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Everything posted by Pump

  1. Participants: @SQuiZo @flappppyyy Story: These days, after James got the rights to start missions for OrganiZation Zero, he was thinking about doing a special mission that requires some time & a hostage. Since he knew that Wild Angels got Hostage and they are providing from it. James called "SquiZo", trusted members there, He said "I will be in need of a Hostage, Message me answering if you got what is recommended or not, Cheers, "James" your friend". Within 5 Minutes he got messaged back "Sure, brother, I will send you the location where we can meet and talk freely, Just get some money with you". It was the first part of the perfect idea that James is preparing to do. So he preferred to tell the leader what's the idea about. The leader was impressed & accepted to give him permission. "All is going perfectly right now, I hope nothing will get in our way", James said that after he talked with the leader. So James loaded some money in the trunk of his favorite car he got "Admiral", So he opened the radio because he wanted to listen to some music. Within 3 Hours, he reached there, the location where he met "SquiZo", they got into the serious talk after they shook hands cheering each other. So James had a look about the hostage, he said he is okay, took out the agreed about money, 50.000$, paid "SquiZo" after he got the hostage in his car. Then he took his way back to the Headquarters to start doing the second part of the perfect idea. Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. Participants: @SQuiZo @flappppyyy Story: These days, after James got the rights to start missions for OrganiZation Zero, he was thinking about doing a special mission that requires some time & a hostage. Since he knew that Wild Angels got Hostage and they are providing from it. James called "SquiZo", trusted members there, He said "I will be in need of a Hostage, Message me answering if you got what is recommended or not, Cheers, "James" your friend". Within 5 Minutes he got messaged back "Sure, brother, I will send you the location where we can meet and talk freely, Just get some money with you". It was the first part of the perfect idea that James is preparing to do. So he preferred to tell the leader what's the idea about. The leader was impressed & accepted to give him permission. "All is going perfectly right now, I hope nothing will get in our way", James said that after he talked with the leader. So James loaded some money in the trunk of his favorite car he got "Admiral", So he opened the radio because he wanted to listen to some music. Within 3 Hours, he reached there, the location where he met "SquiZo", they got into the serious talk after they shook hands cheering each other. So James had a look about the hostage, he said he is okay, took out the agreed about money, 50.000$, paid "SquiZo" after he got the hostage in his car. Then he took his way back to the Headquarters to start doing the second part of the perfect idea. Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Participants: @SQuiZo Story: it was 1 December, James was thinking about starting the month with something special to do. Since Lastly, he got some experience with modding stuff. He got two bikes that weren't modded to enough to get sold. Then he prepared all the required stuff needed to mod every car or bike etc... So he started doing what he is required to do. He was getting the pieces of stuff needed, put them perfectly in the vehicle, he was smiling when he is doing this. Nothing was bad or not in place. So he announced to the members to add these bikes to the list of the modded bike, "This List where the bikes of OrganiZation Zero (Modded of course) has been putten for sale with some pictures, every of these bikes designer will be responsible to deal with the guy that phoned him. So the public phone of The gang rang, He said he is "Rivera" from Wild Angels, the new gang which got considered as one of the most motivated gang lastly. He told him that he wants to buy one of these two modded bike. That's why the leader phoned James to come since he modded it. So James went to Wild Angels Headquarters where he met the guy, They greeted each other, then they took it seriously about the price. They started offering until they agreed at 20.000$. So James got paid from the guy from Wild Angels, then he gave him the bike. So He called "Flappy" to come catch him up from the headquarters. Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Participants: @SQuiZo Story: it was 1 December, James was thinking about starting the month with something special to do. Since Lastly, he got some experience with modding stuff. He got two bikes that weren't modded to enough to get sold. Then he prepared all the required stuff needed to mod every car or bike etc... So he started doing what he is required to do. He was getting the pieces of stuff needed, put them perfectly in the vehicle, he was smiling when he is doing this. Nothing was bad or not in place. So he announced to the members to add these bikes to the list of the modded bike, "This List where the bikes of OrganiZation Zero (Modded of course) has been putten for sale with some pictures, every of these bikes designer will be responsible to deal with the guy that phoned him. So the public phone of The gang rang, He said he is "Rivera" from Wild Angels, the new gang which got considered as one of the most motivated gang lastly. He told him that he wants to buy one of these two modded bike. That's why the leader phoned James to come since he modded it. So James went to Wild Angels Headquarters where he met the guy, They greeted each other, then they took it seriously about the price. They started offering until they agreed at 20.000$. So James got paid from the guy from Wild Angels, then he gave him the bike. So He called "Flappy" to come catch him up from the headquarters. Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. Participants: @SQuiZo Story: a week passed for the first time, James will do an arms deal. He was always been impressed with guns & arms, so he liked to take responsibility for just one arms deal mission. He waited like 5 days until Someone called to buy arms, So he called the doctors' team of OrganiZation Zero that are specialist with arms creating. They said it will be ready within 90 Minutes. So James called the person that is in need of guns, he told him that it will be ready in 1 Hour and a half. So the other guy sent him the location where they are gonna meet. James got his preparation such as the car's keys & coffee. Then he was waiting until the doctors finished their job. So James got called back to take the guns from the hidden where the doctors work. After he got there, he found the recommended pieces of stuff in front of the hidden, he loaded it in the car's trunk then he got on his way back to the place located in Los Santos where he will meet the guy. When he reached there, he found the guy waiting for his watching the time. They had a little chat from where OrganiZation Zero got these arms then they started talking about the price until they agreed at 50.000 dollars. So James got the money from him, placed it in the trunk back, went back to the Headquarters. The next day, he got promoted to all kind of stuff business. Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. Participants: @SQuiZo Story: a week passed for the first time, James will do an arms deal. He was always been impressed with guns & arms, so he liked to take responsibility for just one arms deal mission. He waited like 5 days until Someone called to buy arms, So he called the doctors' team of OrganiZation Zero that are specialist with arms creating. They said it will be ready within 90 Minutes. So James called the person that is in need of guns, he told him that it will be ready in 1 Hour and a half. So the other guy sent him the location where they are gonna meet. James got his preparation such as the car's keys & coffee. Then he was waiting until the doctors finished their job. So James got called back to take the guns from the hidden where the doctors work. After he got there, he found the recommended pieces of stuff in front of the hidden, he loaded it in the car's trunk then he got on his way back to the place located in Los Santos where he will meet the guy. When he reached there, he found the guy waiting for his watching the time. They had a little chat from where OrganiZation Zero got these arms then they started talking about the price until they agreed at 50.000 dollars. So James got the money from him, placed it in the trunk back, went back to the Headquarters. The next day, he got promoted to all kind of stuff business. Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Starting bid: 30M Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Oa9qKog
  8. Participants: @SoulFly Story: When James was drinking his coffee with some of his friends in the nearest caf from OrganiZation Zero headquarters, he got phoned by his leader to come to the headquarters as fast as he can, So James excused himself from his friends, then he got his key of the car, headed to the recommended place where he found just the leader and 2 of the most respected guys in the gang. So the leader started talking with them saying "Okay, guys, I got you here to announce that yesterday "Samuel" lost a case because the judge was bribed from the enemy gang as all know "The Avenues", I will be in need of 3 trusted guys for a mission, that's why I called you here, I will recommend you, Rivera, to stay in the Headquarters and you will recommend what the 2 other boys what to do when the other guy will just stay with "James" to make it 0% risks, The mission will start tomorrow at 4 PM." After the leader talked with them, James went back to his house to sleep well waiting for tomorrow. The next day, It was 1 PM, James was getting ready, he got messaged from the leader all the pieces of information where this Judge live & his photo. So James got his car; passed to the other guy, got him in the car, asked the guy in the headquarters if he is ready. then he got on his way to the judge's house, it was 3.30 PM. That's why he needed to wait. Whatever,4:10 PM, The Judge was there, within 20 Minutes, he got snipped by "James". So James took a photo of his dead body. Within 2 Hours, the leader said that he is proud of these 3 guys but he got another Mission for them. Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. Participants: @SoulFly Story: When James was drinking his coffee with some of his friends in the nearest caf from OrganiZation Zero headquarters, he got phoned by his leader to come to the headquarters as fast as he can, So James excused himself from his friends, then he got his key of the car, headed to the recommended place where he found just the leader and 2 of the most respected guys in the gang. So the leader started talking with them saying "Okay, guys, I got you here to announce that yesterday "Samuel" lost a case because the judge was bribed from the enemy gang as all know "The Avenues", I will be in need of 3 trusted guys for a mission, that's why I called you here, I will recommend you, Rivera, to stay in the Headquarters and you will recommend what the 2 other boys what to do when the other guy will just stay with "James" to make it 0% risks, The mission will start tomorrow at 4 PM." After the leader talked with them, James went back to his house to sleep well waiting for tomorrow. The next day, It was 1 PM, James was getting ready, he got messaged from the leader all the pieces of information where this Judge live & his photo. So James got his car; passed to the other guy, got him in the car, asked the guy in the headquarters if he is ready. then he got on his way to the judge's house, it was 3.30 PM. That's why he needed to wait. Whatever,4:10 PM, The Judge was there, within 20 Minutes, he got snipped by "James". So James took a photo of his dead body. Within 2 Hours, the leader said that he is proud of these 3 guys but he got another Mission for them. Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. Participants: @Steve Story: It is really Happening, James, after he got permission to start selling Tabbacos in OrganiZation Zero's zones, He started with San Fierro since the buyers are a lot there. So he got his bike, headed to the zone of OrganiZation Zero there. When he reached there, he was surprised, the guy that all the gangs these days talking about is here, He is selling Drugs in Gangs' zone. Lastly, Black Syndicate got him out of their zones by blackmailing him by some pieces of information they got. So James called the same guy that made for him the transportation "Steve", he didn't answer, So James sent him a message about the case. Within 2 Hours, he answered by "Come to Black Syndicate Headquarters, grab some money with you, If you forget the location of our headquarters, Here it is. So James got his favorite car "Admiral" which he counts it as the beauty, then he leaned a cigar, put the key in the car, headed to San Fierro where Black Syndicate "Headquarters" located. When he got there, he has seen "Steve" waiving for him. So They had a talk but to not take the risk of someone spying on them, they got inside the headquarters where none can come to them. It was steve's office. So James offered 5.000$ for it, since it was a perfect price for both, they accepted from the first bid. After James got all the pieces of Information, paid the guy, he got his favorite car, went back to the Headquarters where he met the leader, explained for him why he spent this money Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. Participants: @Steve Story: It is really Happening, James, after he got permission to start selling Tabbacos in OrganiZation Zero's zones, He started with San Fierro since the buyers are a lot there. So he got his bike, headed to the zone of OrganiZation Zero there. When he reached there, he was surprised, the guy that all the gangs these days talking about is here, He is selling Drugs in Gangs' zone. Lastly, Black Syndicate got him out of their zones by blackmailing him by some pieces of information they got. So James called the same guy that made for him the transportation "Steve", he didn't answer, So James sent him a message about the case. Within 2 Hours, he answered by "Come to Black Syndicate Headquarters, grab some money with you, If you forget the location of our headquarters, Here it is. So James got his favorite car "Admiral" which he counts it as the beauty, then he leaned a cigar, put the key in the car, headed to San Fierro where Black Syndicate "Headquarters" located. When he got there, he has seen "Steve" waiving for him. So They had a talk but to not take the risk of someone spying on them, they got inside the headquarters where none can come to them. It was steve's office. So James offered 5.000$ for it, since it was a perfect price for both, they accepted from the first bid. After James got all the pieces of Information, paid the guy, he got his favorite car, went back to the Headquarters where he met the leader, explained for him why he spent this money Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. Participants: @Steve Story: Today, the leader of OrganiZation Zero is back from "Senegal" where he was dealing with them because he wanted to get some tobaccos, he finally agreed with someone of them after 3 days of negotiation but there was a problem, in Whetstone Airport, there are a lot of Officers because lastly, there was a lot of smuggling missions there. That's why he will come from San Fierro Airport. So James got an idea, It was about calling Black Syndicate to help them by transporting it to OrganiZation Zero Headquarters. So he called one of his best friends in Black Syndicate "Steve" and told him the situation. He accepted without any doubts. This time, James didn't have money, That's why he said they can do a trade between "his modded bike versus Trasporting mission". He accepted this too. When James got there with the Products that he got from his leader, he had a little chat with "Steve" after they greeted each other. Then Steve got the recommended car for these mission "Securiar". Then he loaded the Tabbacos with "James". Then he headed to OrganiZation Zero Headquarters. The leader called "James" to tell him that the tobaccos are in the headquarters. So James gave Steve's gangmate the bike. then he got a taxi to come back to Base. Screenshots: ::: ![ :::
  13. Participants: @Steve Story: Today, the leader of OrganiZation Zero is back from "Senegal" where he was dealing with them because he wanted to get some tobaccos, he finally agreed with someone of them after 3 days of negotiation but there was a problem, in Whetstone Airport, there are a lot of Officers because lastly, there was a lot of smuggling missions there. That's why he will come from San Fierro Airport. So James got an idea, It was about calling Black Syndicate to help them by transporting it to OrganiZation Zero Headquarters. So he called one of his best friends in Black Syndicate "Steve" and told him the situation. He accepted without any doubts. This time, James didn't have money, That's why he said they can do a trade between "his modded bike versus Trasporting mission". He accepted this too. When James got there with the Products that he got from his leader, he had a little chat with "Steve" after they greeted each other. Then Steve got the recommended car for these mission "Securiar". Then he loaded the Tabbacos with "James". Then he headed to OrganiZation Zero Headquarters. The leader called "James" to tell him that the tobaccos are in the headquarters. So James gave Steve's gangmate the bike. then he got a taxi to come back to Base. Screenshots: ::: ![ :::
  14. Exterior: https://imgur.com/a/lxyJlYl GUI: https://imgur.com/a/gBWv4AF Starting bid: 10.000.000
  15. Participants: @flappppyyy @MrDeathBoy Story: When James was drinking his coffee with some of his friends in the nearest caf from OrganiZation Zero headquarters, he got phoned by his leader to come to the headquarters as fast as he can, So James excused himself from his friends, then he got his key of the car, headed to the recommended place where he found just the leader and 2 of the most respected guys in the gang. So the leader started talking with them saying "Okay, guys, I got you here to announce that yesterday "Samuel" lost a case because the judge was bribed from the enemy gang as all know "The Avenues", I will be in need of 3 trusted guys for a mission, that's why I called you here, I will recommend you, Rivera, to stay in the Headquarters and you will recommend what the 2 other boys what to do when the other guy will just stay with "James" to make it 0% risks, The mission will start tomorrow at 4 PM." After the leader talked with them, James went back to his house to sleep well waiting for tomorrow. The next day, It was 1 PM, James was getting ready, he got messaged from the leader all the pieces of information where this Judge live & his photo. So James got his car; passed to the other guy, got him in the car, asked the guy in the headquarters if he is ready. then he got on his way to the judge's house, it was 3.30 PM. That's why he needed to wait. Whatever,4:10 PM, The Judge was there, within 20 Minutes, he got snipped by "James". So James took a photo of his dead body. Within 2 Hours, the leader said that he is proud of these 3 guys but he got another Mission for them. Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. Participants: @flappppyyy @MrDeathBoy Story: When James was drinking his coffee with some of his friends in the nearest caf from OrganiZation Zero headquarters, he got phoned by his leader to come to the headquarters as fast as he can, So James excused himself from his friends, then he got his key of the car, headed to the recommended place where he found just the leader and 2 of the most respected guys in the gang. So the leader started talking with them saying "Okay, guys, I got you here to announce that yesterday "Samuel" lost a case because the judge was bribed from the enemy gang as all know "The Avenues", I will be in need of 3 trusted guys for a mission, that's why I called you here, I will recommend you, Rivera, to stay in the Headquarters and you will recommend what the 2 other boys what to do when the other guy will just stay with "James" to make it 0% risks, The mission will start tomorrow at 4 PM." After the leader talked with them, James went back to his house to sleep well waiting for tomorrow. The next day, It was 1 PM, James was getting ready, he got messaged from the leader all the pieces of information where this Judge live & his photo. So James got his car; passed to the other guy, got him in the car, asked the guy in the headquarters if he is ready. then he got on his way to the judge's house, it was 3.30 PM. That's why he needed to wait. Whatever,4:10 PM, The Judge was there, within 20 Minutes, he got snipped by "James". So James took a photo of his dead body. Within 2 Hours, the leader said that he is proud of these 3 guys but he got another Mission for them. Screenshots: ::: :::
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