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Everything posted by JojoDb

  1. This is an automated post TXN ID: 0B404569HN0015301 Donation Amount: 100.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle #1 - Sorted Vehicle Type: Ambulance Vehicle Colour: "nyan" wrap Specify any upgrades: v8, awd & nitro Usernames to lock: jojofromjory, johnnyenglish Where you want it placed: Property: Polse parking lot Vehicle #2 - Sorted Vehicle Type: Combine Harvester Vehicle Colour: "versace" wrap Specify any upgrades: v8/awd/nos (if available) Usernames to lock: jojofromjory Where you want it placed: Property: Polse parking lot Vehicle #3 - Sorted Vehicle Type: Alpha Vehicle Colour: "lines" wrap Specify any upgrades: v8/awd/nitro Usernames to lock: jojofromjory Where you want it placed: Property: 1_brown_street Vehicle #4 - Sorted Vehicle Type: Skimmer Vehicle Colour: "zebra" wrap Specify any upgrades: - Usernames to lock: jojofromjory Where you want it placed: Property: Beach in between TR & BC (TR side) Vehicle #5 - Sorted Vehicle Type: LV Police Cruiser (Crown Victoria) Vehicle Colour: black Specify any upgrades: v8/awd/nitro Usernames to lock: jojofromjory Where you want it placed: Property: FBI Base Vehicle #6 - Sorted Vehicle Type: LV Police Cruiser (Crown Victoria) Vehicle Colour: black Specify any upgrades: v8/awd/nitro Usernames to lock: jojofromjory Where you want it placed: Property: FBI Base Vehicle #7 - Sorted Vehicle Type: Damaged Glendale Vehicle Colour: "meme1" wrap Specify any upgrades: v8/awd/nitro Usernames to lock: jojofromjory, mrsolrac Where you want it placed: Property (owned by mrsolrac): Scabicals way 3 Vehicle #8 - Sorted Vehicle Type: Shamal Vehicle Colour: "meme1" wrap Specify any upgrades: - Usernames to lock: jojofromjory, Where you want it placed: LS AP For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  2. All Load Trucking recruitment is now ~[OPENED]~(lime). This recruitment will be an open, individual recruitment with no specific time limit. This means that from now on, we will be taking and reviewing applications at any time! You can submit your application by making a new post in the ALT subforum, for more information on how to post your application, visit our guide. During your application, we expect everything we expect from our members... Loyalty, mindfulness, activity, skill and dedication! If you think you qualify for a position in All Load Trucking, apply today! We wish you the best of luck! Join our discord today for more involvement and follow up! On behalf of the ALT HQ Team, JojoDb Assistant Yard Manager
  3. This is an automated post TXN ID: 5GA227669U186524P Donation Amount: 50.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle #1 - CLAIMED Vehicle Type: DFT-30 (refueling modified) Vehicle Colour: Primary color: #ffff77, secondary color: #000000, lights: #0000FF Specify any upgrades: Refueling mod, v8/awd (I can add these myself if necessary) Usernames to lock: jojofromjory Where you want it placed: BC oil refinery Vehicle #2 Vehicle Type: Firetruck (ID: 407, with the water gun) Vehicle Colour: "nyan1" wrap Specify any upgrades: - Usernames to lock: jojofromjory Where you want it placed: Property: Polse parking lot Vehicle #3 Vehicle Type: Squallo Vehicle Colour: "camo" wrap Specify any upgrades: v8 Usernames to lock: jojofromjory Where you want it placed: River in between Tierra Robada & Fort Carson (BC) Vehicle #4 Vehicle Type: Cropduster Vehicle Colour: "weed" wrap Specify any upgrades: - Usernames to lock: jojofromjory Where you want it placed: San Fierro Airport Vehicle #5 Vehicle Type: Stratum Vehicle Colour: "triangular" wrap Specify any upgrades: v8 Usernames to lock: jojofromjory Where you want it placed: FBI base For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  4. Address: Burger Shot Store Account name: mongols123 Last seen: 17th February 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. Don't we all love some good Eurodancer + Alan Walker combination! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAAKsuorF7o
  6. I can always enjoy stew with croquettes (or pommes duchesses like on the picture) or a nice steak with some fries myself!
  7. When I get bored, I start taking screenshots in the game. When I get even more bored, I start editing screenshots I have made in the game.. Feel free to share your art (or whatever looks original to you) with us! Some basic edit of a trucking composition!
  8. Trucking: Creek Warehouse to Mt Chiliad (10/03/2020) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/w5EWjm6
  9. Trucking: Creek Warehouse to Mt Chiliad (08/03/2020) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/HskfJbE
  10. Refueling gas stations (09/03/2020) Big thanks to @MrSolrac and @Law for the great co-operation! Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. When SAES is more important than life
  12. @Law can show you guys a video of his pilot skills
  13. mmm beer
  14. Refueling gas stations: 07/03/2020 (afternoon) ::: :::
  15. Refueling gas stations: 07/03/2020 ::: :::
  16. Refilling refinery: 06/03/2020 with @MrSolrac and @SkulioN Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/W6T4GXJ
  17. Refueling gas stations: 06/03/2020 with @MrSolrac and @SkulioN ::: :::
  18. @San-Andreas-Housing-Agency please archive this topic, property has been sold!
  19. Date: 04/03/2020-05/03/2020 (just past midnight) Activity: PBR, patrols, VIP escort Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/gLrdXph
  20. Date: 02/03/2020 Activity: Store robberies Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/vIuZzCr
  21. Refilling refinery: 01/03/2020 ::: :::
  22. @Law said in [SUGGESTION] No use of weapons during hospital spawn protection: first it like good from the outside but very bad inside it cause noobs cops some times camp hospital and they can do what they want while we watch tv no way, man if you want to make it safe area from arrest and dm but even that you will see cops say criminals run to have protected in the safe area it bad bro Both cops and criminals will not be able to do anything during the protection time. If cops camp the area, that's a rule break anyway, so just report them for that... So they are still camping hospital to then chase you....
  23. @Skerdi said in [SUGGESTION] No use of weapons during hospital spawn protection: @JojoDb said in [SUGGESTION] No use of weapons during hospital spawn protection: @VayraN said in [SUGGESTION] No use of weapons during hospital spawn protection: @JojoDb said in [SUGGESTION] No use of weapons during hospital spawn protection: After multiple occurrences of criminals attacking cops near hospitals, while being immune to being arrested, I concluded it might be time for this suggestion. During the hospital arrest immunity, it should not be possible for players to attack other players, or at least to deal damage to them. This will prevent criminals from using this protection to their advantage (for example on their way to a BR in TR) and could prevent cases of police officers attacking criminals because they cannot arrest them during the protection. This should not have any negative consequences on criminals as they can freely grab a vehicle within the presence of said timer. I don't agree for 1 reason, 90% Of the fights happens at hospital because of a trainee trying to arrest a criminal, So the criminal shoots him and then the other cops comes to try to arrest that criminal so without weapons that criminal will get arrested 100% because he can't defend himself and he can't defend other criminals too. But cops are not allowed to camp hospitals, and criminals have time to leave the hospital as they have arrest protection, so how is this ever a valid argument? If a cop has time to arrest a criminal at the hospital, it means the criminal has been there for too long Like trainees dont do that always Then it's up to you guys to report them and get them to stop doing it...
  24. @VayraN said in [SUGGESTION] No use of weapons during hospital spawn protection: @JojoDb said in [SUGGESTION] No use of weapons during hospital spawn protection: After multiple occurrences of criminals attacking cops near hospitals, while being immune to being arrested, I concluded it might be time for this suggestion. During the hospital arrest immunity, it should not be possible for players to attack other players, or at least to deal damage to them. This will prevent criminals from using this protection to their advantage (for example on their way to a BR in TR) and could prevent cases of police officers attacking criminals because they cannot arrest them during the protection. This should not have any negative consequences on criminals as they can freely grab a vehicle within the presence of said timer. I don't agree for 1 reason, 90% Of the fights happens at hospital because of a trainee trying to arrest a criminal, So the criminal shoots him and then the other cops comes to try to arrest that criminal so without weapons that criminal will get arrested 100% because he can't defend himself and he can't defend other criminals too. But cops are not allowed to camp hospitals, and criminals have time to leave the hospital as they have arrest protection, so how is this ever a valid argument? If a cop has time to arrest a criminal at the hospital, it means the criminal has been there for too long already...
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