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Everything posted by Law

  1. After we ask for more sr we ask for more brs and make new reset time we 16 gangs give us back old jail or map new one stable for both sides still no new just afk script cops and need 10 squads more markers + new trash jail + new transporter and no one play it anymore and we don't get anything, so cops side be like 12 squads in game maybe more than half afk from boring cause no new from years and cops side dying just make topic why don't want cop, and you already have answer for it and still waiting for something new but no answer
  2. Activity #83 Date:8/4/2021 Activity: roleplay @niklaus said in Cuban Cars :: Media Archive: ^[] Activity type: Internship-program (SF Garage) Participants: @ka0z @tokiits Cuban cars Mecanico(s): @Niklaus @Trevor Mechanic(s): @killa @PaiN500 @Law Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qsvCuKM Hoster scenario: We started this internship program in our SF Garage with Killa, Law, and Pain. The first car was an orange Comet, the owner hit a wall by mistake and called us to fix his car, the front bumper and hood were fully damaged so we had to replace them with new parts, Mr.Killa was on them while Mr.Pain was checking the wheels and Mr.Law was checking the engine. Mr.Pain checked the tires and everything was fine there so he decided to help Mr.Law, the oil pipe was damaged and leaking so Mr.Law brought a new pipe for it and Mr.Pain was fixing some screws, Mr.Killa was done with the front bumper and hood, the owner came to check on his car, he smiled and said I knew this garage was my best option, then he asked is to paint the car too after we finish with the damaged parts. We tested the car and everything was fine so we brought it to the other side to start painting it, the owner said he likes the black cars so he always wanted to paint it in black. Me, Mr.Law, and Mr.Pain were painting the body and Mr.Killa was painting the wheels. I told the owner to follow me to pay and sign on the guarantee papers, it cost him 300$ for the new parts and 150$ for the painting. The second we finished with Mr.Ka0z, Mr.Tokiits came to fix his car, it was an old car and fully damaged from everything. All three of the mechanics hurried up to fix the car, Mr.Pain started with the trunk and it was fully damaged so he had to replace it with a new one. Mr.Law was checking on the doors, the back left door needed to be replaced with a new one, so he went to the storage searching for a new one and thankfully he found one so we didn't need to call the other branches to ask about it. Mr.Killa was checking on the engine and the other parts there, the battery was damaged so he wore gloves and started replacing it with a new one. Mr.Pain was done with the trunk and started checking on the oil pipe, it was leaking so he had to replace it too with a new one. After fixing all these parts me and Mr.Pain took the car on a test drive, it was working fine so we head back to the garage. Mr.Tokiits was very happy about our work, sadly he didn't have the money on him so he chose the installment payment. In the end, I closed the garage, I thanked our students for attending this Internship-Program and told them they are free to leave now. ^[]
  3. Activity type: Refilling stations with@KaKi . Situation before: ::: ::: Situation after: ::: :::
  4. Let's start I was in both sides before, when I start game try play criminal was hard and all time arrested 420 seconds, so I try cops side was easy one to play and starting play in server as cop, you have toys very power to catch any criminal like taser gun -shotgun - flash- k panel, and your spam until you arrest your target so main RP only arrest in Br Sr VIP old kings home not new trash jail But in that time no one learn me anything about how to use all what I mention just rules and hanging few times like 30mint in day and all day boring AF same thing every day Sr VIP Br only one thing I was wait for it JB cause more fun and money rise my stats action all time. Kings home old one was being stable for both sides criminals can hold it more time for more action and fun for each side even try new tricks while JB is on but new jail is made only for cops side even 5 trainers can rip +20 criminals in it why a lot of markers gates and secret passages to control roam and red gate even marker red cell is EZ to hunt who stand there so its EZ to rip any JB fast without need HLS or DE helping so what cops doing now after no JB all time cause of it add new things to make cops side be EZ more is made cops side be boring with time and near to rip so what left to cop Sr BRS VIP 2:: Sr same thing every day no new boring even for both sides for years now we made topics change Sr grab old Sr with new one or create something new but not like new jail make it stable for both sides even change Sr looks like in every city but no new so what left VIP Br 3: VIP no fun in it why cause just grab VIP in lvpd when criminals can't enter it boring and same VIP system every time we need to change or add new thing to it too 4: BRS only one thing left after new jail left but even these admins killed it make new markers in lobby in big banks new scripts AFK + 10 squad req only 6 banks and reset every 6h so as IAM cop must wait until banks be able every 6h and gangs regrouping and start Br to go to bank boring AF and no team work inside cops side only use radio no tactic how to rush or kill criminals inside and rise your skill with cs and flash tricks and use your brain not run and die all time No rps in cop side as all see money transporter is boring not add anything to cops side we made topics for add to cops more rps like they can turf with us and make arrest time less +even make cops can crack safes of gangs in bases like gr Gangs have with new rules for it lot of ideas for rise cops side but no one try even listen to me or anyone like we're talking to wall. Make cops side harder no fun to play in easy mode all love hard one make it easy more and more be boring AF after while that is why I see a lot of squads members left and came to gangs. From all my talks mean no teamwork between squads all try to have achievement to him self don't think about big goal to rip Br or Sr VIP JB as one big team name of it cops side. Hope see changes in server soon about give us back old jail or made new jail stable for both sides 2: made more banks and made low time to reset 3: fix lag in server it's hard for all of us 4: fix bugs like all time need press fix gun even for fist DMG or can't jump and cops hit he can't arrest cause must fix gun silly bugs 5: rise more rps to cops I mention few, and I see the lot of topics with more ideas. 6: make cops side harder for being fun don't make it easy with new rules new jail new markers that is killing it 7: Admins be nice with new players even old cause few admins not all of them feel like they want to use his power as admin to make you kneel to him this is bad AF. as Admin must show more respect to all and help all even if anyone did something wrong and want to punch him do it but learning him to not do it again and show him respect even if he is not showed it to you cause you present server not only your self Hope in the end see new things change for the best of our server
  5. Activity type: Refilling stations around SA. Situation before: ::: ::: Situation after: ::: :::
  6. HBD BRO :birthday_cake: :birthday_cake: :birthday_cake: :birthday_cake:
  7. TL:DR; Bank Robberies success decreased by only 0.35%. Amount of BR's dropped from 393 in February to 315 in March, baring in mind there are 3 more days in March. Cause server be boring more and more and I mention from 3 months it will happen after new jail + new rules scripts for brs so cops activity near rip all day from 2 squad members to 8 half of them afk no fun play as cop side told you in few of ideas rise rps of cops make cops side enjoyable but nah make new jail easy to rip with 5 trainees vs 40 from us cause a lot of gates and markers made for cops to rip any jb fast so you rext cops side and CRIM side more and more brs 6 banks every 6 h to reset afk and brs script make server boring af. You made money transporter no one care about it after less 2 weeks cause all we ask easy things to got in few topics about rise brs and make reset brs fast give us back old jail rise rps for cops fix bugs and lags but we don't got anything from it even make it be bad more feel like you want rext server activity until its end sad to see that happens with good community server have hope that change in future or feel bad for the server
  8. Happy birthday bro:birthday_cake: :birthday_cake:
  9. Activity type: Refilling stations around SA. Situation before: ::: ::: Situation after: ::: :::
  10. MAN what ever we say no one care from admins have the power to make something good for server we ask for add more rps for cops side to rise cops numbers and activity admins make new jail easy for cops rext server activity even for cops cause not ez to do any jb in new jail make alot of gates markers for cops to rip any jb fast. While old jail was to make cops active all time and spawn as HLS DE to rip any jb and was fun for both of us cops got money rise stats actions never end but now sad even 6 banks only for 14 gangs soon maybe more added and we ask to add more banks or make reset banks to 4 or 2 h but admins make only 2 BRS for 1 gang per day + add script AFK cops + 10 squad members to do BRS + new rules for give squad cops reward for being AFK now i see from near 2 Months even before cops side be more inactive server start be boring more and more when you try to say something to Nano in game start insulting me in main chat when I try to talk or make topics cause only for brothers and good friends i found them in server make feel like IAM beside my family that is why i hope server be active and be bigger to be special place for all of us but what i see from Management and nano make me feel bad for future of our server
  11. HBD bro :birthday_cake: :birthday_cake: BEST Bet man at a casino i ever see :crazypepe: :crank: :cooldoge: :money_with_wings: :money_with_wings: :money_with_wings:
  12. Activity type : delivering goods. Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. Activity type: Refilling stations around SA. Situation before: ::: ::: Situation after: ::: :::
  14. This is an automated post TXN ID: 1J187465463961709 Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  15. Activity type: Refilling stations around SA. Participants @Afufu @Niklaus Screenshots ::: :::
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