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Everything posted by Stone

  1. Dickhead
  2. On behalf of SAFP, we confirm this contract. SAFP HQ
  3. On behalf of SAFP, we confirm this contract. SAFP HQ
  4. Omfg lmao I feel like there will be people who would do this. Id join.
  5. Hey guys lets not turn it into cops vs crims (kappa) . Lets find a solution together. What if we remap the current rooms that have no use? Such as the gym the lunch room and the phone booths? Maybe make doors in between them and add some extra barricades so that both sides could actually apply some sort of tactic into their response?
  6. Donation Sorted by SAES>Tut 1x Police Charger with custom wrap = 15 GBP x4 Police Charger = 40 GBP x1 Police Motorcycle = 10 GBP x1 Go - Kart = 10GBP Total = 75 GBP Remaining Balance = 25 GBP I'm going to request custom wraps for the vehicles at a later time. I will show sorting admin this thread when ready, thanks!
  7. This is an automated post TXN ID: 6VB3781010300863K Donation Amount: 100.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  8. Look, honestly , voice chat in party chat is redundant. Theres discord teamspeak Skype and so many other applications you guys could personally use. Enabling voice chat in game would be so that you could communicate with the people around you without having to look for them on discord or on any other software . This enables people to RP better and quite possibly have a better / more enjoyable time on saes
  9. I don't even use the tank or SUV . But, yes. that happens. What does that have to do with the ramming?
  10. Honestly, I don't see what the big deal with ramming a suspect to give a chance for your squad mates to get out of the car and arrest. It's a strategic maneuver. Most of the times wanted suspects like to throw grenades at the cars before the cops are even out and that's the best way for them to kill you off. If it's when you do it in a repetitive manner then , yes I understand. But I'll admit, when a criminal is on foot , I usually ram them, accelerate a little further and let my squad mates out to avoid grenades.
  11. RP Number: #12 Participants: @SAFP Stoner @Poodlyz @DocPizza The Story: Customer in need ::: The Saints mechanics were stationed in Bone County , waiting for any calls or work, when they recieved a call. It was a customer whose car was smoking and in very bad condition. The vehicle was not drivable so The Saints were called in to come take a look! The mechanics quickly loaded up into their company vehicles and headed to the customers location. Once they made it to the customer, the mechanics introduced themselves to the customer and began asking him questions about what he was experiencing with the vehicle. The lead mechanic began diagnosing the issues with the vehicle. From analyzing the symptoms and the customers diagnosis, they concluded that the vehicle had a vacuum leak and an over heating radiator. Simple fix for The Saints. After replacing some essential hoses and vacuum lines from the engine to the intake system and replacing the coolant in the radiator, the car seemed to be as good as new! The customer seemed very happy and satisfied with The Saint's work. Confirming that the vehicle was in working order and that the customer did not require any additional assistance, The Saints collected payment and said their goodbyes to their satisfied customer! Another job well done. :::
  12. Also, the people saying trolls here, annoying people here, annoying people there stop. Lol Im sure we have already suggested a mute option and a radius option in order to prevent this from happening .
  13. @Marko I apologize, I thought you guys would be as excited as I was about potentially being able to RP more in depth. If thats the only down side to it then Id say we have your vote besides that? I would leave that up to the developers to decide if it was going to be too much for the server or not.
  14. @Faysal this is our chance to re-try this. I believe with enough support, the admins may see that it would be an idea that is supported. Please spread awarness!
  15. @San-Andreas-Interceptors What do ya'll have to say?
  16. @JasonBourne Thats why you could possibly A. distance yourself from them B. Mute them
  17. @San-Andreas-Federal-Police @ICE-Immigration-Customs-Enforcements @S-W-A-T @FOX-Operations-X @SAPA This would improve our role play. Would be cool if ya'll took a look at this
  18. @Element this is the poll for that element, I am not the creator of this thread . Haha
  19. @Element a poll for what?
  20. For the people saying that its going to be abused, please reconsider . Its easy to assume that everyone is a dickhead on this server but thats simply not the case. Even if it was, theres things you could put in place to manage this experience . First of all, most RP servers Ive joined put a 20m radius , meaning if Im not within , lets say the same block or street as you, you wont hear me. Also, a mute player option would be fantastic! And there can and most likely will be rules in place as SAES always does because they are a structured group / server
  21. I think its worth the risk. SAES needs to catch up. I play on several role play servers on GTAV and voice chat is not an issue. I simply have it to a 20m radius . Above that, I believe that if you simply add a mute player option there would be no reason to. I also want to add that this completely changes the games experience in a very positive way.
  22. Your ingame username: MrSlowGuy Your ingame alias: Stoner / SAFP|Stoner Your year of birth: 1996 Your gender: Male Nationality: American Country of residence: United States of America How long you have been playing SAES: probably around 6-8 years Qualities you can offer: I speak both English and Spanish fluently. I also have experience servicing community members due to my job as a security officer and service experience ambassador . I usually play during night time on SAES. So I could possibly cater to the late hours of SAES where it may not be covered as usual . Im very honest and do own up to my mistakes as I know that I can only learn from them. Your weaknesses: not very popular in the server. Id also say I believe I have a boring personality . Haha. Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): Community Staff Do you have Discord Installed: Yes. Reason for application: I think its about time Ive applied. I have never applied before because I never thought I would be taken seriously, but now I think it may be beneficial to both SAES and I. Although it may seem silly, I believe SAES would benefit from me. I only believe this because of the dedication, honesty, and unbiased attitude I have. Ive also proven to myself how reliable I am as a worker or employee . Basically , I am only applying because I believe I am capable of being a good asset to SAES. Server Memberships: SAFP, TheSaints (New mechanic / car theft group) Additional information: My original account name is STAAVEN but I talked to Brophy and cleared the situation up with him. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I was admin jailed once for DMing. I never actually shot but I was driving the car with a bunch of SAPA Cadets. Also, Ive recently been given an verbal warning for potentially revenge DMing Previous (legitimate) bans: N/A Do you eat pork: No, but only because I dont like how it tastes.
  23. 2 custom wraps placed by teddy on lv burritos, 20 gbp left to claim
  24. @James why is this important to you ? Lol
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