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Everything posted by Siirtuga

  1. starting bid : 300k ::: :::
  2. i think we need glue back i dont why it was removed but ok
  3. Starting bid $10.000.000 Celling price :40 millions ::: :::
  4. Starting bid: $10.000.000 Celling price $50.000.000 ::: :::
  5. Starting bid: 10 millions Celling price :45 millions ::: :::
  6. Address: account Name: Sigaied Last seen: 16th march 2019 Screenshot ::: :::
  7. ah wait nvm
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Pnu-CH0_ts :(
  9. @Licano said in ICE Problems & General problems!! (Read it): @Velona said in ICE Problems & General problems!! (Read it): @nicus said in ICE Problems & General problems!! (Read it): @Yoko_Kurama said in ICE Problems & General problems!! (Read it): @TaaviLaudur said in ICE Problems & General problems!! (Read it): @ColdPlay said in ICE Problems & General problems!! (Read it): AA :p AA :p AA :p AA :p AA :p AA :p AA :p
  10. yes UE the best squad gl
  11. @barras u won meet me ingame
  12. Any other bids ? this is gonna end today 19h00
  13. why Canelas is a woman? aahah
  14. 14-04-2019 ::: ::: ::: :::
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