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Everything posted by JojoDb

  1. @taj And waffles to the pizza delivery spawn so @Law can sell waffles at BRs :crank:
  2. Happy birthday you sexy beast! @Ramby
  3. @spetnazz said in New member of HQ: Hi new HQ, please make the minimum cops required to start a BR 15 or 20 now, I know you want to. The crims pissed me off, so now you have to help me prove my point. Ok thx From now on all cops will have 5 RPGs available to use in BRs that have over 10 defenders.
  4. Added: Enforcer at LSPD
  5. Added: Damaged Glendale in ThC base $1,000,000 in-game money Replaced: Interior #4 by Interior #19 at property House Of The Buffalo based on other donations ( https://saesrpg.uk/topic/22835/donation-vynee-amount-10-00gbp , https://saesrpg.uk/topic/23182/donation-vynee-amount-5-00-gbp, https://saesrpg.uk/topic/23438/donation-vynee-amount-10-00-gbp/1 and https://saesrpg.uk/topic/24054/donation-vynee-amount-5-00-gbp ) Sorted
  6. Added: Shamal at ThC base $1,000,000 in-game money Sorted
  7. Added: Shamal at SF Airport Feltzer at Cripz base Damaged Glendale at Cripz base Donator spawn granted Discord donator group granted Interior 13 added at The Subliminal Verses Sorted
  8. Good way to make people donate for more vehicles, @Brophy 's yacht is smiling already
  9. Sorted money reward: $2,000,000
  10. Sorted money reward: $2,000,000
  11. Sorted
  12. Dear @samuel3021 , your donation topic has been open for over a week, please edit your post in order to request rewards (if you would like to request any)!
  13. Dear @samuel3021 , your donation topic has been open for over a week, please edit your post in order to request rewards (if you would like to request any)!
  14. $1,000,000 rewarded Shamal added in LV Airport
  15. Sorted
  16. Large interior was added to property "the bitch fucking" - Crash
  17. $100,000,000 money has been rewarded ingame, thank you for your kind donation, sweetheart :kiss_man_man: Added vehicle #1 Police LV at Yarse Jewelry Store
  18. @MrSolrac time to apply for SAES HQ
  19. This is an automated post TXN ID: 6PH27334TG643515J Donation Amount: 100.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below #1 Vehicle Type: Police LV Vehicle Colour: Default Specify any upgrades: - Usernames to lock: jojofromjory, malikvx Where you want it placed: Yarse Jewelry Store (property of malikvx) #2 Vehicle Type: Enforcer Vehicle Colour: Default Specify any upgrades: - Usernames to lock: jojofromjory, icemanultra Where you want it placed: LSPD #3 Vehicle Type: Police LS Vehicle Colour: Default Specify any upgrades: - Usernames to lock: jojofromjory Where you want it placed: Bc Hardware Store For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  20. $9,000,000 rewarded ingame
  21. Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone!
  22. Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone!
  23. Sorted
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