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Everything posted by Nexroth

  1. Starting bid: $50.000.000 Minimum bid increase: 1m ::: :::
  2. Happy Birthday Reis. yi ki dodun abi seviyorum seni kankacm <3
  3. Event : 12 Event Type: Last Man Standing Prize: 1.000.000 Hoster(s): I and Izanagi Clan Winner(s): [ThC]M7mD Screenshot's: ::: :::
  4. Event : 11 Event Type: Last Man Standing Prize: 1.000.000 Hoster(s): I and Izanagi Clan Winner(s): UE|Castellano Screenshot's: ::: :::
  5. game Name: Nexroth Account Name: roullet99 Which boxer would you like to bet on: Jaster How much you want to bet[Maximum 5M]: 1m
  6. Hello ,Welcome to my LWS event topic. Here i will posted events hosted for LWS. Total Events: 10 Total Money Spend: 11.900.000$ The events format I use; Event : Event Type: Prize: Hoster(s): Winner(s): Screenshot's: Currently Events; Event : 1 Event Type: Knock Me Off My NRG Prize: 3 Rounds 300.000$ Each Hoster(s): I and Peaky Blinders Winner(s): S!la and Disaster (x2) Screenshot's: ::: ::: Event : 2 Event Type: Kamikaze The Shamal Prize: 1.000.000$ Hoster(s): I and SDO Winner(s): Terry and hRL Screenshot's: ::: ::: Event : 3 Event Type: Chicken Nader Prize: 1.000.000$ Hoster(s): I and Gladiators MC Winner(s): Rikki Screenshot's: ::: ::: Event : 4 Event Type: Fallout Prize: 1.000.000$ Hoster(s): I and Gladiators MC Winner(s): Raider Screenshot's: ::: ::: Event : 5 Event Type: Find The Dildo Prize: 1.000.000$ Hoster(s): I and Peaky Blinders Winner(s): TaffyC Screenshot's: ::: ::: Event : 6 Event Type: Last Man Standing Prize: 1.000.000$ Hoster(s): I and Peaky Blinders Winner(s): Bernasx Screenshot's: ::: ::: Event : 7 Event Type: Lucky Tube Prize: 1.000.000$ Hoster(s): I and Peaky Blinders Winner(s): Gxnzo Screenshot's: ::: ::: Event : 8 Event Type: Musical Chairs Prize: 1.000.000$ Hoster(s): I and Peaky Blinders Winner(s): Lokomokotaief Screenshot's: ::: ::: Event : 9 Event Type: Marathon Swimming Prize: 1.000.000$ Hoster(s): I and Peaky Blinders Winner(s): Sweet Screenshot's: ::: ::: Event : 10 Event Type: Runners vs Cars Prize: 3.000.000$ Hoster(s): I and Peaky Blinders Winner(s): Matiz ,Nturder and Lightning Screenshot's: ::: :::
  7. GZ Ladies!
  8. Reis doum gnn kutlu olsun
  9. Happy Birthday junkieeee
  10. Type of event: Kamikaze The Shamal Prize(s): 1,000.000 Wineer(s): Terry-hrL Hoster(s): SDO helper LWS/G6 member: Trevor Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. Good Luck man!
  12. Date: 09.12.2019 Event Number: 10 Event Name: Chicken Nader Price: 1.000.000$ Winner: CripZ>Rikki Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. Dear @PaBLo ~[Accepted]~(lime) Welcome to Club. Congratulations! Dear @Skes Thank you for your interest to joining Gladiators Motorcycle Club. You were ~[Denied.]~(red) You need to improve yourself. Lack of english. Feel free to re-apply after 5 days if you still interest on GMC. Dear @Whitelock Thank you for your interest to joining Gladiators Motorcycle Club. You were ~[Denied.]~(red) Lack of english. You know not enough hanging with members for join us you want to show your skills and let us have an idea. Feel free to re-apply after 2 week if you still interest on GMC. Dear @Egoist Currently status are ~[Under Rewiev.]~(gray) Keep hang with GMC members, show yourself and let us have an idea. Regards Gladiators MC HQ Team Nexroth
  14. Date: 05.12.2019 RolePlay Number: 20 Participant organizations: @GladiatorsMC , @PoLaT ,@django RolePlay Story: Today, the president and I decided to go out and go to the bar for a little distraction. At the same time there were issues we needed to talk about the club jobs. We got our beers and started talking. Half an hour later, two cops came in and pointed a gun at us. We asked what happened. The cops said we were wanted and we had to go with them to the police station. We had agreed. We walked out of the bar and they went behind us to put handcuffs on us. They handcuffed the president. I punched the cop and knocked him down. Then immediately running away from there. I grabbed the guns from the warehouse and got in the car. I went over to the bar and started spying. They put the president in the car. They were probably gonna take him to the police station. I immediately got in the car and started following them. They stopped at the burger parlor after a bit of going. One of the cops came in and the other cop got out of the car to talk on the phone outside. In the meantime, I slowly approached behind them. When I got behind the cop, I pulled out the gun and killed the cop. I broke the lock on the car, got the president out of the car, and we drove away. Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Date: 05.12.2019 Activity Number: 31 Tiltle: Random Night Activity-LV PBR Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. Date: 04.12.2019 Activity Number: 30 Tiltle: Morning Activity Screenshots: ::: :::
  17. Dear @EmilBaba007 Thank you for your interest to joining Gladiators Motorcycle Club. You were ~[Denied.]~(red) You need be active bud! Feel free to re-apply after 2 days if you still interest on GMC. Regards Gladiators MC HQ Team Nexroth
  18. Date: 01.12.2019 Activity Number: 26 Tiltle: Morning Activity Screenshots: ::: :::
  19. Date: 29/11/2019 RolePlay Number: 17 Participant organizations: @GladiatorsMC - Trucker.Prezmaster RolePlay Story: In recent weeks, we've noticed that there have been truckers passing through our area. We found out they usually carry construction materials. But we've been informed that the truck that was due to arrive today was carrying a motorcycle shipment. This is a really big and beautiful opportunity for us. They are very expensive, as they are the latest motorcycles. If we steal all the bikes, the club will make some serious money. We made a plan right away and took the route of the truck. And we started planning how to rob it. We'll take some guns with us, wait where he'll cross on a motorcycle, then follow him from behind. As he approached the truck, the president fired a warning shot at him to stop. The truck driver stopped immediately. We told him to go downstairs and raise his hands. He went downstairs and raised his hands. The truck driver looked scared. I told him we wouldn't hurt him if he helped us. He asked what would happen if I didn't help. I told him i will kill you. After hearing this, he agreed to help. I told him to give the president the keys. The president took the keys and got on the truck, and I told the truck driver to get on with him. We had the truck impounded. We immediately went to our base. One by one, we took the bikes down the back of the truck. Meanwhile, we told the truck driver to stay put. But when the truck driver suddenly tried to escape, we had to kill him. We erased the serial numbers after we hid the bikes in the garage. We put up for sale. Screenshots: ::: :::
  20. Date: 29/11/2019 RolePlay Number: 16 Participant organizations: @GladiatorsMC - @Greed RolePlay Story: An old friend called me today. He asked me if I was available. I told him I was available, I asked him what he needed. He said he wanted to meet face-to-face and he wanted to meet at their base. I got on the motorcycle and went to their base. Sit and we chatted for a while. He then said he needed the money and asked if I could lend it to him. I told him I had a problem with money, too. But I told him I could help him in the club safe, but I said I could only get money from the club safe when I was buying things. He said they had new, high-quality herbs. I wanted to try the weed because it was a reasonable offer. I went and tried the weed. They're really good and pure herbs. I asked how much. He told me he needed 200,000 grand. I called the Treasure and asked him to arrange the money. After I picked up the weed, I hid it in the back of the motorcycle. I gave you the money I was supposed to give you. After we talked a little more, I caught my eye on the newly grown grass in the garden. I went and bought some seeds and left. Screenshots: ::: :::
  21. RolePlay Number: <13> Participant organizations: @Rowdy35 - @GladiatorsMC RolePlay Story: We learned today that new weapons have arrived from Cuba. In San Fierro, we found out that a gang called AA was going to the Armory. We heard the incoming weapons were new models. They said the new models had a long magazine ,silencer, laser and red dot shot. It would be very risky and lucrative for us to steal them because they are more advanced than the weapons we have. We gathered with our brothers at the club and went to San Fierro. We went to the Armory. We made plans before we went in with our brothers. We went inside and asked the price of the guns in a normal way. He asked for $ 20,000 for the AK47 and $ 15,000 in sniper. I said I wanted to look at the AK47. As soon as he went to get the gun, we pulled out our guns and threatened him. He shot at our brother with the gun he took to show us and wounded him. We necessarily we had to kill him. After we killed him, we looked at our brother's condition and the bullets were just grazed. We immediately started collecting guns and bullets from the store. After we got everything, we put it in the trunk of the car and drove away. Screenshots: ::: :::
  22. Date: 26.11.2019 Activity Number: 20 Tiltle: Morning Activity Screenshots: ::: :::
  23. Dear @rabyewiw ~[Accepted]~(lime) Welcome to Club. Congratulations! Dear @Crawl Thank you for your interest to joining Gladiators Motorcycle Club. You were ~[Denied.]~(red) You need to improve yourself. Lack of english. Feel free to re-apply after 2 days if you still interest on GMC. Regards Gladiators MC HQ Team Nexroth
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