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Everything posted by Hatchet

  1. Sounds great! If it have not much performance cost, why not
  2. Store robbery [#83] - 24/04/2023
  3. Blood Money [#5] - 25/01/2022 - @Orten1, @Frizi Once some wise man said "Be a thorn in someone's flesh for too long and your time might just run out". It's something every person should remember but some people are arrogant and fearless enough to forget it. Then people like us gets paid a hefty sum of money to get our hands dirty. This is part of this life. You will be up for any opportunity for making quick bucks in exchange of someone's life. This case was no different. We got contacted by one of our regular client about a "proposition". A contract which will make us rich quite fast. It was about a businessman who was being a thorn in our client's side for a long time. He offered him negotiations but with no use. He were so stubborn and arrogant he continued to trouble our client's business interests for his own personal gain. So as usual our client was done with negotiations and was ready to sort it out his own way. He offered us a hefty sum of 125k in exchange of making the businessman "disappear". He came to us first cause he knew where to go for professional services. As usual there was no reason for us to say no. We accepted the contract and he promised to wire us the fund as soon as the work was done. After he left I talked about this with one of our member. He was so excited for the job and told me he was ready. We came to our armory and picked up our assault rifles and some ammo. Then we hopped in our car and set out for the destination. The destination was West Vinewood, a wealthy but quiet neighborhood. When we reached there we got outta the car and walked towards our target's house with our weapons. We sneaked in and found a good place to hide and wait for him to come out of his house. After waiting 6 minutes alerted, we saw him leaving his house and locking the door. After he locked the door and slowly walked towards the gate we open fired at him. He tried to run but he couldn't. Our bullets tear him apart and he fell in a pool of blood. We checked if there were any witnesses but nobody was around at that time. Clean job. After this was done we took a photo of our target and sent it to our client. Then we got back in our car quickly and gone away before the cops show up. Later we received the money in our fencing account from the client. ___ Screenshots:
  4. Getting Started [#1] - 18/01/2022 - @Orten1, @MetalHead I am Mikhail Tarkovsky (colloquially known as "Hatchet" among the thieves of Russia) and this is where our story begins. You might be wondering who are we, where we came from, what is our aim and many other questions; and today I am here to tell you all about. We are known as Vory v Zakone or "Thieves in Law" which is an idea originated in the old country, Russia. We were well known thugs and criminals in Russia and respected in the Brotherhood. Our kapitan, the undisputed king of the Russian criminal empire wanted us to move to the states and expand our territory and business. He entrusted Wendo with leading this gang called Vory v Zakone in the states or more specifically in Los Santos along with a few loyal soldiers and experienced advisors like me who will help the gang grow. Our Pakhan Wendo was very happy about it. We departed from Mother Russia towards the lively city of Los Santos, in the west coast of California. After sailing for a month we finally arrived at the Los Santos docks and ditched our ship there. We had to be careful not get caught by the coast guards also we found a nice place in the docks to set up our base of operations. There were many abandoned warehouse and lots of space to set up our workshop and loading bay. We cleaned up the place and then started to set up the workshop. We needed equipment for cutting, molding, shaping and finishing the weapons and also a supply of raw materials. So we decided to give an old friend of ours a call who was a smuggler in Los Santos. We fixed the deal with him for buying arms manufacturing machines. He came with a boat to the nearby pier and we meet him there. After greetings we discuss business and asked him to show the machines. He invited us in his boat and show us the machines. The machines were of average quality so I said we can't pay that much we agreed on and instead we will pay bit less. After minutes of examining the quality and bargaining we came to an agreement. We paid him in cash and then he helped us move the machines to the workshop. Then we greeted each other and he leaves. ___ Screenshots: Click Here
  5. Activity: #244 Activity Type: Goods Transportation Date: 12/01/2022 Participants: N/A Screenshot(s):
  6. Activity #: 217 Activity Type: Delivery Date: 09/01/2023 Participants: @PanosPanos(Olim) Screenshot(s):
  7. Address: 1 Kurwa Close Account name: hamoucha08 Last seen: 12th October 2022 Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/xRSgglA.png
  8. Address: Nanoboobs Motel Room 2 Account name: roben00 Last seen: 9th October 2022 Screenshots:
  9. Thanks guys
  10. @Stalin ,
  11. Hello! Honest congratulations to all the devs and contributors who made these awesome changes possible. In this update I found out many of the known annoying bugs have been fixed and the gameplay has been made balanced and enhanced in many ways which is highly appreciated. Great to see you guys are still putting effort to make the server better. Good job and keep it up!
  12. Congratulations everybody! Well deserved! @JohnnyEnglish Congratulations bhai :red_heart:
  13. Date: 18/08/2022 Participants: @Rieeria , @Friction and Myself Type of activity: Money transport Description: We transported money from the LV bank to the Federal Reserve Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  14. Date: 18/08/2022 Participants: @Rieeria , @Friction and Myself Type of activity: Money transport Description: We transported money from the LV bank to the Federal Reserve Screenshot: [s=][/s]
  15. Date: 18/08/2022 Participants: @Rieeria , @Friction and Myself Type of activity: Money transport Description: We transported money from the LS bank to the Federal Reserve Screenshot: [s=][/s]
  16. @Dinaz said in [Suggestion] Add a bank to Whetstone!: @Barnes I literally mentioned it'd be a starter, not the whole solution, and it benefits both sides actually, cops and crims, civilians do already pass by like truckers and stuff to deliver shipments. This ain't mainly about reviving the place of course, it's more of a suggestion to experience something new with another bank in that place, but I mentioned above the possibility of reviving that place cuz it might, even by a little chance. Overall, it'd be less dead at that point. Exactly.
  17. +1 from me also. Whetstone usually too much deserted among all the counties. It's a chance of reviving the activity of this place a bit.
  18. Date: 13/07/2022 Participants: @General , @WenDo and Myself Type of activity: Money transport Description: We transported money from the SF bank to the Federal Reserve Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  19. Date: 13/07/2022 Participants: @General , @WenDo and Myself Type of activity: Money transport Description: We transported money from the LS bank to the Federal Reserve Screenshot: [s=][/s]
  20. Date: 11/07/2022 Participants: @Rieeria , @Friction , @Glayd , @Squi and Myself Type of activity: Money transport Description: We transported money from the SF bank to the Federal Reserve Screenshot: [s=] [/s]
  21. Date: 11/07/2022 Participants: @Rieeria , @Friction , @Glayd , @Squi and Myself Type of activity: Money transport Description: We transported money from the LS bank to the Federal Reserve Screenshot: [s=] [/s]
  22. Date: 11/07/2022 Participants: @Rieeria , @Friction , @Glayd , @Squi and Myself Type of activity: Money transport Description: We transported money from the SF bank to the Federal Reserve Screenshot: [s=] [/s]
  23. GXT Members: Myself Activity Type: Refilling gas stations all around San Andreas Time Taken: 17 minutes Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  24. Very sad news. May he rest in peace.
  25. GXT Members: Myself Activity Type: Refueling gas stations around San Andreas Time Taken: 30 minutes Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
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