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Everything posted by Stone

  1. @Brophy is that enough votes ?
  2. Added suggested Mod. Admins PM me if you need it.
  3. @RAMPAGE Updated :+1:
  4. Activity Number: #11 Type of the activity: Stationed at LVx Date and duration(if needed): Night time of SAES Participants: Only one on the night shift is me. Screenshots: Weird form of payment from client.
  5. Hello! As the title says, I just wanted to switch the E30 to the E36. Why? E36 is way more asthetic , in my opinion. I also have an E36 so it would be so amazing if I could drive this bad boy in-game. I'd like to @Tilong just because he also has en E36 and from what I've heard, he isn't a fan of the E30. Anyway! I'll post a picture of both, side by side, so ya'll can see the difference. E36 E30 As you can see, the E30 is beautiful but it's kind of an old person vehicle. Nothing wrong with that... I just believe the E36 is more asthetically pleasing and it was such a wonderful vehicle in it's years. It was also very good at drifting straight out of the factory, for those of you who are into this sort of thing. Anyway, I'll let you guys decide. Thanks! Suggested Model:
  6. Activity Number: #5 Type of the activity: Stationed at LVx and on standby for any /mech calls. Date and duration(if needed): 03/24/2020 Was on duty for around 01:30 hours. Participants: [TS]Seth|GM ( me ) Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. **RP Number: #2 Participants: MrSlowGuy (TS Mechanic) & Sparky (Client in need) The Story: I was stationed at LVx ready to take walk in customers and service calls. A few hours into my shift at LVx, I received a call from a distressed client. The client told me his vehicle ran out of gas in San Fierro and the nearest gas station was miles away. I assured my client that I would come to help. I asked him where in San Fierro he was at. He didn't know the street names but he did say he was near the airport and by the water. With that information I took off to San Fierro and continued my search for him. As soon as I got to the SF Airport, I spotted him on the side of the road. I made my way up to him and greeted the client. He introduced himself as Sparky. After a little small talk, I refueled his vehicle and he was soon on his way. Sometimes the best thing about this job is seeing my clients face after being relieved of stressful situations. Screenshots:** Stationed at LVx ::: ::: Arriving at clients location ::: ::: Meeting with the client ::: :::
  8. Good luck!
  9. This is an automated post TXN ID: 1KY96861G81051508 Donation Amount: 30.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic Previous Donation: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/16159/donation-mrslowguy-amount-50-00gbp?_=1584545385400 Current Rewards: 1x GTA V Police (Charger)(10 GBP) 2x Custom Wrap(10GBP) x1 Police Turismo(10GBP) x1 Challenger(GBP) x1 BMW E30(10GBP) = Total 50GBP Changes: I wanted to replace my Challenger and the BMW E30 at the SAFP base. Instead of those two I would like to place 2 burrito trucks by the mechanic spawn in LV Vehicle Type: Burrito ( ID: 482 ) Vehicle Colour: Purple (Doesn't matter for now) Specify any upgrades: AWD V8 (Although I think I'm able to customize it myself) Usernames to lock: MrSlowGuy (me) Where you want it placed: Bone County Mechanic spawn Vehicle Type: Burrito ( ID: 482 ) Vehicle Colour: Purple (Doesn't matter for now) Specify any upgrades: AWD V8 (Although I think I'm able to customize it myself) Usernames to lock: MrSlowGuy (me) Where you want it placed: Bone County Mechanic SPawn This Donation of 30GBP Now with these 30GBP from this donation I would just like to add a custom wrap to these two vehicles. Which totals up to 10GBP if I'm correct. That leaves me with 20 GBP for later use. I will update this topic or reply here when I'm ready to request something else.
  10. I'm also Steven from SAFP
  11. Username: MrSlowGuy Amount Donated: 50GBP Links to all previous donation topics (including archive): https://saesrpg.uk/topic/16159/donation-mrslowguy-amount-50-00gbp
  12. Hey, it's not letting me edit the topic. I'd just like to let the STAFF know that I'll be editing my requested awards and will be posting them here soon! Thanks in advanced, sorry for the confusion!
  13. This is a manual post TXN ID: 43B91342BX514402S Donation Amount: 50.00 GBP Requested Awards: Vehicle Type: Police Turismo Vehicle Colour: Black and white Specify any upgrades: v8 , nice black rims maxed nitro Username to lock: MrSlowGuy Where you want it placed: LSPD Anywhere inside interior parking lot preferred but exterior parking lot is okay. Vehicle Type: Police Turismo Vehicle Colour: Black and Green (Green to match the green in LVPD police cars) Specify any upgrades: v8 , nice black rims, maxed nitro Username to lock: MrSlowGuy Where you want it placed: LVPD Anywhere inside interior parking lot preferred but exterior parking lot is okay. Vehicle Type: Police Turismo Vehicle Colour: All Black Specify any upgrades: v8 , nice black rims maxed nitro Username to lock: MrSlowGuy Where you want it placed: LSPD Anywhere inside interior parking lot preferred but exterior parking lot is okay. Vehicle Type: Police Turismo Vehicle Colour: All Black Specify any upgrades: v8 , nice black rims, maxed nitro Username to lock: MrSlowGuy Where you want it placed: LVPD Anywhere inside interior parking lot preferred but exterior parking lot is okay.
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