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Everything posted by Nexroth

  1. Event : 31 Event Type: LMS Prize: 1.000.000 Hoster(s): I and B~B Winner(s): CripZ>Zaza Screenshot's: Click Here For Screens
  2. Event number: 411 Event type: RC Baron Shooter Prize(s): 1.000.000$ LWS Helper(s): @alex0107 Winner(s): [hs]Rondaw ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/NvLK4fe
  3. Event number: 410 Event type: Genocide Prize(s): 1.000.000$ LWS Helper(s): @alex0107 Winner(s): Raf ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/fyD7ciW
  4. Event number: 409 Event type: LMS Prize(s): 1.000.000$ LWS Helper(s): @alex0107 Winner(s): CripZ>Zaza ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/9EV8Y00
  5. Jailbreak # 1290 Outbreak Members: Me Outbreak Helpers: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/PWjfrmk
  6. Happy Birthday buddy
  7. 17/05/2020 CAMELS BR SF
  8. @fenter said in Rebels MC Media Archive: Roleplay number: #202 Title: A deal gone wrong Participants: @Franklin @Nexroth Screenshots with the explanation: We were sitting, and chillin' in the base. And then suddenly we got a phone call from an unknown person. and he said that he wants to buy guns from us, and he gave us an address to meet. then we went to this address and we found a white man, with his hummer. and we parked our van. and then started talking. he asked us about our guns, and the prices. Then he tested our guns and he liked it. But! when Franklin turned around to get the goods, the man shot frank in his leg, then he tried to shot me. But he couldn't shot me. Then he escaped away, and I took Franklin to the hospital, and after weeks Franklin recovered. Then we had conversation. Then we headed to man's house. and Then we started shooting him, Franklin shot him above his heart. And we took revenge, and took our weapons, which he stole them. Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. Happy Birthday little ninjaa :P
  10. I got a message from Mr. James earlier this evening. Mr. James mentioned a traffic cop in the message. He said traffic police were constantly checking a garage belonging to Mr James. Mr James, stores drugs in the garage's warehouse and distributes them on the streets of Las Venturas, said they were quite troubled by the situation. Because any trace the traffic cop could find would have filled the warehouse with cops. I said I'd take care of the situation. The next day I started investigating the traffic police. His Name Is Denis Denver.I found out he was a member of the San Andreas Interceptors. Then I did some more research and went out and started watching him. He leaves his house at 8 a.m., gets in his car and patrols until 12 p.m. It operates the los Santos-Las Venturas roadblock from 12 p.m. to 9 p.m. He then returns home to eat pizza from Clucking Bell. It was too much of a risk for me to kill him in front of the Clucking Bell because there were too many houses around. The next day I went to the place where he did a roadblock in the evening. I slowly drove past the roadblock with my car and i looked around as I passed. It was a good spot for me to have so many mountains around. There were no houses or other residential areas in sight. I could have gone up into the mountains and killed him with my sniper rifle. After I got out of the checkpoint, I went down the back roads into the mountains. I found a good spot where I could kill him, and I was positioned there. I waited about 1 hour for the traffic to drop. Then, as the clock approached 9 p.m., the barricades began to be lifted. It was a good opportunity for me. I put a silencer on my sniper rifle and put a huge scope on it. I shot him in the throat with 1 bullet and killed him. Then I left quickly and informed Mr. James. ~[Black ~Bullets. ~Agent.99~]~(#ff5100)
  11. 03/05/2020 Turfed Whole SF & Midnight Activity ::: Before; After; :::
  12. 02/05/2020 Midnight Activity 02/05/04/2020 Assisting on The Company RC BR: ::: ::: 02/05/2020 Assisting on the Tuga Thugs LS BR: ::: ::: 02/05/2020 Assisting on The Outfit LV BR: ::: ::: 02/05/2020 Turfed Whole SF ::: Before; After; :::
  13. Jailbreak #1144 (10 mins) Outbreak Members: @Nexroth Outbreak Helpers: - Screenshots: Click Here for Screens
  14. 01/05/2020 Activity 01/05/04/2020 Assisting on the Arms Assassins TR BR: ::: ::: 01/05/2020 Assisting on the Arms Assassins BC BR: ::: :::
  15. 29/04/2020 Assisting on the Arms Assassins RC BR: ::: ::: 29/04/2020 Assisting on the Arms Assassins LV BR: ::: :::
  16. I got a text at noon today. The person who sent the message is Mr. Sam, the owner of the Four Dragons Casino. Mr. Sam said there was a gambler who came to the casino at noon every week. One of the gamblers Generation x members, Rick. Mr. Sam says Rick gets a lot of money every time he comes to the casino and leaves. Mr Sam thought the machines he was gambling on had been hacked, said the casino was badly damaged and asked me to deal with it. After I got Mr. Sam's message, I started following Rick, a member of Generation X. And the next day I found out you were going back to the casino. The next day, at 11:00 a.m, I went to the casino and waited for Rick. About 10 minutes later, Rick arrived and parked his car and entered the casino. 10 minutes after Rick entered the casino, I went in behind him. There weren't many people at the casino because it was early, but I can't kill him here. I guess he didn't pay much attention to his clothes to avoid attention, and he was coming to the casino early. After spying on him for about 1 hour, I went outside and waited for him to leave the casino. Half an hour after I went out, Rick left the casino. I approached him, showed him my gun and told him to get in the car. I drove into a large construction site just outside Las Venturas. I got Rick out of the car, i killed him with 1 bullet on the head, and threw him in one of those holes and covered him up. ~[Black ~Bullets. ~Agent.99~]~(#ff5100)
  17. 27/04/2020 Assisting on the Arms Assassins LS BR: ::: ::: 27/04/2020 Assisting on The Outfit TR BR: ::: :::
  18. Event number: 378 Event type: LMS Prize(s): $1.500.000 LWS Helper(s): @MatizZ Winner(s): @Pazoo Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/tHw6Etw
  19. 26/04/2020 Assisting on the Arms Assassins TR BR: ::: ::: 26/04/2020 Assisting on the Arms Assassins LV BR: ::: :::
  20. Event : 30 Event Type: LMS Prize: 1.500.000 Hoster(s): I and OB Winner(s): @Duff Screenshot's: Click Here For Screens
  21. #355 Event Type: LMS LWS Helper: Velo Prize(s): 1.500.000$ Winner(s): @Duff ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/R0Q4uqC
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