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Everything posted by rykila

  1. Address: Is This Means To Be A House Account name: cutiecutes Last seen: 20/06/2024 Screenshots: https://ibb.co/X2MW5c2
  2. [Ingame name:] Rykila [Ingame username:] rycas [Previous organizations and leaving causes: ] TT DIED. The rest was only a part time and because groove is fat too [Define Underground Empire: ] Underground empire suites the role of a respected and well organized mafia group. [What binds you with Underground Empire:] I like the objectives of the gang how it works looking at how things have been going with the gang in the past few month tbh I would like to get along with the team here [What do you know about organized crime:] Underground Empire Is the perfect example of organized crime and how it should be said and defined. Nishki king 👑
  3. BlueZ>BurakO^ when? @BurakO
  4. gz @rivalsj@KinGSmoke
  5. Address: bayside bay Account name: theking01 Last seen: 14/01/2023 Screenshot:
  6. Address: Like a Rhinestone Cowboyy Account name: theking01 Last seen: 14/01/2023 Screenshot:
  7. come join
  8. good luck my brother @rivalsj :folded_hands:
  9. @Petrow SSB doesn't support any side :thumbs_up:
  10. hbd habibti may allah accept your haji brother
  11. happy birthday bro <3
  12. Have a good one brother <3 @Nishki
  13. @bodo420 autism????
  14. @bodo420 said in Tuga Thugs' Departure from SAES: When you see such a great gang closing , you know that the server is gonna die soon . RIP @Tuga-Thugs chads :heart_suit: :crying_face: No one cares bodo
  15. Hbd @Versace @Velo
  16. Happy birthday brooooo @Versace
  17. I mean if he doesn't let you create a new group it's because the server is completely fine so why bother him.
  18. Hbd bro
  19. hbd kanker
  20. Gz bro
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