKEA Team @hRL ~[Screenshots:]~(Purple) ::: :::
  13. ~[Event ]~(Purple) 061 ~[Event Type]~(Purple) LMS ~[LWS/G6 Helper:]~(Purple) KARIM ~[Reward:]~(Purple) 1.000.000$ ~[Winner:]~(Purple) *@Avengr * ~[Screenshots:]~(Purple) ::: :::
  14. @TaJ indian boi know how to glue at anyvehicle, tell him to teach you
  15. ~[Event ]~(Purple) 060 ~[Event Type]~(Purple) Avoid the grenade(grenade kick) ~[LWS/G6 Helper:]~(Purple) KARIM ~[Reward:]~(Purple) 1.000.000$ ~[Winner:]~(Purple) *@redlive122 * ~[Screenshots:]~(Purple) ::: :::
  16. ~[Event ]~(Purple) 059 ~[Event Type]~(Purple) LMS ~[LWS/G6 Helper:]~(Purple) KARIM ~[Reward:]~(Purple) 1.000.000$ ~[Winner:]~(Purple) Fad ~[Screenshots:]~(Purple) ::: :::
  17. ~[Event ]~(Purple) 058 ~[Event Type]~(Purple) Hit the mole ~[LWS/G6 Helper:]~(Purple) KARIM ~[Reward:]~(Purple) 1.000.000$ ~[Winner:]~(Purple) Petrow ~[Screenshots:]~(Purple) ::: :::
  18. ~[Event ]~(Purple) 057 ~[Event Type]~(Purple) Jeff motel LMS ~[LWS/G6 Helper:]~(Purple) KARIM ~[Reward:]~(Purple) 1.000.000$ ~[Winner:]~(Purple) @Brondy ~[Screenshots:]~(Purple) ::: :::
  19. @AkyZ you voted no cuz theres only vote no JAJAJAJAJA
  20. to downvote your shitty memes HELL YEAH I LOVE YOU MAN
  21. @SheraP said in [SUGGESTION] Marker abuse / Jail system: 33 cops vs 151 crimminals ! maybe you get some cop players, if you just stop crying bout it
  22. @Cornelius you were supposed to be the toxic guy
  23. i'm talking to you, can you please stop deleting my memes? please? open it ::: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a94wYTOthKI :::
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