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Everything posted by rykila

  1. Username: rykila, rycas, handsum, si, no, hand and ramdomdude130. Age: 21 Country: :portugal: Languages spoken: :portugal: :france: From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 1 How long have you been playing on SAES: since I was born In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: aa is the oldest gang and therefore the best. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): only aa Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: no Name 3 Bankrob rules: no mark kill, no mark arrest and don't defend outside unless it's your gang. Imagine you're AA and you're helping another gang during a bankrob. What are some of the things you should absolutely NOT do?: kill cops Name 3 Turf rules: rules are meant to be broken. What is Roleplay?: idk i dont rp sorry. What is Deathmatching?: killing anyone without a purpose. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: I dm back cause i aint pussy You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: kill all Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: yes Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): ikzelf wants me in the gang and aa is good gang.
  2. Hbd dog
  3. Do we get anything for effort atleast?
  4. @blizzard said in Summer Event Milestones #1: @rykila said in Summer Event Milestones #1: Dont tag me hater im in aa now WOW so you coup our most dedicated ottoman member and make him get kicked out of the gang make the gang unstable and dead by promoting a boycott of SAES Activities and then you decide to bail to AA Without even turfing a single zone so we can get points and prove everyone we're the goodest bois and most active ones?!! This is the reason things are as they are, and why empires such as Rome collapsed exactly
  5. @blizzard said in Summer Event Milestones #1: @kain said in Summer Event Milestones #1: pretty shameful for a level 5 gang to not have a single point :grimacing_face: I blame @Marso @Spetnazz and @rykila for doing a coup against Zwolle If he was still around he would have saved us from this shameful situation Dont tag me hater im in aa now
  6. Ingame name:203|rykila, handsum, rycas, si, no and more Username:rycas Country of Residence and Nationality::portugal: Spoken Languages::portugal: Age:21 Date of the beginning of your SAES career:2012 Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out:tt Has anyone in The Company convinced you to join us? If yes, who?:@Teddy @Poodlyz @Adistar
  7. @terry said in Public method to check playtime: @rykila said in Public method to check playtime: So you wanna force people to play a game where you wait 10 minutes for a store rob to get 30k from it or just be afk all day in lvx. It sounds kinda boring to me. Who said we're forcing? You're totally free and it's your decision to either play or not. If you like it, you play it and you count as an active player, and if you don't, you don't. It's simple as that, but expecting to be counted as ''active'' meanwhile you don't even play is just selfish. What do you expect gangs to do? Because I don't see other solution than call inactive members to do 10hours atleast, the server is going down hill, but it's whatever i'm not even gonna bother anymore.
  8. @terry said in Public method to check playtime: Is there any other logical reason than what is below for this suggestion? Would be useful for gangs/squads , they can use it to check their members activity and their active members hours played If we're gonna implement such a system, we might perhaps just completely delete the activity requirements... Lolz The reason playtimes are private is because so that GM's activity requirement doesn't get exposed. If it gets exposed, people will be able to cheat the system easily by getting players who don't really play to AFK the required time and count towards the monthly activity limit, and we will have lots of dead gangs which are, in theory, active. We do already have lots of gangs and as harsh as it sounds, to survive you need actual active players and those who don't sadly should suffer the consequences or we will end up with 50 gangs which will probably ruin the gameplay even more, I'm surprised that no one actually sees that. I mean it's not rocket science, one can still easily cheat the system if you try so hard, but let's not make it that easy... So you wanna force people to play a game where you wait 10 minutes for a store rob to get 30k from it or just be afk all day in lvx. It sounds kinda boring to me.
  9. @Teddy have you ever visited paris before? Because eiffel in love for you
  10. Hbd mens
  11. Feliz navidad
  12. Bring back dinossaur skin @Shaun
  13. Hbd bro @Adistar
  14. jebem ti pas mater hbd bro
  15. soon stepmother
  16. rykila


    @cappo kys retarded dog stfu
  17. Hbd bro u look cute
  18. Cry kid @Adistar
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