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Everything posted by Skon

  1. makes terrible yet sometimes funny puns
  2. GZ @Black-Bullets noice Crackers and Defenders :cooldoge: :crazypepe:
  3. ^[Event number: 837] ^[Event type: LMS Face2Face] ^[Prize(s): 1.000.000$.] ^[LWS Helper(s): @KARIM ] ^[Winner(s): @Hayder ] ^[ScreenShots:] ::: ::: ^[Event number: 838] ^[Event type: Lucky Nade] ^[Prize(s): 1.000.000$.] ^[LWS Helper(s): @KARIM ] ^[Winner(s): @Thamond ] ^[ScreenShots:] ::: ::: ^[Event number: 839] ^[Event type: Grenades LMS] ^[Prize(s): 1.000.000$.] ^[LWS Helper(s): @KARIM ] ^[Winner(s): @Avengr ] ^[ScreenShots:] ::: :::
  4. Honestly, the vent idea is just perfect.
  5. Congratulations.
  6. @Strong habyby oukayet <3
  7. frr Happy Birthday
  8. ^[~[Patrol number: 34]~(maroon)] Date: 27.10.2020 Activity type: Cleaning the streets and impounding vehicles Around of San. Participants: @Trap @Aveyro @Scofield CC Member: @AdemBygt Duration: 35 Mins Screenshots: ~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon)
  9. ^[] ^[~[Role Play Number: 9]~(maroon)] Participants in The RP: @Trap @Benny @killa ^[~[Story :]~(#471c0c) ] ^[So at this day, at almost 3 o'clock we were in San Fierro Cuban Cars garage, ready to work and do our job after a long patrol with Cuban Cars member "Benny". When we advertised that San Fierro garage is open, we got out first customer with a "Beat-down" Bullet. At first, me and my partner "Killa" talked about the car, of course we inspected it from the inside and the outside, to know, what we have to fix and what type of problem this Bullet has. and when i noticed some problems in the motor, with the battery and the piston. At first, i inspected and told us that we needed to change it. He went and grabbed the battery, came back, slid under the car and Killa passed me the battery. While he was isntalling the new battery, I looked around the motor and noticed something wrong with the piston, It didn't clearly sound right. When i was done instaling the battery, we checked on the piston and yes, It needed to be changed. We went and grabbed all the instruments, got down and started doing our job. We swapped the piston, changed the doors, bumpers, hood, trunk and windshield. After all that work, our customer came in and checked the car, he was really happy about our job and gave us some tips. the customers End of the day everyone left garage with gaining some experience. were happy!] ^[~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon)]
  10. ^[~[Patrol number: 34]~(maroon)] Date: 26.10.2020 Activity type: Cleaning the streets and impounding vehicles Around of San. Participants: @Trap @killa CC Member: @Benny Duration: 50 Mins Screenshots: ~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon)
  11. ^[] ^[Dj: @Trap @LightSide ] ^[Broadcasted on: 25/11/2020] ^[Duration: 20:52 - 22:04 ( One Hour and 11 Minutes )] ^[Additional information: Played 15 - 17 Requested Songs ] ^[Screenshot(s): ] ::: ^[] ^[] :::
  12. Participants: @Trap District: Las Venturas - Red county Shift period: Evening Shift - 25.11.2020 - 10 minutes Number of vehicles: 7 vehicles ^[~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(cyan,cyan)]
  13. ^[] ^[Dj: @Trap @PinkyyyTinkyyy ] ^[Broadcasted on: 24/11/2020] ^[Duration: 19:05 - 19:22 (Almost One Hour)] ^[Additional information: Played 2 - 4 Requested Songs ] ^[Screenshot(s): ] ::: ^[] :::
  14. Activity #29 Activity Type: Defending Store Robs Date: 24.11.2020 Member(s) included: [B~B]Trap, [B~B]Baphomet, [B~B]Curny , [B~B]Morde, [B~B]Napier, [TT]Marso Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. ^[] ^[Dj: @Trap @LightSide @SniperLyfe ] ^[Broadcasted on: 24/11/2020] ^[Duration: 13:12 - 14:16 (One Hour and 4 Minutes)] ^[Additional information: Played 12 -14 Requested Songs ] ^[Screenshot(s): ] ::: ^[] :::
  16. ^[] ^[Dj: @Trap @LightSide] ^[Broadcasted on: 24/11/2020] ^[Duration: 00:25 - 00:59 (30 Minutes)] ^[Additional information: Played 2 requested songs by random players] ^[Screenshot(s): ] ::: :::
  17. ^[] ^[~[Role Play Number: 8]~(maroon)] Participants in The RP: @Trap @Beckham @Rick @Scofield @Aveyro @M7 @killa ^[~[Story :]~(#471c0c) ] ^[Opening of the CC SF Garage and providing services to the people of San Andreas, We started ur Job at San Fierro garage. We were 6 mechanics and 2 Cuban Car members. At 2 o'clock we got our first customer, it was a Cheetah, the motor was smoking and it had some problems with battery and tires. So at first, I inspected the Engine that I was working on. The Piston was dented and the Engine was kinda letting out the air. After the inspection, I went and grabbed a toolbox. Dropped the toolbox onto the ground, grabbed all the instruments I needed and started working on the Piston. After changing the Piston , my other partner "Killa" called for help. We talked about what we needed to do. Mechanic.Trap told him, that the battery is leaking and it was old and dead. After that, Mechanic.Trap went and found a new batter to be replaced with the old battery. Mechanic.Trap slid under the car and Mechanic.Killa passed to me the new battery . After some time, i start installed the new battery and that task was done. After changing the battery, i decided to change the motor, because the motor was really bad and from it was coming a nasty smoke. The motor was hanging with wropes. Mechanic.Killa slowly walked up, grabbed the motor and slowly, slowly was lowering it, so i could grab it and place it in the right place. After that was done, me and Mechanic.Trap screwed all into places and the job was done. Our Cuban Car members were proud of us, that we done all the good job and the customers End of the day everyone left garage with gaining some experience. were happy!] ^[~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon)] ::: :::
  18. ^[~[Patrol number: 33]~(maroon)] Date: 06.10.2020 Activity type: Cleaning the streets and repairing vehicles Around of San. Participants: @Trap @Aveyro @Scofield @killa CC Member: @Beckham Duration: 15 Mins Screenshots: ~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(maroon)
  19. Happy Birthday
  20. E L E V A T E E L E V A T E Good Luck :crazypepe:
  21. @nishki said in Rooftop Koreans - Official Topic: @Trap Both lincoln and kaioshin are not in the group wtf why lie nigger idiot why arent kaioshin the leader of Rooftop Koreans ? Im pretty sure he have more SRs than you Kid :cooldoge:
  22. Ingame name: Trap Acount name: Trap01 Nationality: I am a resident of Tunisian Age: I am currently 20 years old English Proficiency: ( French / English / Arabic ). How long have you been playing SAES:RPG: one year i believe. However, i had a periods of inactivity. Other groups: Global Express Trucking Company & World Farming Supply & Chaos Society & Skydiving Organization. Current organization: Black Bullets What does roleplaying mean: Roleplay It means you act like a character like how their would in real life. Why do you want to join us: I believe the best place for me to advance in my career is with a stable and well-respected Group. Rooftop Koreans which is known for respected members and its mission. I want to be part of a Group where I can continue to use and expand my skills.Furthermore,I've done bad and good things and I believe I get experiences from these. What can you bring to Rooftop Korean: I have a lot to offer for the group such as my loyalty and my determination and with that I can help the group grow stronger. Who are Rooftop Korean: The people who defends their stores against the police in a rooftop. Do you have any friends in Rooftop Korean: Yes, I have a friends Lincoln & Marso & Baphomet & Morde & WenDo & Icecold & Aveyro & Lightside & Kaioshin and Kid @Nishki Did you hanged already with any Rooftop Korean: I didnt start yep , But time gonna show Put a picture of a Rooftop Korean in a spoiler : ::: :::
  23. ^[Assisting @CripZ at San Fierro Bank Robbery 20.11.2020] ::: :::
  24. Happy birthday <3
  25. Participants: @Trap @Sawos District: Las Venturas - Los Santos - San fierro - Red county - Bone county Shift period: Evening Shift - 17.11.2020 - 35 minutes Number of vehicles: 8 vehicles ^[~[Click here to see ScreenShots]~(cyan,cyan)]
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