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Everything posted by XpooKs

  1. Mid Night activity Date: 16/07/2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/IhJXOt8
  2. Roleplay Number: 326 Participants: @dopeen Title: Exchange commodity Story: Once, I was chilling around at our base like every day after the work whole the day I tried to sleep a little bit...Suddenly, Someone from the company just called me he was D0peen, he said that he is in need of drugs some cocaine and weed, and he said he will give us weapons as an exchange So I accepted the deal and I took the drugs from the base then I opened my trunk and put the commodity,then I select the faster road and I go on once I arrived I saw him waiting at the gate so I stopped the car and I talked with him about the deal, and I told him to check out the commodity in the trunk...He stayed thinking than he said u are the best bruh thank you so much for it, and then he took me to the secret place in The company base to check out the new arms... I took them out and I go back to our base And again a successful mission for Wild Angels like every time that why they call us the best of the best in SA Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/IEcfOcJ
  3. Late Activities Date: 13/07/2018 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/cUN8ulM
  4. Happy Birthday..
  5. Event Number: 256 Event Type: Land on my Buccaneer LWS/G6: @Strong Winner(s): @Raiden Prize: 1.000.000$ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ueVNBDr
  6. Event Number: 255 Event Type: Knock me out of my NRG LWS/G6: @Strong Winner(s): @Pozmester Prize: 1.000.000$ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ISwYbwK
  7. Event Number: 254 Event Type: Hunter Shooter LWS/G6: @Strong Winner(s): @Legend Prize: 2.000.000$ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/MbWA00k
  8. @scorpyo +1 mate
  9. Rp Number: 301 @josefrags said in JoseFrags Application: RolePlay No: 8 Participant:@XpookS Description:I were on the hospital making my daily routine, and suddenly i got a call of a women, it sounded very worried and she said, Help a guy please he is bleeding in front of my house and she gave me the address of his house, When I heard that girl took my ambulance and went there, the place was Grove Street and the guy was lying on the sidewalk and bleeding as the girl said, the first thing I did was check where the blood were coming from, the guy was bleeding from his chest, it was only one wound fortunately and the bleeding wasnt constant so I discarded a broken artery, after that ,I stopped the bleeding of the victim making pressure on the wound, and then I helped the victim to get in to the ambulance and I drove him to the hospital. On the Hospital when we arrived, I cleaned his wound with a salt solution, and then I gave him some anesthesia with a syringe on the wound and i started with a suture to close the wound, fortunately it was a normal wound and took me 30 min to close it, after some hours of observation I decided that he needed to rest on his house and I sent an admission to discharge the patient, he went back with his family.. He told me than the wound was made by a thief with a knife, who wanted his cell phone, when I heard that, I called the police and reported the case. Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/fNYwOTM
  11. Roleplay Number 283. @kayser said in SAFP - Official Media Archive: Participants: @Wizax @XpookS We were on a normal day with my partner and received a report of a code 10-17 reporting the description of an apparently armed suspect entering a store. When we get to the store we see an armed guy robbing the store stealing money. He heard the sirens and the guy wanted to pull out so we went in and arrested him. After That the Subject surrendered and was taken under arrest he was taken to interrogation. On the way to the Interrogation my partner asked the suspect a couple of questions and simply remained silent and did not want to answer anything he just insulted us for taking him into custody. Upon arrival at Headquarters, the Subject got out of the car without problems and was escorted by a Federal Agent to the Interrogation headquarters. The Subject was questioned answered questions from the Federal Agent and mentioned that it was a deal he had with a gang called Wild Angels. They'd give him $1,500 Cash for that Assault. After that, the information was taken from the suspect and the data from the gang. And to End the Subject decided to call his lawyer. He remained in prison while the investigation lasted and more information about the gang was known.
  12. Role Number 281. @josefrags said in JoseFrags Application: RolePlay No: 7 Participants:@XpookS Description:It was an ordinary day, I sat and fill the database by medical computer. After a while into the hospital came man who introdused himself as Xpooks. I asked him about his problems. He answered me that he needs to diagnose his whole body. Then I said him to follow me. We came to the diagnosis room and he lay down. Then I started to check his body and I discovered that he has some problems with his lags (bones were weak). After which I thought that I would do with him further and decided to give his some of pills which can help his. He follows me and and lye down again. When I took some of pills and gave it his. After all this he paid me the money and came out from hospital. At the same moment I continued my work as medic. Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/B2LBLeB
  13. Roleplay Number: 280. @josefrags said in JoseFrags Application: RolePlay No: 6 Participants:@XpookS Description: It was a good day when I sat and filled out some of the questionnaires. When I got the call from an unknown number. All I could hear were these words: Heelpp.Track lv-ls. Then I went to the track lv-ls and sew broken car near a lay maimed man who asked for help. After a while, I gave the first medical help and we went to the hospital. When we arrived there, We lied him on a bed, I started healing him, so xpooks would feel better, and I opened the computer and started doing x-rays on Xpooks body, after 5 mins we saw the x-ray picture in LS lab, I found that Xpooks has a broken arm , I gave him some medicine , and he became good , I gave him the name of the medicine, and told him how to use it ( 3 times/ day every 5 hours), He thanked us for saving his life when he left and he was so happy. Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/V7hg23W
  14. Roleplay Number: 279. @josefrags said in JoseFrags Application: RolePlay No: 5 Participants:@XpookS Description:-I was start patroling alone from San Fierro Hospital. When I patrolling I got call from one guy. I went to him with my ambulance. When I arrived to him I asked him why he called me. He told me tham he got shooted in his left leg. Then I took from ambulance medical equipment to save his leg. I take gauze and plaster. On wound I put plaster and on plaster I rolling gauze in circle. I was done with it and I said him to step on left leg and he step. He says that leg doesnt hurt anymore. So I take all medical equipment back into ambulance and went on patrolling. ScreenShots:https://imgur.com/a/CH9KBex
  15. Roleplay Number: 278. Participants: @Pump @LargeVillain79 Story: Once, I was chilling with my gangmate @Pump Having fun and talking about our business and about new tips to delivery our commodity faster and without mistakes and about best cars to delivery the most important thing (Drugs), So Pump told me that burrito is the best car to delivery commodity its good and not that slow and have a big space for the drugs. Suddenly, I got a call from an old friend from the black syndicate his name villain, he told me that he is in need of drugs, some cocaine, weed, and cannabis.so I told him that I am on my way to you in a few hours so be ready I can be there in anytime... After 2 Hours, I arrived at the Black syndicate base and I found villain waiting for me there, I get out of the car and I open the trunk to show him the commodity, He stayed thinking for few Seconds and then he told me ''fuck yeah dude I love it that what I want thanks, dude, I will take them all..'' So I Entered to the base where black syndicate put their commodity, and then villain put it in the right place, and we shake hands and pay me my money. finally, I have to go back to our base and it was a successful mission for Wild Angels again and that why they call us the Best Deliverers Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5m5MxvP
  16. Roleplay number:272 @pump said in The Company | Media Archive: Roleplay #(301) Participants: @XpookS Story: It is the day James was waiting for 2 months as I think, The day when the Society of FCR the awesome bike will announce that their FCR-1000 is ready and it's for sale. James was impressed with this bike a lot. That's why he announced to our allies Wild Angels, the first one that will get for him this bike will get 25.000.$ since they are the professional carjackers who can do this job perfectly and without any mistake. he said that to Their leader Chris then he announced it to his members. Then I went to the place where we practice aiming at our headquarters. he thought it will take at least to make this bike in his hands but In the second day after the announcement his phone rang, it was a strange number, he answered, the caller was Jonas (xpooks), he found the bike, and he has done the mission of carjacking. So he got the money he promised about then he went to Wild Angels base because Jonas told him that it's the place where they can talk safely. So he got the burrito one of his favorite vans and went to the recommended place where he's gonna deal with his Allie. When he got there, I've found the bike, it looks amazing, awesome, impressive. So he paid him then he went back to his headquarters since Jonas will bring for him the bike with His gang's color & some modifications as a gift.
  17. Roleplay Number:271 @flappppyyy said in Organization Zero | Media archive: Participants:@XpookS Story:-=(olive)(part 2)=- after 2 weeks, we prepared the bikes that wild angles Requested from us, we upgrade them with V8 elite and now all goes fine, so I decide to call them to tell them that we will transport those bikes to their base, they told me that they are waiting for me so I got ready,however,we get a "road train" that we can put the bikes in it trunk, we get some weapons to avoid pigs and we went to Wild angels base, after 5 hours of walking,we arrived at the base, there, we found "Xpooks" a member from wild angels waiting for us,so we talked a bit,then he told me that he needs to check them and luckily he found them great, after a long talk about the price he decided to take each bike with 1800$ so went to Bone County bank that he can take out his money then he paid us.after finishing the deal we went to our base and we put the money in our treasury. Screenshots: ::: :::
  18. Event Number: 242 Event Type: chicken shooter LWS/G6: [WA]Expert Winner(s): Eva Prize: 1.000.000$ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/y0j91Sq
  19. Username: smackfiend Last seen: 26th November 2017 Secrenshot: https://imgur.com/a/bDM86k4
  20. oleplay Number: 257 Participants: @xpooks @Arone title: I want it Story: One day, I was with my gangmate arone chilling and relaxing around having fun in our base, talking about the gang futur, So I told him to take me with his car to the restaurant to eat something because I am pretty hungry.... Suddenly we saw a beautiful white BMW car parked around, So we check around because police always driving there since in that week many criminals stole cars, and Rob banks in Bone country and I turn to arone and told him''Dude that my dream car my gosh I cant believe it lets fucking steal it dude I want this car so hard''so he accepted, and we bring the mechanic car (Towtrunck) from the base to grap the car easy, and we fix the BMW to hook it with us and then we took it to our base as fast as we can for none see us. and we park it in a secret place in the base, and we go back relaxing around after a not that easy mission, Anyways that was a succesful mission for Wild Angels Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0tnmN17
  21. Event Number: 239 Event Type: chicken shooter LWS/G6: @Strong Winner(s): @Okeanos Prize: 1.000.000 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/v5i5LKw
  22. Event Number: 238 Event Type: Hunter Shooter LWS/G6: @Strong Winner(s): @Abnormaal Prize: 1.500.000 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Y0p5eif
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