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Everything posted by JojoDb

  1. Address: Western Union Scamex Money Exhange Account name: EstiST Last seen: 21st August 2019 Screenshots:
  2. What's the daily expense?
  3. ZeKing obviously!
  4. Happy birthday Mega!
  5. Should I also get the donator role on Discord? (no clue what perks this gives but I saw there was one).. my Discord is Jojo#6666
  6. @Crash said in Donation: jojofromjory (Amount 50.00 GBP): You can also request a Special interior Or 1 large interior Or 1 medium and a small Or 2 small ones I would like "Large interior #22" at my property "7 Dutch Faggots Close" in LV Thanks in advance!
  7. My nickname on the server is JojoDb (in case you guys didn't know) :D
  8. This is an automated post TXN ID: 0NW2535104849663R Donation Amount: 50.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle 1: Vehicle Type: Sparrow (Helicopter) Vehicle Colour: All black Specify any upgrades: Unarmed version (if this is possible, https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Sparrow says it is..) Usernames to lock: jojofromjory Where you want it placed: LV Airport Vehicle 2: Vehicle Type: Stuntplane Vehicle Colour: Orange as main color, Blue as secondary color Specify any upgrades: (smoke if this isn't a default already) Usernames to lock: jojofromjory Where you want it placed: LS Airport Vehicle 3: Vehicle Type: Super GT Vehicle Colour: Black Specify any upgrades: V8, AWD, Orange lights Usernames to lock: jojofromjory Where you want it placed: Near my property in LV Vehicle 4: Vehicle Type: -- To be decided -- Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: jojofromjory Where you want it placed: Vehicle 5: Vehicle Type: -- To be decided -- Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: jojofromjory Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
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