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Everything posted by Skon

  1. Event number: 648 Event type: Chicken Shooter Prize(s): $1.000.000 LWS Helper(s): @Colo Winner(s): @zacklee ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/z4fMfhZ
  2. Event number: 647 Event type: LMS Prize(s): $1.000.000 LWS Helper(s): @Colo Winner(s): @koko ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/1MeBgCy
  3. Assisting @CripZ at San Fierro Bank Robbery: 19/10/2020 ::: :::
  4. koll 3am wenty hay bkhyr zamull @voli link text
  5. Happy Birthday camel !
  6. ^[~[Patrol number: 15]~(maroon)] Date: 08.10.2020 Activity type: impounding around of San Participants: @Trap CC Member: @SniperLyfe Duration: 30 Min Screenshots: ~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon)
  7. Turfing whole SF Before ::: ::: After ::: ::: ( Order from Nicky :cooldoge: :hype: )
  8. Rest in peace, you'll always be remembered.
  9. 10/08/2020 Camels BR LV
  10. 10/09/2020 Assisting @The-Company TR BR: ::: :::
  11. ~[B]~(#e64409,#e64409)ank ~[R]~(#e64409,#e64409,#e64409)obbery ~[San Fierro]~(#e64409,#e64409,#e64409) 8/8: Faysal Cracked Two safes :cooldoge: :cooldoge: :cooldoge: :waitwhat:
  12. 31/07/2020 Assisting @Navy-Malistrip at LV BR ::: :::
  13. **30/07/2020 Turfing SF and Bayside and LV ** Before: ::: ::: After: ::: :::
  14. Happy birthday Nqmq
  15. Happy birthday Habibi !
  16. Happy birthday sevgilim benim !
  17. ~[Applicant Main Information:]~(#ff6f00,#ff6f00,#ff6f00) Nickname : I have known as Trap Username : Trap1 Age : I am currently 19 years old Nationality : I am a resident of Tunisian Languages you can speak : ( French / English / Arabic ). ~[Player SAES Career Information:]~(#ff6f00,#ff6f00) How long have you been playing on SAES?: 9 Month's i believe. However, i had a periods of inactivity. What is your experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them): The Company & The Outfit & ICE If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : ::: ICE-Immigration & Customs Enforcements: Because they went inactive and began to join the players are not ready, and they didn't respect anyone so i decided to be as crim side. The Outfit : That was the first experience for me in saes that made me understand how gangs work and i stayed there more then 3 month i helped them in many things so i guess it's time to start my carrier. The Company: I thought a lot before leaving and it was really hard to make such a decision. I was a Cool Player in a gang that I loved very much, but I chose to leave for a new experience with new friends, i guess time challenge in my carrer; and that's why i chosed Camel's i will find my comfort when i play as camel !!. ::: Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : No What groups are you currently part of ?: Global Express Trucking Company & World Farming Supply. ~[Personality Information :]~(#ff6f00,#ff6f00) What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you?: Well, I spent a lot of time with some of BlackBullets members, and I think that I can be part of the gang, because Im very active, I haven't been in any fight with them, I'm fully understanding with other BB members, I'll be loyal, mature, I will never break your gang rules and also F1 server rules and the most important thing is that I always respect everyone. I have also experiences with some other gangs, so I know all things how they should go. Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets?: BlackBullets gang is a criminal organization providing assassinations and mercenary services around whole SanAdreas. It's a gang based in SanFierro, but as I said, they are doing criminal activities around whole SanAdreas. The classes they assassinate include cops, civilians, and criminals. For the right price they can do all other things, that make you feel good. They are also dealing with all kind of weapons. Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : I applied for Black~Bullets because I think it's one of the most friendship and strong organized gangs on the whole server, theyve a good roleplay what's important on the criminal side. Also I know that a lot of your members are skilled and mature players which are always ready to help. Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : Yes, I have a friends but it was my idea to apply for this is organization Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional]: Thats All, Thanks ! ::: :::
  18. Was cool to see you around . Rest in peace Centrino! was a good ride indeed, RIP.
  19. Kol am Ou nti hai b khir khouya ! :cooldoge:
  20. woh ia shomi 3mirat 3id miled sa3id
  21. @Animator18 said in Animator applies for Clo: Im want be part of Clo beacuse i want help other member other player and new player and i will do my best for joining in Clo i promice i will help @Animator18 ! We appreciate your efforts and your loyalty to us so we decided to give you a chance this time, so don't mess around and try to prove your presence among us as a ClO. Congratulations ! Meet @Yoko_Kurama @Velona in game for the rest. seeeeeeeer plssssssssss @Ikzelf akkept him ! #animatorr4cloooo
  22. GXT Members: myself Time Taken: 20 minutes Deliveries: 2 Deliverys around all SA. Screenshots: ::: GXT Base to Palisades (SF)) Palisades (SF) to DE Naval Base :::
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