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Everything posted by Gonza

  1. Jailbreak #300 OB Members: @Disaster Judy. OB Helpers: @Sucre . Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/zfSp2w6.
  2. Jailbreak #293 OB Members: @PerroLombardo . OB Helpers: Lazar. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qZw9em8.
  3. Jailbreak #291 OB Members: @Disaster @Licano @PerroLombardo @Bartman @Douglass @Kowalski . OB Helpers: @cocko . Screenshots: Here
  4. [Event 212] Event Type: Lucky Stachel. Prize: 1.000.000$. Winner(s): Latino. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/jrmOOtF.
  5. Jailbreak#288 OB Members: @PerroLombardo @Rocket . OB Helpers: Lazar. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/EwB8qEv-
  6. Jailbreak #285 OB Members: @Disaster @Zodiac . OB Helpers: Lazar. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/tblGGpF.
  7. Jailbreak #284 OB Members: @Licano @Zombie @Spinkes . OB Helpers: @Troyano @cocko . Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/FfxE4Lt.
  8. Jailbreak #283 OB Members: @Licano @Velona @Yoko_Kurama @Douglass @Zodiac @Disaster @Spinkes . OB Helpers: @MaRoO @cocko . Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/CL8O5Vb.
  9. Jailbreak #282 OB Members: @Disaster . OB Helpers: None. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/UyATVX8.
  10. Fc sica : 3
  11. [Event 206] Event Type: LMS. Prize: 1.000.000 Winner(s): @Pazoo . Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/OFxkXmz.
  12. Jailbreak #279 OB Members: @Yoko_Kurama @Licano @PerroLombardo . OB Helpers: Lazar, Sucre and @MaRoO . Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/vBIrKGI.
  13. Jailbreak # 275. OB Members: @Noisyboy . OB Helpers: none. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/WND3ghC.
  14. Feliz cumple mi compa de aburrimiento! ojala que lo pases bien.
  15. Nickname: Gonza. Age:18. Country: Argentina. Languages spoken: Spanish as source language and English in respective portions. From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 5. How long have you been playing on SAES: I play since beginning of 2016. In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assassins are one of the best dealer if we are talking about weapons, long time they have been leading the guns delivery around SA, They got a great postion among the another gangs due to their guns quality and their professional service. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): SAFP:(got kicked out of this squad because I did not really like the cop side and I spawned a lot as a criminal. RDMC(die). CripZ(I had probles with some members). ThC(Despite the fact that i had a great relationship, I did not fell that I was part of them. But I thank all the things they gave me and with.) Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: none. Name 3 BR rules: -It is not allowed to jump from bank robbery without parachute when it ends. -It is not allowed to kill at the entrance of the back. -Gang member is not allowed to spawn as cop and go to bank robbery. Name 3 GR rules: -You can't rob alone. -You can't kill in the spawn of enemies. -Grenades are not allowed to be used. Name 3 Turf rules: -CLO/DE Is not allowed. -It is not allowed to kill from a roof unclimbable. -It is not allowed to spawn as medic, pizza or police officer to go help your gang or allies. What is Roleplay?: The roleplay is when you act a ingame life like the real one. What is Deathmatching?: Damaging or killing any player for no reason. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: I would report him to an admin/HQ. You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: I'll get my path without bothering anybody. Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: Licano alongside with Willy, Rubik, Yoko,Villain and the rest of Latinos suggested me to apply. Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): I'm a calm person.I will start the university, and i will study programming.I love to see and play football, i'm very fanatic. Also, i love to watch series on "Netflix" or others sides; i like all kind of music.I'm studing to get better my english.
  16. Username: maxxan2486. last seen : 8th july. https://imgur.com/a/9iJpQco
  17. PART 1 Nickname: Gonzalo. Age: 17. Gender: male. Current Groups: none. Rate your English: 5 Have you ever been banned: none. PART 2 What job are you interested in?: Photographer. Why are you interested in joining this division: I am interested in this division since I like the photography very much, besides my english skills are not that good and I think I could help the group by doing this job that has almost nothing to do with my english skills Why do you want to be part of KTN: I would like to be part of KTN because I want to be part of a RP Group, I find the role of this group very interesting and for it would be really cool being able to help you in whichever way I'm able to. State why should we choose you over other candidates: as I said above I'd like to help the group and would work for the things hard, I know already that I'm not the best applicant but I would give the best of me in order help the group and have fun while doing so.
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