Ingame name: UrBan- Username: Halloween741 Country of Residence and Nationality: Tunisia Nationality Sousse. Spoken Languages: English & Arabic & French Age: 17 Date of the beginning of your SAES Career: 1 Year + Previous organizations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: WA:(Left)=Problem with members and I cannot stay with them on the same gang CDC:(Left)= It was inactive UE:(Left)=Problem with members and I cannot stay with them also my friends they taught me so many things and I realized to join THC Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words: my name is Hazem im 17 years old I like playing SAES RPG with friends to do Fun and being a perfect player and Trying to be better by looking to the future, I Practice Boxing and it's my favorite hobby also I took A gold Medal of Sahel on my country. I Like doing Banks, Turfs, Cracking and training at nano bob hanging around with friends, playing league of legends some times, going out with my friends to the coffee or to the beach to have fun and joy. I'm a loyal person and my strengths are cracking Doing Jailbreak helping my team max as I can, being helpful and active also respectful and I like doing Roleplays, activities, events to assist my gang. my weaknesses point is when I got a Drop fps and when my computer crashes sometimes I will buy another gaming Pc soon and I will be powerful no more weaknesses.