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Miriam's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. In-game Name: Miriam Username / Account-name: chert123 Age: 15 Gender: girl Rate your English skill level (A1-C2): I think A2 Nationality: Russian Languages Spoken: Russian,Ukrainian,English Average Ping: 70 Average FPS: 60 Tell us about yourself: I do not like to talk about myself, because I do not think that this is interesting to you. I want to join the SAT, and then the SWAT, my English is bad, but I will always be on the squad. II. In-Game Experience When did you join the server: I played before, but now I came back. (I played at intervals) How much do you play each day: All summer I will play a lot, but in september I study at the university. 4-6 hours per day. Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: was in the FBI for about a week Name the reason(s) for leaving: kicked don't remember why Current group memberships: Nope Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): There were no violations on this account, but there used to be. Name the reasons why you received these punishments: Yes, everyone got adminjail. I think for ravange dm and more. III. Personal skills and knowledge Your strengths: I, like all people, do not think that I have any strengths in the game. Your weaknesses: I think English Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: Well, I like squad style of play. Since I have problems with English, I can't play Pull over rp, and RP of SWAT suits me. Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: I am funny, I play a lot and want to play. Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation: It was an ordinary quiet morning. All the people woke up and went to work.On the road there were many people who were waitingfor a traffic light.The truck crashed at full speed, a lot of people died, he got out of the car and started shooting at half-dead people.The police immediately arrived at this place. The trucker was very well armed and he had a mined truck. The police could not cope with it. The police decided to call a detachment S.W.A.T because this detachment is engaged in terrorism and a number of other tasks. S.W.A.T quickly managed to solve this problem by killing truckers with a sniper rifle. After that, the soldiers from the Desert Eagle's unit were called in to demine the truck.
  2. FBI- Federal Bureau of Investigation: STAGE 1 Name: Miriam Account Name: chert123 Nationality: Argentina Age: i am 15 Years old Primary Language: Espanish Other Languages you speak: English,Portuguese,espanish STAGE 2 How long have you been playing MTA: I started playing MTA for 1 year and a few months ago How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: I instantly started playing on SAES:RPG, same period Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: No Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL: My 1st organization was F.B.I, to be honest i choosed it randomly only to know more about saes. I left it because i had some friends in another gang and they recommanded me to join them. My 2nd organization was Z, some friends recommanded me to join them. I left Z to try the cop side. My 3rd organization was SAPA, i joined it to try to get the ProCop diploma, I left it because there were many requirements for PC. My 4th organization was Z (again), i joined them back since it was so hard to get the ProCop diploma. i got kicked from it for many mistakes that i made ingame. Why do you wish to join the FBI: i really like FBI members attitude, i see you guys back so i'll be here to help you Why should we accept you: You should accept me because i'm good, loyal, friendly player, i don't get any adminjail Previous bans or admin jails THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL: N/A STAGE 3 Are you a former FBI member: Yes If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau: it was a very long time ago, I don't remember really If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau: i wanted to join a gang If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank: probie If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc): STAGE 4 What is roleplaying: Roleplaying is to act like real life but ingame What is deathmatching: Deathmatching is killing someone without any reason State three server rules (F1): Talk english on mainchat. Do not avoid arrest Do not abuse bugs Are you allowed to deathmatch: No STAGE 5 What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: 8/10 What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: 7/10 What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: 7/10 What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: 8/10 What are your strengths: Driving Helicopters, bikes What are your weaknesses: aiming with deagle, landing shamals STAGE 6 Scenario One: You are the agent-in-charge of a patrol unit which includes you and two other agents. You are informed of an ongoing store robbery and there are no other units available for back up. How would you successfully resolve the store robbery with the following equipment available and team. Vehicles: A Police Maverick A Patrol Vehicle Weapons: Combat Shotgun M4 Assault Rifle Sniper Rifle EXPLAIN BELOW: Well, i will just snipe the criminals who are in the store robbery until i get them all. Scenario Two: You are the leader of an assault on a suspected criminal base being used for drug distribution. You have the following teams under control to assault the base: Assault Team Armed with assault rifles and combat shotguns Backup Team - Armed with assault rifles and combat shotguns Approach team (Recon) -Armed with sniper rifles ALL SQUADS HAVE ACCESS TO POLICE MAVERICKS AND SQUAD CARS The fence around the base is protected by four armed criminals. Inside the base there are a further three armed criminals. Your mission is to secure the outside of the base, how would you do so? EXPLAIN BELOW: Securing the outside of any base is easy for me, i'll just pay attention on garages, doors and the roads Scenario Three: An armed FBI Unit is called to a hostage situation to a building nearby to the Los Santos Police Department building. Two criminals had attempted to rob a fast food restaurant but police had arrived during the robbery. As a result, they have taken an old woman hostage and barricaded inside. The two-armed criminals are young and very nervous. You have access to the same squads as in scenario two. How would you diffuse/ deal with the situation? EXPLAIN BELOW: The first thing to do is to block the roads incase if they have more criminals outside, secondly i'll try to sort the situation without any fire, otherwise we'll have to open fire to save the woman
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