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Everything posted by nCov

  1. MIT - Intake (Accepted) Dear @Klay , @Hash and @Damcek Thank you for your apply. You will enter a probationary period of 1 week. Thereafter you will reach the hierarchy of MIT and be officially part of the squad. I would like to warn you that only one error in this period means the exclusion from MIT without warning. Your application has been ~[ACCEPTED]~(green,black). Welcome to the MIT - Military Intelligence Team Thank you.
  2. Activity: #16 Activity Type: Patrol CC Members: @ALIJR007 ScreenShots ::: :::
  3. nCov


  4. Activity: #15 Activity Type: Patrol CC Members: @AdemBygt @K2rhym ScreenShots ::: :::
  5. Adress: 17 Donut Road Account Name: DavidGMaster Last seen: 25th September 2020 ScreenShots
  6. Activity: #14 Activity Type: Patrol CC Members: @ALIJR007 ScreenShots ::: :::
  7. Activity: #13 Activity Type: Patrol CC Members: @Beckham ScreenShots ::: :::
  8. Activity: #12 Activity Type: Patrol CC Members: @Riley @Benny ScreenShots ::: :::
  9. hbd
  10. @Lou-2 Said in SAM - Media Archive RolePlay: #3 Participants: @Lou-2 @Troones RolePlay: #122 Personal RolePlay: #1 Participants: @nCovv @Troones @Lou-2 Description: A mechanic who repairs the car repairs the engine part and wheels of the car. He then sets off to take the car to its owner. While on the road, the wheels of the car he repaired explode and the driver loses control. The fast moving car hits the wall. The mechanic opens the door at the last moment and gets out of the car and starts to lie on the ground. Later, a passing police officer notices that the car is on fire and approaches. While the police inspect the cars, he sees the man lying on the ground and immediately calls 911. An ambulance is assigned as the 911 emergency service from the nearest hospital. The ambulance quickly goes to where the accident happened. First, the doctor Lou, who brings the first aid kit to the ground, checks the patient's consciousness and provides first aid at the crash scene. The patient is conscious but cannot stand up and says in a low voice that he cannot feel his arm. The police officer and doctor quickly take the patient to the ambulance. While the police are waiting to check cars at the crash scene, the doctor is preparing to go to the state hospital. Bone Contry was transferred to Las Venturas state hospital due to the limited number of beds and medicines in the state hospital. When they come to the hospital, they immediately enter the operating room. In the operating room, the patient is first connected to the machine. Heart and pulse rate are measured. The patient's two legs were broken and one arm was injured. He has a small wound on his head. First of all, the injured area was intervened. Then his arms and legs were lowered. After the operation, the patient was taken to a room for rest. ScreenShots: (Please use a link) ::: :::
  11. Activity: #11 Activity Type: Patrol CC Members: @Nishki @Judyes ScreenShots ::: :::
  12. Activity: #10 Activity Type: Patrol CC Members: @Nishki @Filippo @Beckham ScreenShots ::: :::
  13. Activity: #9 Activity Type: Patrol CC Members: @Brondy ScreenShots ::: :::
  14. Activity: #8 Activity Type: Patrol CC Members: @Westbrook ScreenShots ::: :::
  15. Activity: #7 Activity Type: Patrol CC Members: @FoxZilla ScreenShots ::: :::
  16. ~[Contains some longing!!!!]~(cyan)
  17. RolePlay #2 RolePlay Story: One day, while sitting at my company, a phone rang and a truck driver said he had an accident. So I got into my car quickly and went to my client. The front part of the car was badly damaged when I got there, so I had to repair the important parts. I bought my furniture from my car and started repairing it. I managed to fix the car after a long time. it was better than before. The client said it was good for me and gave me some money. Particiapants: @NRG-aka-Caligula ScreenShots ::: :::
  18. Activity: #6 Activity Type: Patrol CC Member: @AdemBygt ScreenShots ::: :::
  19. hbd
  20. Activity: #5 Activity Type: Patrol CC Member: @baphomet @Westbrook ScreenShots ::: :::
  21. Activity: #4 Activity Type: Patrol CC Members: @Marso ScreenShots ::: :::
  22. RolePlay #1 RolePlay Story: One day, while Baphomet was sitting with my friend, an MIT cop came in. MIT brought a slightly damaged and wrecked car to his car, and MIT came to the workshop to fix his car and asked us to fix his car. With my friend Baphomet, we spent a lot of time fixing the car, but we had it restored. After he fixed his car, we made a deal with him and he gave us some money. Participants: @baphomet @Lou-2 and @nCovv ScreenShots: ::: :::
  23. Type Of Activity: RolePlay Date: 20/10/2020 Participants: @Lou-2 Story: One day, a client came while sitting in my office. We chatted with him and after chatting he said that a tube was left at San Fierro airport. And we took my client and his reel to the construction site. After I took the roller to my client's construction site, he told me where to put it and put it there. Then after some chat with my client he gave me some money. ScreenShots ::: :::
  24. Activity: #3 Activity Type: Patrol CC Members: @Brondy ScreenShots ::: :::
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