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Everything posted by Shagwrath
The Insane Clown Posse Backstory: ICP has come a long way, from wrestling in rings we built ourselves in the backyards of Oak Park, outside of Detroit. Inspired by the old hiphop that made us. 3rd Bass, Beastie Boys, N.W.A and local rappers like Awesome Dre. The JJ Boys but we were just fucking around and shit, none of us thought this was gonna be a career or anything. We all have been through poverty, and the gang life, Violent Jay was the one who made Inner City Posse, back with "The Rude Boy" Hill in River Rouge, a city in Southwest Detroit. Some of us went to jail, got out and decided to become wrestlers of all things.We met Rob Van Dam and Sabu, two other first-timers and now our very good friends. But it got frustrating in wrestling, too many backstage politics of the wrestling business so we began searching for another career. We went back to the streets, Inner City Posse was reborn. We formed Psychopathic Records record label with the group in 1991 and then later that year we released our self-produced EP entitled Dog Beats. The radio didnt want to play our shit because we were white though, seriously, thats the reason. But while we were fighting hard for radio play we met Esham and formed an alliance and a friendship that exists to this day. Thats when it occurred to us to change our style, make Detroit the forefront of acid rap, much as Los Angeles represented gangsta rap. Upon returning home that night, Violent Jay says he had a dream in which "spirits in a traveling carnival appeared to him"an image that would become the basis for the Dark Carnival mythology detailed in the group's Joker's Cards series. And now here we are, streetwise rapping clowns preaching about the dark carnival. Roleplay: We fuck fat bitches and drink Faygo. Hit switches in our droptop lowride tractors, spread the word of the Dark Carnival and recruit Juggalos while wearing clown facepaint and basketball jerseys. Were petty criminals, and steal from anywhere or anything. We love to tag and spray awesome murals about the dark carnival. Get drunk and play basketball and vandalise the park, while rapping about how bullshit life is and how were all just gonna die. Ranks: Leader and 1 Vice Leader, Ring Masters lead all the Juggalos, ranked 0 to 50. All Juggalos start at rank 50 and work their way up to 0. Promotions are once a week and require the following: Logon at least once that week. Complete the weekly task and submit proof if applicable. No warning or punishments from the gang or the SAES clan. Not be in probation (this lasts a week) Gang HQ needs to agree that you deserve the promotion based off of your merits. {ICP|L} - Leader {ICP|vL} - Vice-Leader {ICP|RM} - Ring Master {ICP|50} - Level 50 {ICP|49} - Level 49 {ICP|48} - Level 48 ... {ICP|2} - Level 2 {ICP|1} - Level 1 {ICP|0} - Level 0 Members: {ICP|L}Shagwrath {ICP|vL}??? {ICP|RM}??? {ICP|RM}??? {ICP|RM}??? {ICP|50}??? {ICP|50}??? {ICP|50}??? {ICP|50}??? {ICP|50}??? Applications: To apply, please copy and paste the format below and then answer the questions honestly. Do not copy another application or lie, you will be denied. Nickname (not your account): Year of Birth: How good is your english? (0-10) Tell us a joke (itd better be funny): If you get accepted to ICP, what would you want your RP name to be? (Dont use any existing names please, like Violent Jay, or Shaggy 2 Dope): What is your favorite ICP album? (if you dont have one, find one): What is your favorite ICP song? (if you dont have one, find one): Write us a little rap to show us youre serious and that youre good for ICP (I will google the shit out of what you type so no bullshit): Show us your clown face. (Download the template file and paint it to look like your clown face): https://i.imgur.com/3Sv9Xd0.png
Your ingame username: nekroxx Your ingame alias: Shagwrath Your year of birth: 1988 Your gender: Male Nationality: American Country of residence: United States How long you have been playing SAES: Off and on since October 2010, 4.5-5 years consistently. Been back for a couple of months now though. Qualities you can offer: I can script, 3D model, and have experience making things for MTA in this capacity, cars, weapons, objects/buildings. Also I'm very familiar with JS, C#, PHP, HTML, etc. Been using Photoshop for almost 10 years now. I'm patient and get along with everyone, and I have a genuine desire to help out. More about me personally, I love to be creative, I love to learn new things and find new challenges for myself to overcome. I can put that to use on the server in almost any capacity. Also I have been in the clan before so I have done some of these things before and anything new would be easy for me to learn. Your weaknesses: I can get tunnel vision while on a project or working on something and forget about the rest of my responsibilities, I've been getting better at this as it's part of my obsessive nature that will get me excited about new ideas or projects and I keep building and building until the scope runs away. Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): CS Do you have Discord Installed: Yes. Shagwrath#1224 Reason for application: I should have never left the clan to begin with, I want to come back to help and use my skills to help improve the server. I would like to eventually help in a scripting capacity, but I know there's plenty of other things that need doing and players that need helped so let me prove myself where you see fit. Server Memberships: Brothers of Metal, Helvete, and The Insane Clown Posse. I've been in CC, CLO, DE, HS, FBI, SAI. Been focusing on Helvete. Additional information: I have a lot of love and respect for MTA, I know that sounds corny. but ask about my hoodie if you don't believe me. This mod and the game it expands are a huge part of me, I met some amazing people and still am, I've learned to do some things because of it that I never thought I could, (I failed computer programming in school twice). I played on WSS yes, and left that past where it belongs, I was their lead developer for their 2.0 update, I left their and made my own RPG from scratch because I wasn't done trying to get all these ideas out that I had. I think this is a good time for me to mention how big of an idiot I feel like for leaving the clan and offending everyone. I should have thought about what I was saying and more importantly how I said it, all those years ago. I promise I'm remorseful and regretful, still to this day. I am sorry, to the SAES clan, to the players and to the friends I had that I let down, I am truly sorry I abandoned you all, please give me a chance to earn your forgiveness. If there are those out there that still remember what I did and it caused you grief, then please accept my apology. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: It's been so long I honestly don't remember, I'm sure I was removed from the clan though if I didn't asked to be removed. Also Kenny punished my eyes once, but it's okay, I forgive him. Previous (legitimate) bans: Never banned. Do you eat pork: Everyday if my heart can stand it.
Recruitment: @WenDo Date: 30.03.2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9AhZp5W Another one joins the army of Helvete, the brotherhood of darkness grows ever stronger!
Safe Cracker Date: 28.03.2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/thNHnDp Winners: @AdemBygt : $1000000 @ExeR : $1000000 @Orttimed : $1000000 @Columbia : $2000000 @Bartman : $2000000
[SUGGESTION] Binding weapon slots for easy switching
Shagwrath replied to Shagwrath's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@Siper_ said in [SUGGESTION] Binding weapon slots for easy switching: Switching is something where you have to practise for. Not adding some random binds, which makes the gameplay horribe if everyone can switch easy. Even with practice you make mistakes with it. More options are nice to have sometimes. -
[SUGGESTION] Binding weapon slots for easy switching
Shagwrath replied to Shagwrath's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
Could we add a command or something that we can use to switch our weapon slot instead of using the mousewheel? addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() function changeWeaponSlot(commandName, slotNumber) if (tonumber(slotNumber) >= 0 and tonumber(slotNumber) <= 12) then setPedWeaponSlot(localPlayer,slotNumber); outputChatBox("slot: "..slotNumber); else outputChatBox("0-12 ya idiot..."); end end addCommandHandler("slot", changeWeaponSlot); end ); This would be great, then I could bind all of these to my numbers, and switch super easy. -
[MOD] Enterable Coach and Fancified Trailers
Shagwrath replied to Shagwrath's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
Removed Trailers, please vote for the Coach if you like it please. Thanks! -
[MOD] Enterable Coach and Fancified Trailers
Shagwrath replied to Shagwrath's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
EDIT: If you like the Enterable Coach Please Vote for it, Ignore the Trailers as they were already Denied. Thank you! I was going through my old mods. Would SAES like this coach you can walk into? -
Maybe just put the old name tags back until the fps issue is solved? Or give us command to switch between the two?
@Manny said in [JOB] Quarry Worker: Ohh yea i remember this concept from samp rp shit. Its cool +1 Never played samp but every good idea has been done before so I'm not surprised
@Tombaa said in [JOB] Quarry Worker: @Shagwrath said in [JOB] Quarry Worker: ... and opel ... I don't know man, I think finding a car might be a bit too op :crank: :D
I have a bunch of jobs I would like to share with you, this is the first of many, Quarry Worker. Here is a video explaining the script that I have already made and would love to send to you if you like it. Otherwise please read below for a full description. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxnNMaNdOJA The idea of the job is that you get in a Dozer and 3 rocks pop up on your minimap, you push the three rocks into a pit that destroys them. after they are destroyed you earn a little bit of money. The money you earn is based off a random 'roll' you can get copper, iron, gold, diamond, ruby, and opel, ordered by rarity. If you find one of the rare rocks a notification is send out to the server, or even if you get a roll close to it it tells the server, this could be changed, but it motivates people to keep playing and grinding. After you push in all 3 rocks you get a little bonus for all three. If you leave the Dozer the rocks disappear, incase one gets stuck or you get stuck. Every so often you will have to run to the porta potty and relieve yourself. The rocks that spawn in for you are client side, so other players cant really help you, and you cant really afk doing it as your rocks just get pushed out of the way most of the time, not into the pit. If anyone has any questions please ask! I have other things I would like to post for you that I have made, but I'm just going to do one thing at a time to see what interests people and hopefully just send the stuff you all will like. Thanks, hope you like it.
Chainsaw BloodBath Moshpit Date: 15.03.2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/FFsADGf
Safe Cracker Date: 15.03.2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/RPpK91B
https://www.dropbox.com/s/mxcxsanlarb5mbk/ly6_2.rar?dl=0 theres garth and all his animations, no attacks and landing animation yet, but im curious if people can find visual bugs, and to see how people think the controls feel. please note there is an unsigned exe in the link download, this is just a development build with Unity, so if you have antivirus it may through a warning.
@Soul said in Helvete: Helvete Activity Photos ::: ::: https://imgur.com/a/zCyZJYE I have some as well
Melee Mosh Pit Date: 14.03.2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/8R0VZ3j
Safe Cracker Event Date: 14.03.2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/TBPuz6i
Recruitment: @ILLUSION Date: 15.03.2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qkKxxOM He drank the blood of the goat balls and was eager for more. Another one of the froud few joins the eager many. The dark and evil mob grows.
Recruitment: @Terry Date: 15.03.2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/mXzl1Tm Darkity Darkness
Coronavirus Outbreak Roleplay/Event Date: 14.03.2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/NqvXKfE
Task Results: We achieved all our goals! special mention to @Groove , @Darude and @Skomorje , thanks guys! New Tasks: 3/8/2020 - 3/15/2020 Mission: We've been given a special opportunity by a very 'powerful and important' buyer. What are we transporting? Well... don't worry about it. If anyone asks it's C grade quality meat for Cluck 'n Bell, but if the cops look, they're gonna see orphan meat, and not the best quality orphan meat. A jobs a job though so get to shipping that soulless and sad fraternally devoid meat. Class: Trucker Crew Task: 250 Illegal Deliveries Rewards: 2 SP per illegal delivery Mission: Time to show this town what we are made of! Let's fuck some shit up. Public cars, lamp posts, benches, bus stops, newspaper stands, anything that's public and not a gangs/squads/groups/players. Let's fuck it up. Send images of what you destroy. Class: Any Crew Task: Destroy 500 things Rewards: 3 SP per destruction
Recruitment: @Stark Date: 08.03.2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lO1woMC A new potentiary to the eternal brotherhood of darkness, another knight in satan's service. Hail Stark, he has achieved greatness.
Recruitment: @Frost Date: 08.03.2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/8RRJApZ Another has joined the dark lord's ranks in the eternal brotherhood of Helvete, We welcome Frost, all Hail.
Also, Adcent's back https://imgur.com/a/icElTrL