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Everything posted by Liyones_

  1. @Spider said in Show us yourself V3: @x-Liyones-x :D :D nice one Thanks bro !
  2. Not pretty good !.
  3. Happy birthday UE Soldier @zKill98 I hope all your birthday wishes and dreams come true !
  4. i thought im only muslim in SAES but now i see that 50% Are muslims anyways Happy Eid @Mrwan and all SAES players.
  5. i wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors , ETF was a good squad in SAES and all members was doing well to keep ETF good squad and alive , good luck brothers @Vennelle @AntiRug and to everyone was part of this respected squad.
  6. @Terry said in Crack System for Jail: Why do you even care though, you don't even play as you're currently banned? You can check General in discord SAES i asked if i can post a suggestion....
  7. While Im banned, i would like to suggest to add a crack system to the Red door inside Jail but it's not same as BR it's easier than BR , there will be numbers between 500-0 so Criminals have to find the Number to let Door open , so They can leave the door but how ? so the door will still open for Max 20 mins or 30 mins im not sure about time it will be choosen by Developers , so How crims can pass it ? a professional Cracker must crack the door and other Crims must defend him , Why should be added ? well in the past the possibility of passing JB for Crims is higher than Cops it was 75% for Crims and 15% for Cops so why don'r we make it 50% for both it would be good suggestion for Cops and good for Cims too. Please tell me your Opinion & thanks for reading and voting.
  8. @Filex said in Add Downvote back in forum: liyones is teaching us a lesson each day, he knew that his suggestions will be denied and community will vote no whenever he creates a topic, indeed he was spamming the meme topic with shit memes to make ppl agree on this suggestion pro gamer move
  9. @J-Garcia said in Add Downvote back in forum: to downvote your shitty memes HELL YEAH I LOVE YOU MAN HELL YEAH DO IT DADDY VOTE YEAH !!
  10. Well i suggest to add downvote system back in forum so if peoples didn't like something like my memes they can downvote as Disagree also to let Filex can downvote my memes ...vote yes Comon you can do it it's easy common.
  11. Mother
  12. @ZeKinG & @DROT
  13. Happy Birthday my friend @Matto and i have a gift for you : ::: y3tek 3asba :::
  14. @Petrow said in COP SUGGESTION: What do you suggest to make the cop side more interesting to play then? well let's make it easy let's add max time of arrest like 5 seconds , so you have 5 seconds to arrest the criminal , and if u killed him and he is tazed so other crims can help him or , he will get panel like BR or something like dance mission in Gta sa he have to click the buttons that screen showed and he have 1 second to click or add a crack panel not same as BR just numbers between 0 and 20 and he have 3 chances to choose the right one.
  15. Every server have this , No need to copy , also its waste of time u will just kill criminal and take 5 mins of ur time to take him to PD , so it's no for me -1.
  16. @Filex said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: @x-Liyones-x said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: what the hell is this meme it's a meme like all memes
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