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Everything posted by KiroSa

  1. come on why all leave ;_; wish you the best bro i hope you come back again .-.
  2. it look awsome :P
  3. i hope if you can come back :D , so i wish you the best <3 have fun in ya real life :P
  4. @flex said in [SR "Cashier" Bug]: That's probably because someone else is trying to kill the cashier in a different store but some time when we try to kill him and he ain't we went to another Store and we kill the cashier so ...
  5. player name and his username : [WA]Seth<PH>|FF (usamali) last seen : 17th may 2018 secreen shoot : https://imgur.com/a/jNZ2AQW
  6. player name and his username : 001 (ridouan070) last seen : 30th aprill 2018 screen shoot :
  7. @James it was your fault and Sam just if you was realy strict in the test of join... u was giving players 3/ 5 chance sometime they fail more than 10 times but u accept them ... you accept player didn't even know what is RP / Activity ... also you do not learn them / help them ... ( no respect btw the members no one like the other / rank up them always also if they have 0 RP / Activity .... ICE didn't regroupe only if SAM or you join and call them ) giving HQ for sux player like " Winstone "
  8. well that bug is happned for me and my friends for more than 5 times the cashier ain't die ... i wish it fixed :P
  9. About yourself In-game nickname: KiroSa In-game username:MalikVx Your real name:Malik Age:16 Nationality: Tunisia Do you already have any friends in The Outfit?:yes Did anyone say that you should apply to join us?: yes Amara / O|Sicario420 What unique qualities can you offer to The Outfit?: helpfull active for 7/6 h per day im good at sniper at vehic drive i've a lot of others skills i can show it and upgard it with O : 3 Additional information about yourself: im Malik im 16years old i live in Tunisia : 3 i start playing .. last summer im active ... good im respecting the rules i've a lot of skills maybe O members that i will hang with them will see it :) Past experience in SAES:RPG: i wasn't in Officiel gang but i join VLA BBMC but i've an experience as cop in officiel squad "ICE" for real Criminals life is better x 999 then Cops life ! ! How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absenses & forum time too): well as i said i start playing at last summer but cz my PC has Brocked i lost my acc that year when i get new PC i try to get back my old acc with admins but i fail so cz i've new PC admin said that i can create new acc well i create new one im now playing for 1 month ago i've 445 + What previous gangs/squads/companies you have been in?(Please provide these in order, with time spent in each if possible):VLA / BBMC / ICE Why have you left the above?: VLA : RIP / BBMC : all players are Turkey they cant speak english only Souffly and chemist can so i cant contact with my team ... (expet the new members in BBMC now maybe they can speak ) / ICE : i left ICE cz Sam and James Invited players without apply and if they apply they accept them also if they fail in their Test i cant play with players didn't know what RP mean or they didn't respecting the rules of ICE and they ain't let me explain what is RP ! ! ! What server groups are you currently a part of?: Sanitary Andreas Previous server bans and reasons (include links): nope i do not get banned anymore ps : im good at english but i've some bad in Grammer :P
  10. Nickname: KiroSa Username:MalikVx Age:16 Gender: m What groups are you a member of?: no Groupe ... and i wish i join u :) so SA will be my first Groupe Have you ever warned/jailed? If yes, why?: yup well i've admin jails for the first day for me in the server well i read all the rules and im respecting for it :) now Have you ever been banned? If yes, why?:no never How would you rate your english from 1-10? (1 being the worst, 10 being best): 8/10 Part 2 - Roleplay Why are you interested in joining our group?: well i've good skills at RP and i need a groupe to show this skills with Friends Do you agree to follow all of the rules (Both the Server and Group rules)?: ofc before i apply i read all the rules and im agree to respect all of them both of them the server rules and the Groupe rules Describe yourself (Minimum of 10 words): my name is Malik im16years old i've good skills at RP and i wish i upgard this skills i live in Tunisia im active for 8/7 h per day :3 Why should we pick you over anyone else?: as i said im good at RP im active for 8/7 h per day i can be helpfull and im respecting all the rules
  11. @matheus oh really ? i do not Notice that if i do m and make URL_link every one inside my car can hear it xD
  12. well i've small idea i do not know if you will like it but ... idea is : u can do /play (URL_Link) inside your car so you can hear song only inside the car also player who get in your car can hear it too
  13. @Wizax Roleplay ( Number ) : 18 Roleplay Title: ----- Story: read down ! ! ! Screenshoot(s): @wizax said in SAFP - Official Media Archive: . Main characters: @wizax @Marwane @VoXeR Story: I was patrolling with a trainee teaching him somethings when we saw a drunk man in the road with a weapon on his hands, i removed the seat belts around me, Opened he door, Took out my shutgun then run into him, i asked him to give me his weapons License but he refuses, when i asked him what is your name he started running away so i shoot his right leg, he falled down i told Officer Marwane to cuffs his hands and keep his eyes one him while im picking the car, After we put him in the car we went to SAFP base, there we took his fingerprits then i checked his ID, he wasn't a wanted criminal or anything he is just a citizen, but only 1 thing was wrong, he left his wife and his childrens since 3 weeks, they dont know where is he, i putted him in the Integration room and keep waiting till the drunk effect finish, after 4 hours he was ready to answer my question, I asked him about his name and Date of birthday then i asked him "Why do you left you family?" he said "They are cu*ts, Always trying to remove the drink from me" i said "Do you know that your wife reported you because you punched her ?" He Answers "Yes i do" i asked him "You dont miss your family ?" He saids "Just sometimes my childrens but when i drink i forget everyyyyyyyyything" I said "In my job i work everyday. so i can't see my familly only 1 time every year, I really miss them" he said "yes that's true. i was in the jail for 3 years, in these years i really missed them in that time , my family, Do you have family ?" i answered "Yes i do 1 wife, 1 boy and 1 girl" he said what about your parents? "i said they died since a long time, Do you have a job ?" he said " Yes im trucker but i spend all my money in drink " i said " and you are pround of that ? im not telling you to no drink but watch your family they are the best think in this life don't lose them, take that as friend advice " and after a long talk i Told him " We will go to your wife, you will apologyz and back to your family like nothing happineds " he agrees, i dropped him in his house door then went to mountain to watch seeing them happy and seeing him kissing his children when they are sleeping made me remember my family, i took out my phone then called them Screenshots:##spoiler=Spoiler ##endspoiler -=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion -San Andreas Federal Police=-
  14. @chemist <3 <3 Event ( Number ) : 12 Event Type: Sky Sniper LMS Event Prize: 3.000.000 $ $ $ G6/LWS: [AA]M7mod Screenshoot(s):https://imgur.com/a/c3XN6ZN
  15. ) Event ( Number ) : 11 Event Type: DD Quad Event Prize: 2.000.000 $ G6/LWS: LWS:[TST]Arma[VL] Screenshoot(s):https://imgur.com/a/QeLXHS3
  16. @Arone Roleplay ( Number ) : 14 Roleplay Title: : Metaphoring a killer Story: there is a cop was always threatened me that he will arrest me and my friends... in one night i heared some sounds outside when im sleeping in my friends house so i bring my gun and i wake up y'all of them ... but i saw that there is a lot of cops outside i decide to run the good thing that no one of us arrested ... only some Quantity of Drugs well i metaphoring a killer @Arone to help me to kill that cop and get back the drug that he make it in his Car In return give him a quantity of drugs that we will get back Screenshoot(s): https://imgur.com/gallery/aQVnPGS
  17. First Part Nickname: VoXeR Accountname:MalikVx Age:16 Country:Tunisia Languages spoken: English / arabic / french How long have you been playing on SAES : 2years Use TAB and write how many hower u have : 209/45/45 Second Part: What is roleplay and will you be able to do it : Roleplay mean that do something like in real life and im able to do it my skills in RP is : 8/10 and i hope i upgard it when i join BBMC and be one of this Fmily What is Deathmatching and when you can do it :Deathmatching mean kill some one or destroyed his Car with out reason and it's not allowd if some one DM you ... you must relax and report him cz it's not allowd to revange :) What are Bank robberies and what is difference between BR and PBR: well bank robberies mean a lot of Criminal go to one of the Three Bank at LS / LV / SF and Rob it to get money .... well Gang BR only the gang who start the BR can go inside but the other criminals must stay outside and deff well they gonna also get Money .... and the PBR mean public it's for all Criminals from an official gang or normals Criminals they can rob it but they need 13 Criminals to start the PBR What is Turf war and give 3 important rules for you: well Gangs Fight to get Turf to be under their Controlls well they always fight to have more Turfs -u can not spawn as Cop to arrest the ennemy gang and help u r gang -u can not spawn as Medic and help your gang -if youre killed in a turf war as a cop or aCriminals it's not a DM Do you know 1 of our members and did he suggest BBMC for you :[BBMC]FastYnq|Prez
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