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Everything posted by Pump

  1. Rp Number: 306 TITLE: Revenge. Story: One month passed since San Andreas cops are looking for Wild Angels member that escaped lastly with BBMC members from Las Venturas Jail. So the cops forget about him. This is the moment James was waiting to start his revenge plan. It was Saturday, Midnight, all good, James called one of his friends working that got promoted to an officer before 5 days. Like James did well with this guy and his family, This officer is working with Wild Angels for money. After James had a talk with this officer about this F.B.I that was following the guy from Wild Angels, the officer stole some pieces of information about him from the desk of the chief. Then, he sent it to him as a file in a package. This officer isn't a real F.B.I, he is an undercover from an enemy gang, He lives in Las Venturas near Rockstar west. He is from Senegal, He didn't like to work as a cop but he is doing it for his gang. He is doing this secretly. His name is "John_Villa". James took those kinds of information like a start to complete the mission. So James took one of his well-equipped cars and went to The Officer's House where he took a position on a house and waited all the day long. In 5 Hours, He came, he was the person as described the old prisoner. James waited him get out of the car then he got him with a sniper between his eyes then he make the sniper back in the car, Opened the car, put the radio on then headed to the Headquarters to tell them the good news. His gangmate was really proud of what James did for him. So he thanked him a lot and gifted him the new model of the "Mercedes" since James likes the Well looking cars. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/3xltkQR
  2. Rp Number: 305 TITLE: Bank Rob Preperations. Story: Back in 10/05/1965, The banks weren't safely protected, it was just 2 security officers and the workers, it was so easy to rob a bank for gangs and robbers but Now 10/05/2018, It's safely guarded, none can be touched or robbed, Workers are protected too because of the advancement that is happening on the whole planet but it's getting expensive. The Bank directors need to buy Cameras with recruiting some security officers in front of the bank. That's why the number of Robberies decreases maybe to 1 per 3 months but nothing impossible for the motivated gang "Wild Angels". They are preparing to do a Bank Robbery in Los Santos bank, the most secure one in the whole U.S.A. So they needed some contacts to get known all about the bank like "How many security members they have, cameras and where is the locker room (Safes Room)", They make all prepared for them to do this Bank Rob. So the Leader "John" Announced to all the bribed reporters and the cops that they are in need to know how many security officers in the bank and where are the cameras in the bank & get all the names of the security officers maybe they can kidnap some of them before the robbery so it can be easier. All were counted and readen from James and his leader since James is leading this Bank Rob. The next day, all of the reporters send the location of the locker room and a photo where are the security officers guarding. The cops sent the names of the guards. So as said James all was ready after they killed 5 of the security officers when they rushed their houses. They waited 2 days, then they rushed the bank. It was a successful mission, they got the money. James stayed in the headquarters like he killed someone of the security officers, they might get a photo for him. Then he got phoned and knew that they got the money and they are on the way back to Base. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/OAyW6L1
  3. Rp Number: 302 @flappppyyy said in Organization Zero | Media archive: Participants:@Pump Story: those days, I was thinking for a gift for "bachwa" for his birthday, I knew that our leader loves cars so much and especially Alpha so I found a solution which is giving him a car, I knew that Wild angles has the ablility of carjacking cars thats why I decided to call "pump" a trusted member in Wild angels and I told him that we need them to carjack a car for us in contrast we will pay them,however,he agreed, so I got ready and I waited for him, 20 mins later,he arrived to our base to talk with me about that ,after dealing with him he decide carjack 1 Alpha with 80000$ , and he went back to his base, 3 days later, he called me and he told me that he is done with that mission also he told me that he is coming to our base to show us the alpha, when he came, he gived it to me and I went to our treasury that I can take out some money then I paid him, after finishing the deal I decided to park this car in a hidden place in base that "Bachwa" cant see it. Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. RP Number 300 TITLE: Gym Equipments. Participants: WIld Angels OC Story: After James won the Street Fight in Groove Street, He got some faith in Overdose Crime. That's why he was thinking of getting some special Training pieces of stuff that Overdose Crime is selling to add to their Headquarters a gym. He asked his leader about this idea. He accepted without any doubts. So James called the same guy that trained him to win versus the street fighter and asked him if he got these Gym pieces of equipment. He said that they got some of it left in their safe. He got the money from his Leader then invited him to come to Wild Angels Headquarters. When he reached there, They had a little chat about how the members could use these Kinds of equipment. It was impressive when this guy from OC describes it for James. So James took the money from the car, Paid his old teacher, Then they shook hands wishing good luck for each other. After that, James loaded the stuff in the Headquarters exactly in the room where they are gonna do the gym. ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/wd1BLeC
  5. RP Number 299 TITLE: Transporting vs money. Participants: WA OC Story: 09/07/1962, The day all Wild Angels members were waiting for. The Leader is back from "Russia" with 100 crates. So he called "James" one of the trusted members there, asked him if he can call a gang to transport these guns safely from the airport to Wild Angels headquarters. James was thinking that "Overdose Crime" is the best for this job since they are back lately. He got his phone, called one of its members. none answered so he messaged them and waited for a response leaning a cigar. In 2 Hours, he got messaged back, Somone called "Johnson" answered, "Meet me in Overdose Crime Headquarters, There we can talk about this mission and the deal." So James asked his gangmates if someone know the location of Their Headquarters. None answered, so he called back this guy asking him for their Headquarters location. Johnson said to him to go Las Venturas near the bank. When James reached there, he found the guy from OC. he took him to OC headquarters. They had a chat about what's he is gonna do and the price. James offered 5.000$, the other guy accepted without any doubt then he got on his way to the airport. After 45 minutes, the guy sent a photo of the arms in front of Wild Angels Headquarters. So James called "Arone" to open the gates for him and load the guns in the safe then he pays the Guy that delivers it 5.000$. ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/ntdtsze
  6. RP Number 298 TITLE: Car's Dealing. Story: Lastly, James the right hand of Wild Angels Leader did a carjacking of an expensive car, it is the most expensive one these days after he found it parked near Las Venturas Casino "Four Dragons". So The Leader announced that They are selling this car and he has putten James Number if you want to buy. Someone from "The Avenues" the famous gang called him, They talked about this car's qualities and special things. So he offered James 1.000.000, James refused that offer saying that it requires more. Another one from OrganiZation Zero called him to buy that car, they had a chat about the same things but the offer was 2.000.000 instead, as James said "I think that this car requires 5.000.000. So he refused this deal too. After that, His phone rang again, It was a strange name, Unknown person, He said he is called "Rivala" he is from Morocco, he wants to get this car and he is on his way to Wild Angels Headquarters, he is ready to pay 5.000.000. So James accepted to deal with him without any doubts. In 1 Hour, the strange reached the base, Gave him the money, Got the car and went back from where he came. ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/WPNbk7z
  7. RP Number 297 TITLE: Street Fighters. Story: Lastly, James was doing some a lot of drugs deal in San Andreas streets. Someday, when he was dealing around with someone from Groove Street. Unfortunately, some Streetfighters wanted to interrupt this deal by stealing these drugs. So James to stop this, asked them to do a street fight with them since they are skilled with this. Then James Went back to base asked if someone knows a good gang or someone who can teach him fighting. So His gangmate "Jonas" Started screaming that Overdose Crime Is back. That's why James took their number from an old friend and called them to teach him some Street fights stuff. The guy of "Overdose Crime" Accepted without any doubts and told him to go to Los Santos Gym. So he got the money then He got on his way to the recommended Place. The Gym was calm none was there, just him and his professor. James was trying hard to become stronger since just 1 day left for the waited fight. he promised his coach that he will pay like 5.000$ if he wins. and it's happened, James paid the Overdose Crime day, no one even tried to get in trouble with this Fast-learning guy from that day. ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/8P7kTB0
  8. Roleplay Number: 293. Participants: Wild Angels. TITTLE: Stealing Gov Admiral Story: These days, the Leader of "Wild Angels" had a work to do in France, That's why he is trying to contact his members whenever something happens. When James was hanging around in the Headquarters. The Public phone rang, it was John (the leader), he was in need to call James for a special mission. It was about stealing a car "Admiral" from the government as John Said. Like James got some connection in the gov, So he called him to ask him about the Location of the car. After 15 minutes, he got messaged back. It was the location of the needed care. Like James was in the team of carjackers, he didn't need anyone other with him. That's why he got on his way to the government Where he found the "Sentinel" parked there. So he called back the officer to tell him that he is in front of the recommended car and he can go to Wild Angels Headquarters where he is gonna get paid. So the cop did what James told him to do. Then James got his stuff, Started doing his job. he was an expert in this business. He got the car unlocked in just 5 minutes. Then, James opened the gate. after parking the car, he went to his Vice Leader room, told him that the mission is accomplished, and took the permission to take some money, after he paid the cop, they shook hands wishing the best of luck to each other. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/HFrZNeu
  9. Roleplay Number: 292. Participants: Wild Angels. TITLE: Do not Joke with us. Story: Few days one of the wildest Angles loyal member name as "Arone" got arrested for smuggling drugs, He got arrested by the officer of Gov, After 1 day of getting arrest officer brought his dead body at home and told that when he reached the Jail he got heart attack which causes his death, Everyone was so sad. James went near his body and observer that his shirt upper button was open which was showing his body, When James seen from near he seen a whole of bullet at his heart, Seth didn't tell anyone at home, He calls out Wild Angles member name Rivera and told him everything, Frank was not there at movement. James called his spy who was spying on this officer and told him to find what happened with Arone as, Then he was anxiously waiting for his spy answer After 2 days, He got answered by the trusted spy, So James paid the man for his work. The next day, he placed Sniper Rifle to hunt that cop and take Arone's death revenge. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/g5SkdaG
  10. Roleplay Number: 291. Participants: Wild Angels. Story: James was chilling around San Andreas smoking weed, suddenly, he saw a big car passing. He thought it's just a normal but after seeing what in the trunk since it passed near him. He followed this car until they reached a hidden place. So he interrupted this car's way, got his gun, aimed at the driver, the man was afraid, he surrendered. James took the keys to the car, opened the trunk, It was a lucky day for him since he found a lot of money. So he loaded it in the trunk, took this driver in the car. Then he took him to a hidden place in Bone County known as "cemetery of devils". He took him to a place there, started asking him a lot of question Threatening him to say the truth or he will get a shot between his eyes. No one can doubt that this move from James was surprising because he got this Driver as a Hostage maybe they can recruit him and sell him after. Then he headed to the base where he started counting the money. It was 1.000.000 dollars. He told this news to the Money manager of Wild Angels. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/R3UU3id
  11. Roleplay Number: 290 Participants: Wild Angels & OrganiZAtion Zero @flappppyyy said in Organization Zero | Media archive: Participants:@Pump @flappppyyy Story: today, when I was having fun with my friends in Los Santos bar, suddenly I got a call from Wild angles,he told me that they heard that we are selling drugs of high quality and they need a trusted gang that they can buy from it some drugs of high quality that they need it for their party,also they told me that they will come to our base to check our drugs, so quickly, I decide to go to our base ,and I got ready, however,i prepare the drugs and I waited for him,20 mins later,"pump" a member from wild angels came with his Huntley, and he told me that he need to check our drugs before getting it , so I head him to the place that we put our drugs on it that he can test it and luckily he found it good drugs, after a long talk about the price he decide to take 1g with 50000$, then we took the drugs and we put it to his car and he paid me. ::: :::
  12. Roleplay Number: 289. Participants: Wild Angels. Story: Today, all of San Andreas citizens heard about the new car called "CLUB". It was a nice looking car, fast car, simple. James liked to get one like that. So he called one of his reporters in San Andreas to ask him if he has seen one parked etc... He said yes and he sent it's location to James. It was located in Bone County Restaurant near the liquor store. James got his car, loaded the needed stuff in it, then he went to the location. He found the car parked there. It was really impressive as James said. So he got the loaded stuff, went to the car after he checked if there are some cameras, then he started doing his job. He has inputted the lock command to the car gets unlocked then he got the secondary key of the car that he bring with him. He drove the car back to Wild Angels base where he parked the new car. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/UGZjzT8
  13. Roleplay Number: 288. Participants: Wild Angels & OrganiZation Zero. Story: While Wild Angels were planning for a new operation, They went to our private rooms to gather the armor for their members, They found it stolen last night, therefore, So they were forced to get some weapons before Strong and Expert wake up, they made their calls as for James he went to Flint Country , he heard Organization Zero back to business after their break the last few months , he agreed with them about the quality and the price after he called us to meet at their base, when James arrived he welcomed him with a clear smile on his face.then, he tested combat shotgun and M4 on some trees , afterwards put the weapons in the boxville then James went back to our base. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/gh6FE8p
  14. Starting bid: 5.000.000 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/DbAu3sW
  15. USERNAME: hotfire4021. Last seen: 08/07/2018 SS: https://imgur.com/a/EXxcoTp
  16. USERNAME: hotfire4201 LAST SEEN: 08/07/2018. SS: .
  17. Roleplay Number: 277. Participants: Wild Angels & Venturas Tunings. Story: Yesterday, Wild Angels' Leader took the decision, it was about going to Russia to take some guns from there, He knew that these guns will cost for him a lot, That's why he recommended one of Wild Angels trusted members "James" to make some deals or mission for money. So James Got an idea, it was about selling the bikes he bought lastly from OrganiZation Zero after he used it on a special mission with some of his Gangmates. He called one of the Venturas Tunings members to do this deal since they like to upgrade Bike and sell them. Whatever, The guy from VT sent a message back to James saying that they will buy it after he asked his Vice_Leader about that. So James took the bikes with him to VT Headquarters in Los Santos located in Santa Maria Beach. He knew that they will pay a lot for these bikes since these bikes are the new modded ones. So he offered 1 Million dollars for 5 Bikes. The VT guy accepted without any problems. So they started getting VT headquarters loaded with these bikes. Then The CripZ guy grabbed from the safe like 6 bags then he came to James, Gave him the bags, James loaded it in his car's trunk. Then he came back to their headquarters with his gangmate. He has putten the Money in the Safe. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lo3E6cq
  18. Roleplay Number: 276. TITLE: James's favorite bike. Participants: Wild Angels & OrganiZation Zero. Story: When James was born, He found nothing only his dad's Big Bike "NRG-500", He was trying to drive it since he was 11 years old, he was motivated with something called "Bikes". This passion made him famous in his town but he got darkness at the same time because he was there when they killed their parents in this massacre. One day, when he was dealing with some bikes he got invited to Wild Angels, the Leader of this gang himself was the dealer with James. Now James is still in Wild Angels, There was a special mission recommended by his leader, It needed a lot of bikes for his gangmates. So James took this chance to see how is the world of bikes. That's why he called the professionals with this Business "OrganiZation Zero". One of their members answered him, he was called "Eithen". He liked to deal with James. he has chosen OrganiZation Zero as the meeting place since they got a lot of bikes there. When he reached there, He found Eithen waiting for him. They had a greeting, A little chat they took it seriously, They started offering price per bike. the bikes were modded, Awesome. James offered 100.000 dollars. Eithen offered 200.000 dollars they were offering & bidding until it reached 130.000 they agreed at this price. So loaded The Guy from Z said that he is gonna deliver it as a gift. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Tj4lvhZ
  19. Roleplay Number: 275. Participants: Wild Angels & BBMC TITLE: Hostage's dealing Story: It was a good day when I was drinking coffee with some friends, Nothing Special until I got messaged from the leader saying "BBMC are asking for a Hostage, I need you to lead this deal, You can call me when you are ready". So I drank my coffee, got on my car, Went to the base, took some bullets of deagle, has putten the armor on then I got on my way to the Headquarters where I called the leader, He told me to head to our Hideout and you will find one of the hostages there. I headed to the hideout, I found him, I got him in the car, then took on my way to our meeting place which is the BBMC Headquarters. I found someone from this gang, he said that he called my leader and his name is "Rival", He welcomed me, Then, He showed me the money from their safe after I counted it, I gave him the hostage, All was perfect. I put the bags of money in the trunk then I got them to our headquarters back. The Leader was proud of what I did when I gave him the recommended money Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/cGr1ZCh
  20. Roleplay Number: 274. Participants: Wild Angels & CripZ TITLE: Dealing is our passion. Story: It was Midnight, 07/07/2012, I was hanging around Los Santos when I got messaged by someone called "Kicker" as I remember. He said that he is from a famous gang called "CripZ". I wondered what he wants but after getting another message, I understood it, CripZ members are in need of some guns and they can pay a lot for it. I accepted to deal with them. After I got permission from my Leader "John", I got the guns, loaded it in the trunk, then got on my way to the place where we are gonna meet which is under The train road in Flint County. When he reached there, He found out that the guy from the other CripZ isn't there, So I waited for him like 15 minutes then a Green car came out. It was his car, We had a little chat, then we talked about the price until they agreed to 1.500$ per case of guns. After counting the money, I got my car, phoned the leader to tell him that it was a perfect deal then I went back to base, loaded back the rest of the guns & the money. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/q9XmkMI
  21. Starting Bid: 2.000.000 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4k9bMzp
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