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Everything posted by UrBan-

  1. ~[27/05/2019]~(#b32235,maroon,#ff0900,#ff0900,#e010e0,#822782) ::: :::
  2. ~[Before:]~(maroon,#472321,#c72525,#c72525) ::: ::: ~[After:]~(maroon,maroon,maroon,#472321,#472321,#472321) ::: :::
  3. ~[26/05/2019]~(cyan,lime,yellow,orange,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,cyan,blueviolet,violet,magenta,black,cyan,lime,yellow,lime,cyan,yellow,orange,purple,sienna,olive,green,teal,sienna,maroon,olive,green,teal) ::: :::
  4. ~[25/05/2019]~(#11edaf,#8a208a,#142247) ::: :::
  5. ~[21/5/2019]~(lime,purple,magenta,cyan,yellow,orange,magenta,magenta,magenta,lime,purple,navy,purple,navy,purple,navy,purple,navy,purple,navy,violet,green) ::: :::
  6. Hoster: Underground Empire ZIP/LWS/G6: @zaza Prize: $1.000.000 Type: LMS Colt-45 Winner(S): @Garcia1999 ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/N43AXY7
  7. Before ::: ::: After ::: :::
  8. @PunchLine We know what we do
  9. Participants: @Sniper @QuiCk @nori999 @zommra @Chepanii @azizbhk123 Title: Diamonds and Gold Story: Like every Morning all members go to base drink vodka or Juice when I go too I found many members they don't make anything and they just hear music and drink I tell sniper why we don't rob a traffic and earn money cause that will help our members to be rich and they can buy what they wan't when sniper hear me he like that and he told every member to take weapons and grenades cause we will rob and earn money they they take a car and they follow me cause I will show them the place and of course I take my biggest car cause it's a big quantity of money and we rush to the traffic when we stopped next to him we take weapons and we start walking to get away from risk and when we enter the interior we find a security man we start aiming at him and we told him hands up and go oppen all safes then put them on car or we will break your head he does what we say cause he is scared and no one can help him from the dead when he put all the money on the car Nori take it like victim cause that's make our members escape if police chasing us so we go to the Graveyard and we put the victim there we take his pocketmoney and his phone too then we start shooting at his armes step by step then his legs cause we kidnap him then we killed him and we go back to base very fast to put the money I change the car cause when someone see a big car have money he will call police. So we are on base we decided to put all this money on Nori house and let it there cause safe all the members are happy and they decided to buy A secret ship and put all money bags there.
  10. Participants: @Sniper @nori999 @Chepanii @xxzizouxx Story:A day I found A big amount of criminals and they wan't to earn money so I decided to talk with them to create a group then we can talk about any rob ect...and we can get more criminals many days left and this group have more members so I decided to rob a factory and be famous more then we are So I phone to everyone to come on a secret place to be protected from police when they come we start talking about the rob how will has gone I take my big car and I take a sniper with me cause he is leader and he has more experience in robbing and cheap + Nori they following us and they defend if someone coming on same way when we stop next the factory we find Zizou there cause we phone him and we don't find him but he comes directly to the factory we take weapons from the trunk and we enter it we find many places so we start searching to start cracking the safes and gets money suddenly we find camera services I tell them to sit back and I broke the camera cause we can get arrested we find the safes and we start cracking me and sniper cause we crack faster and nori & chepa & zizou deffending when we got all the money we put them on the cars and we rush to Zizou house we put them I shake evry body cause that's hardest rob ever and we decid to buy a secret base to regroup there. Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/xaZb6g6
  11. Date: 19/08/2018 ::: :::
  12. -Part 1-Personal information: Nickname: UrBan AccountName: Halloween741 Real Name: Hazem Age: 17 Primary Language: Arabic & English & french Your english skills: 8/10 -Part 2-Your playtime in MTA|SAES: How long have you been playing MTA: 2years How long have you been playing on SAES: 1 years (i stick inactive but im active now) How many hours do you play in day: 5H-8h -Previous gang/squads?:N/A currently gang/squads?:Underground Empire previous gang/squad/groups: Gangs: Wild Angels Capital Da Comando Groups: N/A
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