Nick Name: KiroSa Account Name: malikvx Age: 18 Country: Tunisia Languages: Arabic English French How long have you been playing on SAES: 4Years Current Organisations (G/S/C and Groups): ~[FBI]~(teal) GXT BRINK-S Tell Your Punishments: well my last punishments was 2018 and im now clear since that not even a mute :hype: **Why do you want to join us?**as the server being so boring these days i would like to join and do something new **Why we should accept you?:**im hella active ingame :p i can be helpful as i was a part of the old news group What is our role?: our role is to share the new around the world and specially in SA we share people problems and their opinion too we announce events and stuff that happens around Anything you want to add?: well nothing i wish you all the best and i'll try my best to help if i got accepted