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Everything posted by nCov

  1. Activity: #2 Activity Type: Patrol CC Members: @AdemBygt ScreenShots ::: :::
  2. Activity: #1 Activity Type: Repairing Vehicles CC Members: N/A ScreenShots ::: :::
  3. Welcome to my topic,l'll be posting my activities to this topic Formats RolePlay Roleplay: RolePlay Story: Participants: ScreenShots: Activity Activity Type: CC Members: ScreenShots: Event Event: Event Type: LWS/G6: Prize: Winner: ScreenShots:
  4. MIT - Intake (Accepted) Dear @Alejandritoh , Thank you for your apply. You will enter a probationary period of 1 week. I would like to warn you that only one error in this period means the exclusion from MIT without warning. Your application has been ~[ACCEPTED]~(green,black). Welcome to the MIT - Military Intelligence Team Thank you.
  5. MIT - Intake Dear @Alejandritoh , (account name : Alejandritohh) Hello and thank you for your apply. Your application meets our minimum selection criteria, contact an HQ ingame to pursue. In the meantime, we put you on ~[PENDING]~(orange,black) while to see your results. Thank you. MIT - Military Intelligence Team.
  6. -TMH Racers Take On Raceflag- Type: RaceFlag Participants: @TaJ @AdemBygt @nCovv Location: SF Winner & Prize: 1-Mooyee 2- Adem 3- Taj ScreenShots ::: :::
  7. Type Of Activity: Patrol Time B.O.P.E Members: @ilyasSs @Lou-2 @nCovv Date Of Activity: 20/10/2020 ScreenShots ::: :::
  8. Event: LMS LWS: @koko Winner: @Colobria Prize: 1.000.000$ ScreenShots ::: :::
  9. Happy birthday
  11. Happy Birthday VoliBear :D <3
  12. MIT - Intake (Accepted) Dear @Troones , Thank you for your apply. You will enter a probationary period of 1 week. Thereafter you will reach the hierarchy of MIT and be officially part of the squad. I would like to warn you that only one error in this period means the exclusion from MIT without warning. Your application has been ~[ACCEPTED]~(green,black). Welcome to the MIT - Military Intelligence Team Thank you.
  13. Event: LMS LWS: @zaza Winner: @Rainy Prize: 1.00.000$ ScreenShots ::: :::
  14. Type Of Activity: Delivery Man Date: 14/10/2020 Participants: @NRG-aka-Caligula ScreenShots ::: :::
  15. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 14/10/2020 Participants: N/A ScreenShots ::: :::
  16. Type Of Activtiy: RolePlay Participants: @NRG-aka-Caligula @Lou-2 and @nCovv me Story: One day I was working in my office and one of my clients at CS called and He said he wanted to talk to me. I called my office and spoke. He said he wanted a Pipe from me. I bought a pickup truck and we set off together. On our way to CS bases, an MIT policeman stopped us and said he was going to check our cars. After checking, we continued on our way. Then we came to the CS base and placed the pipe where my client wanted. ScreenShots ::: :::
  17. Type Of Activity: RolePlay Participants: @Ntruder and @nCovv me Story: One day, while I was in my office, a ZIP friend called me and asked for a piece of cargo. To get the load he wanted, I got into my truck, took my load and set off. After a few hours, I reached my friend and gave the load to him. we talked to him after he gave it and he gave me some money. After I gave the money I went back to my office. ScreenShots ::: :::
  18. MIT - Intake (Accepted) Dear @Netro , Thank you for your apply. You will enter a probationary period of 1 week. Thereafter you will reach the hierarchy of MIT and be officially part of the squad. I would like to warn you that only one error in this period means the exclusion from MIT without warning. Your application has been ~[ACCEPTED]~(green,black). Welcome to the MIT - Military Intelligence Team Thank you.
  19. MIT - Intake Dear @Netro , (account name : XxNetroxX) Hello and thank you for your apply. Your application meets our minimum selection criteria, contact an HQ ingame to pursue. In the meantime, we put you on ~[PENDING]~(orange,black) while to see your results. Thank you. MIT - Military Intelligence Team.
  20. Type Of Activity: Delivery Man Date: 13/10/2020 Participants: N/A ScreenShots ::: :::
  21. Happy birthday Best Sniper @ItzMoha
  22. MIT - Intake (Accepted) Dear @ahmet1907 @Lazemota @Ferhat Thank you for your apply. You have passed all the tests. You will enter a probationary period of 1 week. We wish you a great time with us. Your application has been ~[ACCEPTED]~(green,black). Welcome to the MIT - Military Intelligence Team Thank you.
  23. MIT - Intake Dear @ahmet1907 , (account name : ahmet1907) Hello and thank you for your apply. Your application meets our minimum selection criteria, contact an HQ ingame to pursue. In the meantime, we put you on ~[PENDING]~(orange,black) while to see your results. Thank you. MIT - Military Intelligence Team.
  24. Happy birthday @Lewy <3
  25. MIT - Intake Dear @calvin , (account name : calvin00) Hello and thank you for your apply. Your MIT test has been extended to 1 week. Get back to HQ team after 1 week. Hang out with MIT members for 1 week In the meantime, we put you on ~[PENDING]~(orange,black) while to see your results. Thank you. MIT - Military Intelligence Team. Denied Dear @calvin, Your apply is null and void because an application has been made to a different gang/squad. Reapply from October, 19th 2020 if interested. Thank you. MIT - Military Intelligence Team
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