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Everything posted by Harmy

  1. @DROT Man up and grow a pair, you have to lose sometimes too. Cops aren't NPC's and we're sick of crims winning all the time. @Harmy Edit: And that's to make either side happy, personally I just see the whole argument as another way to fill our gameplay with more restrictions and make it even more trigger-proof as we've been steadily doing the past few years. Other than that, instead of fixing something that was always happening one way or another and trying to balance everything out, how about we bring back DE teargas( not the useless flash bang) in bankrobberies, fire extinguishers for CLO, headshot for either group and overall more kit that depending how its used can make a difference, for both cops and crims so we dont have a stale fight between the reds m4/cs VS blues m4/cs like we do now. Special groups dont even attend BRs anymore because their presence will only bring the other double HP dudes from the opposite side, and nothing more than that. You know...things that neither side, from criminals to cops wanted removed in the first place and made BRs, JBs etc a routine instead of a collective objective as they are supposed to be aka more fun and challenging.
  2. It's kinda ironic that PC cops were getting punished ( prob still do if the rule still exists ) for respawning to respond to BRs faster but if it happens and you dumped a couple of millions to a nearby icon, it's considered ok. Might as well consider allowing us to respawn on our props during turf wars ( mind you that's not allowed by rule ) since we invested $$ on them, see how well that will work out for either side. No one should be allowed to spawn to props to gain advantage anyhow, including turf wars, bank robberies and even jailbreaks, aka in places with a lot of friction between the sides. Props should be treated as props, not strategic spawn locations. But since it's nearly impossible to monitor it I would suggest setting a countdown to respawn to props when you respond to a JB / BR and upon passing the gates that give out stars or as soon as you enter. Let's say you have 30-45 secs cooldown to use your props right after you pass that threshold so you cannot brainlessly rush and die to keep respawning back and if you played decently enough and ended up dying you can respawn back " instantly " as that timer should have gone by then. Edit: And that's to make either side happy, personally I just see the whole argument as another way to fill our gameplay with more restrictions and make it even more trigger-proof as we've been steadily doing the past few years.
  3. @Crash I would disagree with that actually, no script should be used to get any advantage in the game, including to "move quicker". The same way you are not supposed to use /sell to get up quicker when you are on the ground, you shouldn't be able to use /eject to leave the car quicker as well to get that advantage. Both are scripts and can be used to move faster but one is considered bug abuse and the other one is "strategy". You should either allow every script exploit or restrict all of them, not cherrypick which script is good or bad for our personal gains. Restricting the eject function to slower speeds, if not at full stop should be the way to go imo.
  4. Happy birthday AA <3
  5. Archived.
  6. :shrug: Archived.
  7. 14 days have passed. Archived.
  8. Address: Hotel El Quebrados Business Account name: andy2 Last seen: https://imgur.com/a/C5qAmNE Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/jStI1rI
  9. The property is owned by SAES>Magnus and therefore cannot be requested. Sorry :(
  10. Sorted <3
  11. Property was put on sale since it wasn't sorted within 48 hours since its request :raising_hand:
  12. Added interior 6 to Smoke alley 3. Added interior 12 to 2 rockshore view. Account name is: kmkm567 Next time add your account name / link your previous topic so we don't have to look around the whole SA map for these specific properties or in this case dig up your old applications to find out your account name :confused:
  13. The weather feature is pretty nice, its the sudden 1 second change from rain to sunshine that I dont really like.
  14. Sorted <3
  15. It's been requested by lord and master @Terry here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6468/inactive-bc Sorry :(
  16. It's been requested and sorted here. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6348/inactive-sf/2 It just happened to return to his previous owner due to the SAHA bug, the property has been moved back to @Jekrzyy Sorry :( And its LS, you even used the images he used to request it o.O
  17. Sorted <3
  18. Sorted <3
  19. As you wish cap'n! Archived.
  20. Sorted <3 PS: Removed the interior.
  21. Sorted <3 PS: Edited your post because you had 2019 instead of 2018.
  22. The special groups have nothing to do with the argued unbalance in the topic. CLO and DE's only advantage is literally the usage of armor which lasts only until you take it down, respawning in hospital doesnt bring it back, these groups are shadows of what they used to be and that's sad how both groups had to be nerfed and restricted over the years because of complains. Yeah I get it he might get you the first time but after that, he is a casual gang member just in another spawn. Leave the groups to at least have a meaning and a reason behind their elite status. Also in the topic its suggested that every CLO / DE has dualies, only a few of the selected have dualies and they are restricted to extremely close range to be effective, something that you shouldnt be doing when kill arrest is a thing. The casual CLO / DE you usually see around doesn't have dualies.
  23. Will extra money really fix it? Maybe it will attract a few more trainees in the long run but I dont think these are the people you mention that you wanted to get help from. No matter how large your bank account will get, it wont give the advantages that you seek. I have said it before and Ill say it again, deregulate the cop side, squads included. Do you want to know why people dont enjoy the cop side as much? Because they have to deal with a tone of uneccsary rules and pointless restrictions because someone on the helm decided to come up with them for who knows why. Examples? It takes a month to get PC from SAPA, do you really think a player wants to spend four weeks of his life to get a broader access to the police side which lets be honest doesnt give you a huge advantage anyway? Yeah I know theres the squad thing intro to PC but then you force them to join an organization over a group spawn. Whats the difference between a trainee who knows how to RP and a cadet? Oh yeah the cadet got trained for a month. Another one? Squads restricting their members to offer a bribe, kudos to that one. You restrict your members who joined your squad to do something that they can do, earn money from it and was given to them because you became official. Why? Because again nobody knows why but the leaders. Its like me starting going after TT members for using /sell, let them do what they want. I remember people who joined DE back in 2014-2015 telling me they had to run around the base for RP...lol, do you know what I had to do when I joined CLO? I got to enjoy the game. There are by far more examples if you sit and think about it for a bit. Ive been in the crim side since 2013, we never had to deal with these pointless regulations, and that problem in the cop side dates all the way from back then. The more the SAPD, PCD, police groups, squads and the elite cop groups etc. clamp down on forced RP and choke the members with useless and senseless rules that pointlessly restrict their gameplay, dont expect new players to join in numbers or in that matter stay to that side. People want to play and enjoy the game, not satisfy real police force regulations.
  24. Sorted <3
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