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Everything posted by Gonza

  1. Type Of Activity: Refueling. Date: 20/11/2020 Participants: @Gonza. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/uIO5qjL.
  2. AA TURF NIGHT :P 19-11-2020 ::: :::
  3. AA TURF NIGHT :P 16-11-2020 ::: :::
  4. Fc cara de verga hermosa.
  5. Type Of Activity: Refueling. Date: 13/11/2020 Participants: @Gonza. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZDYNae5.
  6. AA TURF NIGHT :P 14-11-2020 ::: ::: Latinos on fire
  7. Type Of Activity: RolePlay. Participants: @Zodiac . Story: I was on my break when I receive a timely call from an old friend. He told me he needs my urgent help because he stayed in the middle of the road. I went looking for him and ran into a complicated job. His car engine was in the shit. I decided to take him to the workshop and check it out better there. Inspecting the engine, I saw his Toothed belt cut off. I gave my comrade two choices to change his Toothed belt or disarm his engine. But the second option was much more expensive and carried away so he decided as soon as he changed his Toothed belt and left it to his fate. I changed his Toothed Belt and he left assaulted to save him from that complicated situation. He paid me and said goodbye to me. ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/fpwcn7D.
  8. Type Of Activity: Refueling. Date: 13/11/2020 Participants: @Gonza. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/6emXjId.
  9. Type Of Activity: Refueling. Date: 10/11/2020 Participants: @Gonza. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/aVQeqEd.
  10. Type Of Activity: RolePlay. Participants: @Chanfloque. Story: I was leaving our workshop when I was a few feet away and I found a man who had an accident. I came to ask what happened to him and he told me that a wild animal crossed him and dodging him, he made a forced manoeuvre and hit a pole. I proceeded to check his car, I saw it was in a disprovable state. I didn't have the tools to repair it right here, so I decided to take it to the workshop. In the procedure of fixing the car, I focus on the front that this one throws pieces. Fix part of the engine and change the disc brakes. After finishing my exhaustive job, I called my client and told him his car was ready. The man paid me more for the inconvenience and earned me the confidence for future jobs. ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/INxBxO1.
  11. Gonza


    In-game name: Gonza. Account name: gonza8545. Current gang: Arms Assassins. Current groups: OB, ALT and Qdance. How long have you been playing in SAES?: I play since beginning of 2016. How active are you in SAES?: I play for 2 hours (night time) per day. maybe one day he won't play for studies. Why do you wish to join the Chaos Society?: I have old acquaintances and I would really like to hang out with them killing pigs and contributing with activity.
  12. Type Of Activity: Refueling. Date: 29/10/2020 Participants: @Gonza. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Z6kiBzU.
  13. Type Of Activity: Refueling. Date: 23/10/2020 Participants: @Gonza. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/3FFqOe4.
  14. Happy Birthday!!
  15. Type Of Activity: Delivery. Date: 20/10/2020 Participants: @Gonza. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/S43iFPR.
  16. Happy birthday Pelona!!!!!
  17. Feliz cumpleaos pana. Qudate mas tiempo afk as farmeo kills.
  18. Type Of Activity: Delivery. Date: 14/10/2020 Participants: @Gonza. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4tlVJ5i.
  19. Happy birthday pendejo :wolf_face:
  20. hbd macaco : D
  21. Type Of Activity: Refueling. Date: 08/10/2020 Participants: @Gonza. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/jLs35oO.
  22. Type Of Activity: Refueling. Date: 06/10/2020 Participants: @Gonza. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/TkNVl3t.
  23. Gonza

    Denied by AA

    Hola, Buenos dias? Mi nombre es gonza.
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