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Everything posted by Hatchet

  1. No from me....SRs are way more better than those old HRs. Cops are already a bit OP these days; replacing SRs with HRs will mean a disaster for crim side. I love the system as it is right now. Maybe it a bit repetitive, easier etc but I don't need extra pain in ass as long I'm getting the fast decent money.
  2. Ahahahaha
  3. @shah Bodo doesn't need her I think 'cause I guess he's ::: gei :joy: :::
  4. @wolfeh @Bodo420 @Ovalles @WenDo @shah Thanks a lot guys :smiley: Much love :hearts:
  5. Thank you @Mannan bhai
  6. The people voting no please make sure comment here why no
  7. This idea hit on my mind when I saw these chili dogs stalls. It would be nice to have an NPC ped selling different cheap street foods (the ones we can buy from the Pizza Boy spawned players) behind the stall. The price of those foods should be very low just like the food shops (Cluckin's Bell, Well Stacked Pizza, Burger Shot etc). When we go near the ped, one menu interface will pop up just like other selling NPCs/Vending machines (with a close button too of course) ; and we can buy street foods to gain some health. Also after we click on the food we want to buy, there can be an eating anim just before we gain health and lose money. The model of the ped can be 168 (bmochil) as it's the original chili dog vendor ped model from GTA SA.
  8. GXT Members: Hatchet Time Taken: 31 minutes Deliveries: Refueling gas stations all around San Andreas Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. So all of us knows these days a lot of players do jack other's cars, take it to the modshops and pink it and/or remove some upgrades only to troll and annoy them. This script will not let them do these menaces. Also it will be more realistic that only the owners will be able to modify their vehicles in modshops. By the way I'm not talking about donation vehicles. I think everyone should welcome this except those tards themselves who do these menaces.
  10. GXT Members: Myself Time Taken: 13 minutes Vehicles Fixed: 11 vehicles repaired/refueled Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. GXT Members: Myself Time Taken: 20 minutes Deliveries: Loading fuel from refinery then refueling different gas stations all around San Andreas. Screenshots: Click Here
  12. GXT Members: Hatchet Time Taken: 15 minutes Deliveries: 5 deliveries across Los Santos Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. GXT Members: Hatchet Time Taken: 20 minutes Vehicles Fixed: 24 vehicles fixed Screenshots: click here
  14. GXT Members: Hatchet Time Taken: 19 minutes Deliveries: Refueling some gas stations all around San Andreas Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. GXT Members: Hatchet Time Taken: 36 minutes Deliveries: 5 deliveries ( SF Trucking Depot > LS Docks > SF Palisades > LS Docks > SF Palisades > LS Docks ) Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. GXT Members: Hatchet Time Taken: 32 minutes Deliveries: Refueling gas stations all around the San Andreas Screenshots: ::: :::
  17. GXT Members: Hatchet Time Taken: 18 minutes Vehicles Fixed: 9 vehicle repair/refuels Screenshots: ::: :::
  18. GXT Members: Hatchet Time Taken: 21 minutes Deliveries: 7 Deliveries in and around the Las Venturas Screenshots: ::: :::
  19. GXT Members: Hatchet Time Taken: 12 minutes Vehicles Fixed: 7 vehicle repair/refuels (5 of them were of @ka0z ) Screenshots: ::: :::
  20. GXT Members: Hatchet Time Taken: 50 minutes Deliveries: Whetstone Logging to Creek Warehousing to Whetstone Logging (total 6 deliveries) Screenshots: ::: :::
  21. GXT Members: Hatchet Time Taken: 14 minutes Deliveries: Refueling gas stations in and around Red County and Flint County Screenshots: ::: :::
  22. Part 1 - Player Info Ingame nick: Hatchet Account name: MistaMachete Nationality: Indian Rate your English skills (?/10) : 8 Current Organization: Medellin Cartel Current Group List: InvestArms Corporation (Probationary), Fedex International. Why we should accept you? : I'm quite experienced here in SAES with decent Roleplay skills. I'm also good at following rules never got any Adminjail or mute(almost). I'm very active player. I'm good at shooting and driving. Finally, I'll help FFO in every way I can. Part 1 - Role-Play Info Rate your RP skills (?/10) : 7-8 Write a short RP story: One of our members had gone to Bone County for some work but didn't return back. We got no news of him, and seemed disappeared. Being concerned about his safety we decided to go to the BC to find out exactly what happened to him. When we reach the Bone County, after some time we managed to scope out a BCPD officer passing by solo driving his department car. We took this golden chance. We surrounded his car pointing our assault rifles at him. Being outnumbered and having only service pistol he surrendered. We took away his pistol and kidnapped him; took him to a corner of deserted Arco del Oeste. Tortured him until he gave us the information of our buddy. We came to know that the cops got him and at present being held into the prison. Then we put a bullet in the cop's head. We got prepared and raided the San Andreas Prison with advanced firearms, killing the guards at the door and all the Prison Wardens we met in our way. Thus we brought all the inmates including our buddy out, and we all the FFOs fled to our hideout together.
  23. Is it a transporter group?
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