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Everything posted by FreshCoffee

  1. Participants: N/A District: All Shift period: 40Mins Number of vehicles extinguhished: 14 Screenshots:
  2. Participants: N/A District: All Shift period: 40Mins Number of vehicles extinguhished: 21 Screenshots:
  3. Participants: N/A District: All Shift period: 30Mins Number of vehicles extinguhished: 33 Screenshots:
  4. Participants: N/A District: All Shift period: 11Mins Number of vehicles extinguhished: 15 Screenshots:
  5. Participants: N/A District: All Shift period: 31Mins Number of vehicles extinguhished: 12 Screenshots:
  6. Participants: N/A District: All Shift period: 42Mins Number of vehicles extinguhished: 21 Screenshots:
  7. Participants: @jordskjelv @Panda_ District: All Shift period: 17Mins Number of vehicles extinguhished: 8 Screenshots:
  8. Participants: @jordskjelv District: All Shift period: 24Mins Number of vehicles extinguhished: 8 Screenshots:
  9. Participants:@jordskjelv District: All Shift period: 20Mins+ Number of vehicles extinguhished: 3 Screenshots:
  10. Participants: N/A District: All Shift period: 10Mins+ Number of vehicles extinguhished: 13 Screenshots:
  11. Participants: N/A District: All Shift period: 10Mins+ Number of vehicles extinguhished: 5 Screenshots:
  12. Date: 26/6/2023 Activity: Bank Robbery Screenshot(s):
  13. Date: 25/6/2023 Activity: Store Robbery Screenshot(s):
  14. Date: 24/6/2023 Activity: Casino Robbery Screenshot(s):
  15. Dont reset bank balance
  16. Your ingame username: Potato5 Your ingame alias: FreshCoffee Your real name: Mosaab Your DOB: 13/09/04 00:00 Your gender: Male Nationality: Moroccan Country of residence: Morocco Language skills: I speak Arabic English French and a little bit of German English Proficiency: I can't rate myself but i think it's decent How long you have been playing: I've started playing since 2017 but then went inactive Your strengths: Im active alot in SAES since it's the only server i play in mta currently, im self motivated and i put alot of effort in things i like both in real life and in-game Your weaknesses: My weakness is that im a perfectionist, i cant leave something unfinished for later and also worrying for mistakes i made Member of the SAES discord server: Yes Reason for application: I've always been intrested in being part of the SAES staff team and i think that i'll have a chance since there won't any competition, overall i just want the experience of being a staff Unique qualities you can offer: I can help out new players and go with them step by step to get familiar within the game, i could even use translator with them if i cant understand them. What makes me more unique is that i easly empathize and relate to people thereby making new friends. I'm also an old and experienced player in the game Server Memberships: I'm part of s.w.a.t. and a SAFD and GXT probation Additional information: Im mosaab . I like playing video games, ride mountain bikes with my friends and play football every Sunday and i also like going to the gym from time to time Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Latest one was a mute Previous (legitimate) bans: Do not remember
  17. Participants: / District: All Shift period: 28Mins Number of vehicles: 8 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/8Ww2VHf
  18. Participants: / District: All Shift period: 3H+ Number of vehicles: 24 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Nc6RjuP
  19. Participants: / District: All Shift period: 3h 4min Number of victims saved/healed: 1382 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/YY73z9g
  20. GXT Member: - Time Taken: 5+ Mins Activity Type: Refilling Gas stations around LV Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Ye6WjNv
  21. Participants: FreshCoffee District: All Shift period: 5+ Minutes Number of vehicles: 8 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/bD7EYIn
  22. GXT Member: - Time Taken: 5+ Mins Activity Type: Refilling Gas stations around LV Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/cxtXho6
  23. GXT Member: - Time Taken: 5+ Mins Activity Type: Refilling Gas stations around LV Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/if3XNqw
  24. GXT Member: - Time Taken: 5+ Mins Activity Type: Transporting weapons to DE base Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/NDh5orn
  25. GXT Member: - Time Taken: 5+ Mins Activity Type: Refilling gas stations around SA Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/AsWSjr3
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