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Everything posted by XpooKs

  1. 1.Personal information Nickname: XpookS Ingame Username: Chadi147 Age:16 English proficiency: Hmm, 8/10 Spoken Languages: English / Tunisian / a bit French Roleplay skills: id rate it 9/10, I usually do RPs in my free time and I have a good and enough experience to do RPs Previous Organizations you joined: UE / WA Questionnaire Write a paragraph explaining our Role: Wild Angels main role is killing and hunting enemies also they have Secondary roles like kidnapping a target also robbing stores, Banks even Arms and drugs dealings. They have Carjacking also and hostage providing Previous punishments/bans and reason: Ban 6H for blade trolling .. Why you wanna join us?: Well I was a part of this family and id like to back to my family And nowadays WA is one of the most gangs active and of course all of the members are my friends and this is the important reason What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : Well, I am an active player I will help with events and RPs things ( to improve the media archive more and more ) also I help in the Turfs/Brs. 3-Additional Information Do you know any WA Member, and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : I know them all since I was a part of the gang and none recommend me to apply What are your strengths: Shooting, Flying, escaping cops What are your weaknesses: I get mad so fast...and I can't control it Something else to add?: Nope, thanks
  2. Sa7a louled well deserved :)
  3. Hoster: Underground Empire ZIP/LWS: @Castiel Prize: 4.000.000 $ Type: TDM Location: G6 Winner(S): @koko @ugli Secrenshot:
  4. Hoster: Underground Empire ZIP/LWS: @Mrwan Prize: 3.000.000$ Type: Chicken shooter Location: CS Winner(S): @hope ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/Gwe48TV
  5. Hoster: Underground Empire LWS/G6/CEO: @Castiel Prize: 1.000.000 $ Type: Hydra shooter Location: BC AIRPORT Winner(S): @pazoo ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/ZPZALSS
  6. Ingame name: Xpooks Ingame Username: Chadi147 Previous organizations and leaving causes: Wild Angels, Left because I want to start at a high-level gang Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is an organized crime syndicate was founded on June 23, 1886, after the American Civil War, three men ( John Dixon, Edward McFarlane, and Judah Davis were former Confederate soldiers, these 3 guys had a hard life and they tried to gain money and become rich So they decided to smuggle arms and drugs. And of course, they made more money thanks to their casinos What binds you with Underground Empire: Well to be honest when I joined saes I liked Underground Empire but I don't have enough experience to join it, So I had to gain It by joining a low-level gang and I think now I am ready to be a member and the more important thing Underground empire act my playing style What do you know about organized crime: Well, organized crime is a number of people related to an organization, they do illegal activities and they keep their own deals in secret, they are based on teamwork and a good plan to achieve their own goals and the important thing is the leader he has to be well experienced to make it Successful
  7. Roleplay Number: 360 @thing said in The Company | Media Archive: Roleplay #352 - Expanding the fleet (with Wild Angels) Participants: Viktor, LaoD, LaoP, Xpooks, and Thing One of the directors was into cars, the best of the best. He wanted to be driven around in the best and newest vehicle possible. Therefore, The Company had contacted the Wild Angels, who were experts in car theft. The members of The Company had located a brand new vehicle that was not ready for the market yet, a 2019 Mercedes-Maybach S650. An extraordinary car with a price tag of almost $600.000,-. They had set up an appointment with one of the members of the Wild Angels in Vinewood, Los Santos. They spoke to him about the location and price. Of course, the price would be higher because of the type of vehicle they were dealing with. The member of the Wild Angels said that he would need an hour or so to get the vehicle for them since it was standing at a property near their meeting point. He went to it and the members of The Company were waiting patiently. The Wild Angels member picked the lock with his equipment, and no alarm went off as expected. He started the car with the keys he stole from the mansion earlier and took the vehicle towards the drop-off point. He thought that he heard some police coming around, but he was already out of the area before they could catch him. The members of The Company were waiting for the delivery in Dillimore, Red County. From here, it would be easy to transport the vehicle to their headquarters in Bone County. Once arrived, he showed the members of The Company the car and it was spotless, they had never seen such a luxurious beast before. It was even better looking than the previous generation Maybach that their Director had. After getting the keys, they moved back to Bone County to surprise the Director with his new car, a brand new 2019 Mercedes-Maybach. The payment to the Wild Angels would be done by an offshore bank transfer as usual to avoid any suspicion from the IRS. Once the car was parked up carefully inside of the Director's personal garage, the members of The Company set two people to keep the car under surveillance until the Director arrived. However, he was extremely busy and was going to come another time, so now these two members will have to guard the car for quite a while. In the end however, it was a succesful theft and no one could even blink before the vehicle was gone and stored somewhere in a garage in Bone County.
  8. Inactive BC **
  9. Username: siraminor18 Last Seen: 17th July 2018 Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/YL9z1y5
  10. Event Number: 282 Event Type: Chicken shooter LWS/G6: @Expert Winner(s): @M-999 Prize: 1.000.000$ ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/k8ngFQW
  11. Event Number: 281 Event Type: Chicken nade LWS/G6: @Strong Winner(s): @Stoolth Prize: 1.000.000$ ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/QlyMsW3
  12. Part 1 - Player Info Ingame nick: Xpooks Account name: Chadi147 Nationality: Tunisian Rate your English Skills (0/10): 9/10 Current G/S/C : Wild Angels Current Group: N/A Player 2 - Role-Play Info Rate your RP skills (0/10): 9/10 Talk about our role in ( 15 words Minimum ) : Freedom Fighters, a criminal group that stealing, kidnapping, Jailbreaking it's all against The cops rules, Its a group created by people pretty hate the cops and their violence
  13. Event Number: 274 Event Type: Fallout LWS/G6: [WA]Expert Winner(s): @Sparrow Prize: 1.000.000$ ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/DmMvFAS
  14. Night Activities Date: 24/07/2018 ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/Rguhx0e
  15. Event Number: 272 Event Type: knock me off my NRG LWS/G6:[WA]Strong Winner(s): @destruction @Flex Prize: 500.000$ each one ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/M9yCNXI
  16. Username: mrdemonio LastSeen: 15 june 2018 secrenshot:https://imgur.com/a/Ai6cKcg
  17. Part 1 - Player Info Ingame nick: Xpooks Real Name: Shedi Account name: chadi147 Nationality: Tunisian Rate your English Skills (0/10): 8-10 Current Organization: WA Current Group List: N/A Player 2 - Role-Play Info Rate your RP skills (0/10): 9 Talk about your RP experience: Hmm, Well I learned Rping from Wild angels tbh I keep watching how members Rping..etc..and I keep focusing on others people RPs and from that, I learned well, and I can do Many good RPs Write a short RP story related to rebels: Everyone knows Abu Ali El talbi He born in tunisia 1988.One of the famous rebels nowadays, He was a normal person he lived in Tunisia he was like everyone studying and working in the same time..And one day he met a rebel Abu el hichani he is an old famous rebel..He gave him an offer to join them and he gets paid as a trade, so he accepted the deal and start his new life as a rebel...He kidnapping and stealing and he succes in making all the city under his control.but hes dead in a war vs the cops in syria in 2015 after a big war stayed for 3 days in a row Add a photo of a rebel please: https://imgur.com/a/YZzAebP
  18. Username: slaine97 Last seen:17 June 2018 screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/wwIPyvl
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