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Everything posted by Shagwrath

  1. Roleplay #8 6/5/2024 18 mins Participants: Shagwrath Business isn't so booming lately. Still, if we are to recover from the lull and reignite the fire we will require fuel to feed the flames of our desire. Bold, equipped with shovel, I make my way back to LS, to uncover fresh earth and procure fresh stock. Our Ice Cream truck makes a convenient portable deepfreeze, so turning over the hesitant engine I sped to Los Santos, there at the graveyard I began my normal routine, until the sight of pizza caught my eye... I could eat i considered before biting into the days old and cold pizza left atop the crypt. Let's just say easy come, easy go, as that pizza did not sit well for long. Woozy but still determined I discovered to my morbid delight that the funeral home's morgue was fully 'stocked'. 10 Corpses later and a sore back I returned to our HQ and unloaded the spoils of victory before they... well.. spoil.
  2. Roleplay #7 6/5/2024 9 mins Participants: Shagwrath It's a thankless job, but someone's got to do it. I warm up the ice cream truck and put down the strip to the 24/7 mart to grab some quick essentials. With the rising cost of food and rent, an establishment that is so irresponsible as to just leave free food and money on the table is our blessing.
  3. Roleplay #6 6/4/2024 16 mins Participants: Shagwrath So, what can I say? Not every plan goes off without a hitch. I have no one to blame but myself. After gassing up the bandmobile I grabbed a shovel and set off to LS and to the Cemetery. Weaving through the tombstones and looking for freshly upturned dirt I quickly found what I was looking for, a fresh grave, but alas, empty, for now at least, I must remember to try again tomorrow. Peeking around corners and making my way carefully to the funeral home adjacent, I attempt to break in the side door, but alas, it is locked, and I know full well there is an alarm system, and the security guard won't be far away. Slipping up to the roof, i checked the windows, carefully lifting them, but again, no luck. Defeated I made my way down to the bandmobile only to realize it had been jacked. Sigh, then I'll just go get my own car, nothing to haul home anyways. Grab a car, set off to LV, and halfway there, car runs out of gas. Sigh, guess I get to walk now.
  4. Roleplay #5 6/2/2024 5 mins Participants: Shagwrath Right down the road is my next favorite supplier, just as free and anonymous as the last I won't ask questions as to how and why this pit keeps filling up so fast every day, I would speculate but I'm sure prying eyes are looking so let's just say, ignorance is bliss. Stuffing the van with even more free stock I made sure to look over my should, just incase. You can never be too careful. Satisfied, I drove back to the base and loaded up our freezers.
  5. Roleplay #4 6/2/2024 8 mins Participants: Shagwrath Another day, another corpse. Taking a pleasant drive to the deserts of Bone Country I made my way to my favorite supplier. They free, they always have my stock and they don't ask questions. Picking up a shovel on the way I slowly unearth the secrets to Helvete's forbidden food. A few minutes later the van is full once more, and I am on my way to the next location.
  6. Roleplay #3 Date: 03/06/2024 Duration: 5mins Participants: scat In the bustling restaurant, the waiter emerged from the kitchen, carrying a piping hot pizza. Navigating through the maze of tables, he presented the dish with a flourish. The customer's eyes lit up with anticipation as they eagerly accepted the sizzling meal. With a nod and a warm smile, the waiter retreated back into the rhythm of the restaurant.
  7. Roleplay #2 5/29/2024 5 mins Participants: Shagwrath You ever just get in the mood? You know? A little brown chicken brown cow? Sometimes you just see an extra erotic lipstick advertisement on a billboard and you just gotta do what you gotta do, but at least I have some shame, I hid in the bushes to do the deed this time. I had a smoke then went on my merry way. I must have spent so long they towed my car so it was to the bus stop for me, but alas, the urge struck again. So here we are, understanding why the bus stops are so disgusting in this city.
  8. Roleplay #1 5/29/2024 8 mins Participants: Shagwrath Not all inspections go according to plan, its okay, I got out alive, not so sure about Sarah though. See this is why we don't leave forks in puddles of water next to electrical outlets, or maybe it was don't put water in the deep fryer? I don't remeber, but a lesson was clearly learned. Distracted by the mess and too busy dressing down our employees I was too busy to smell the burning asbestos in the ceiling, but I ran, oh did I run, I ran for my life... I'm not gonna to liable for this! It was all Sarah's fault! That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
  9. Activity #6 09/11/2024 Participants: Shagwrath Duration: 15 mins
  10. Activity #5 09/06/2024 Participants: Linkan Duration: 18 mins
  11. Activity #4 09/06/2024 Participants: Linkan Duration: 17 mins
  12. Activity #3 05/06/2024 Participants: Shagwrath Duration: 15 mins
  13. Activity #2 Date: 02/06/2024 Participants: Hyperr Duration: 20 mins
  14. Activity #1 Date: 27/05/2024 Participants: scat Duration: 49min
  16. This is an automated post for: Shagwrath Donation: GBP 50.00 GBP Link to your donation tracker topic: Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your donation tracking topic link and requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic:
  17. Media Archive Moved to Discord Helvete Discord
  18. Activity #145 Date: 27/03/2024 Participants: @chaplin @KarDeL @Blade @OnlyM3.exe. @Shikomaru Type of Activity: Fast Food Selling Duration: 30 minutes Screenshots:
  19. Roleplay Hey Hey, it's Grocery Day Date: 27/03/2024 Participant(s): @Shagwrath Details: The stomach is empty and the freezer is barren. Unacceptable; we must be prepared for tomorrow, I will take it in my own hands to refill our stocks, and maybe grab a new 'appliance' on the way. Stopping at my favorite grocery shop still in the mortal realm, i procure the proprietary ingredients and stock up on raw ingredients. I may have also grabbed the crash from the register as it was left unattended but don't tell anyone! Screenshot(s):
  20. Activity #141 Date: 26/03/2024 Participants: @chaplin Type of Activity: Fast Food Selling Duration: 40 minutes Screenshots:
  21. Activity #138 Date: 24/03/2024 Participants: @Shagwrath @Yuu ICS~Vortex Type of Activity: Fast Food Selling Duration: 20 minutes Screenshots:
  22. Roleplay The Return of a Legend Date: 24/03/2024 Participant(s): @Shagwrath @Yuu ICS~Vortex Details: The rumors turned out to be true, the return of one of the founders of Helvete at last! ICS~Vortex lands back in San Andreas, ready to help grow our reputation once more, and to help us lay the foundation of the empire yet to build. We show him the ropes and take him on a tour of the city before arming up and setting our sights on the future! Screenshot(s):
  23. Activity #137 Date: 25/03/2024 Participants: @chaplin @OnlyM3.exe. Type of Activity: Fast Food Selling Duration: 30 minutes Screenshots:
  24. Activity #133 Date: 23/03/2024 Participants: @chaplin Type of Activity: Fast Food Selling Duration: 30 mins Screenshots:
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