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Everything posted by Bernasx

  1. so beautiful
  2. Rip
  3. test
  4. Address: castros strip club Account name: emirhanpolat Last seen: 24th of November 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qa3mg87
  5. Address: Bank of Bone county Account name: emirhanpolat Last seen: 24th of November 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/W6KkGal
  6. Application Format: Applicant Main Information : **Nickname:**Bernasx **Username:**Bernasx123 **Age:**17 Nationality: Tunisian Languages you can speak: Arabic, French, English and some Turkish Player SAES Career Information : How long have you been playing on SAES?: Since 2017. **Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) :**CripZ.1 /CDC / CripZ.2 If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : CripZ.1: CripZ was the first gang I joined that I spend a lot of effort to join it.since I'm in this gang I felt like I'm home and it's my family after like 5 or 6 months there was a little racist stuff about my country made me disrespected one of their high ranked members which ends a fight and I got kicked . CDC: I was thinking to stay in CDC while cripz leader was inactive so I joined CDC stayed for 2 or 3 weeks when CripZ leader came back from the inactive we talked about that problem. CripZ.2: I came back to cripz and after a lot of work, effort and time I became a one of their HQ team after 1-year and a half .i went inactive for some real-life stuff when I came back I was shocked I found out that they invited an enemy of mine and they knew that, I kicked him and they removed my HQ, I didn't feel comfortable so I left . Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain): nope. What groups are you currently part of?: I am currently a part of the motor heads Personality Information : What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you?: Well I am an active player, friendly, helpful. honestly, I'm tired of solving problems and dealing with kind of stuff I just want to stay calm enjoy the game, I heard that BB HQ's are great taking care of their members also have some friends there so it will be a good time. **Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets:**Black Bullets is a criminal organization that works on killing cop/criminals/civilians with different prices for them, they can also repair weapons coating, and customizations with scopes and silencers and money laundering. Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets?: as I said above I got some friends there so it will be cool also bb is one of the respected gang's on saes and they are treating their members well and that cant be found in any other gangs. Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us?: ye I know some members like k2rhym, Shakespeare, Harb, Nicky, mgk, melou, mark, but none of them recommended me to apply. Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional]: I would like to interduce my self to the players who don't know me: my name is Mohamed 17 years old from Tunisia exactly in Tunis the Capital. my favorite Hobie is gaming, I like playing many games on pc like csgo , league of legends, and I enjoy playing saes with my friends, I've been playing on the server for 2 years that made me became an experienced player with magnificent skills. from the 0 to an HQ in LVL 5 gang but sadly there was a lot of fights in the gang that made all the members nervous. thanks for reading
  7. Application Format: Applicant Main Information : **Nickname:**Bernasx **Username:**Bernasx123 **Age:**17 Nationality: Tunisian Languages you can speak: Arabic, French, English and some Turkish Player SAES Career Information : How long have you been playing on SAES?: Since 2017. Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them): CripZ.1 /CDC / CripZ.2 if yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : CripZ.1: CripZ was the first gang I joined that I spend a lot of effort to join it.since I'm in this gang I felt like I'm home and it's my family after like 5 or 6 months there was a little racist stuff about my country made me disrespected one of their high ranked members which ends a fight and I got kicked . CDC: I was thinking to stay in CDC while cripz leader was inactive so I joined CDC stayed for 2 or 3 weeks when CripZ leader came back from the inactive we talked about that problem. CripZ.2: I came back to cripz and after a lot of work, effort and time I became a one of their HQ team after 1-year and a half .i went inactive for some real-life stuff when I came back I was shocked I found out that they invited an enemy of mine and they knew that, I kicked him and they removed my HQ, I didn't feel comfortable so I left . Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain): nope. What groups are you currently part of?: I am currently a part of the motor heads, Personality Information : What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you?: Well I am an active player, friendly, helpful. honestly, I'm tired of solving problems and dealing with kind of stuff I just want to stay calm enjoy the game, I heard that BB HQ's are great taking care of their members also have some friends there so it will be a good time. **Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets:**Black Bullets is a criminal organization that works on killing cop/criminals/civilians with different prices for them, they can also repair weapons coating, and customizations with scopes and silencers and money laundering. Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets?: as I said above I got some friends there so it will be good time also bb is one of the respected gang's on saes and they are treating their members well and that cant be found in any other gangs. Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us?: ye I know some members like k2rhym, Shakespeare, Harb, Nicky, mgk, melou, mark, but none of them recommended me to apply. Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional]: I would like to interduce my self to the players who don't know me: my name is Mohamed 17 years old from Tunisia exactly in Tunis the Capital. my favorite Hobie is gaming, I like playing many games on pc like csgo , league of legends, and I enjoy playing saes with my friends, I've been playing on the server for 2 years that made me became an experienced player with magnificent skills. HQ in LVL 5 gang but sadly there was a lot of fights in the gang that made all the members nervous. thanks for reading .
  8. Ingame name: Bernasx Username: Bernasx123 Country of Residence and Nationality: Tunisia / Tunis Spoken Languages: Arabic, English, French and some Turkish Age: 17 Date of the beginning of your SAES Career: 2017 Previous organizations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: I joined CDC after getting kicked from CripZ for fighting with an HQ then I joined again about 2 months later and left now. Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words: Hey There, my name is Mohamed 17 years old from Tunisia exactly in Tunis the Capital. I love going out and having fun with my malinois, my favorite Hobie is gaming, I like playing many games on pc like csgo , league of legends, smite and need for speed and I enjoy playing saes with my friends, I've been playing on the server for 2 years that made me became an experienced with magnificent shooting, driving and flying skills. from the 0 to an HQ in LVL 5 gang but sadly there was a lot of fights in the gang that made all the members nervous.
  9. Event Number: 253 Event Type: CarShow LWS/G6: LWS- Duff Date: 12/05/19 Prize(s): 5000,00$ each Winner(s): 1st- @Zer0 / 2nd- @laminee Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/36DAZXO
  10. Event Number: 223 Event Type: Shotgun Last man standing LWS/G6: @zaza Winner(s): [Fox]Alex ScreenShot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/y3D3S1j :::
  11. ~[Participants in The RP:]~(green) @TaJ @DJO ~[RP Scenario:]~(green) It was my first night in san fierro. I was drinking. it was 12 pm when I got a call from a friend he told me that he was racing and he got weird crashed while he was driving well that what he told me, we agreed to meet in the morning. I didn't sleep the night I was wondering why and how did he crash. when we met in the morning he told me It's never been clear to me wherever I looked. I would argue that I naturally would have looked in the direction that I thought the cars were coming from. But I was in Las Venturas so they weren't coming from that way. I knew that he was kinda shocked.I remember a very forceful impact before I crashed. I remember thinking, I'm a fucking idiot. when I crashed the car was smoking and stuff I landed kind of with my hands down, and I thought I was going to be able to get up and walk and be fine. I got up on my right foot, then I took a step with my left leg and I fell back down. It felt like my left leg wasn't attached to my body. It was totally numb. It's a surreal feeling to have what ended up being a compound fracture, which means your bone is sticking out of your leg which I never saw. I was more embarrassed than horrible. in that second I felt that he was going to lose his mind.later that day he was thankful for repairing his car it was a long day. ~[ScreenShot(s):]~(green) ::: https://imgur.com/a/oeRDSn6 :::
  12. Event Number: 221 Event Type: ~[chiken shooter]~(green) LWS/G6: Brondy Prize(s): 2.000.000 $ Winner(s): @hRL ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/zXlBDZe
  13. TMH Technicians Working on : 23/03/2019 TMH Technicians Involved: @Beckham Location: all around san andreas map Estimated Duration of Working: 70 minute Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 40 Vehicles Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/4OtjX7g :::
  14. Participants in The RP: @Beckham RP Scenario: Today's evening while I was taking a break after fixing a few cars I got a call from a guy told me that he was going to work like every morning and his car stop instantly whenever he starts the engine on. I headed to his location, The civilian looked kinda nervous so I tried to calm him down. I took a look on the vehicle, I saw the vehicle had very bad conditions, almost dead cause quantity of damage. Wasn't possible to do anything there for the first time I was going to tell him that he needs to bring it to Los Santos custom Garage but then when I looked to his face was very nervous I had to do something i got an idea I took him to his work then and i asked him about taking his car to my workshop and he agreed with that. I picked up the vehicle on my truck then I drove backward all the way to the workshop it cost me like 5-7 hours to completely fix it after that I took it back to his house ready to drove, at night when I was watching tv he called me and he was thanking me i gave him my phone number to call me whenever he needs help ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/5RPVwiI
  15. @Tut-Greco @Fesko
  16. -Section 1- Username: bernasx123 Real Name: Mohamed In-game Nick: Bernasx Nationality: Tunisian Country of residence: Tunisia Age: 16 English proficiency: 8/10 Other Languages: English / French / Arabic / Turkish -Section 2- Why do you want to join us?: OutBreak organization was one of the active groups in saes and respected and it's back now I want to support this group with activities also I like jailbreaking and killing cops also I like this kind of groups of criminal activities. Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?: Well, I'm an active player I spend a lot of time jailbreaking, I like killing cops also I enjoy doing criminal activities I also wanna share the skills I like recording with friends. How long you been playing in SAES?: 2 years. Current group membership(s): CripZ -Section 3- Something about you, no less than 100 words: I'm Mohamed from Tunisia 16 years old I think I'm a good person, studying I have a small family living a normal life having fun, my favorite paste time is gaming, I like playing saes in-game I consider my self a good player skilled and I like to kill cops and to jailbreak also I play assassin creed and a little bit csgo, I started playing saes @ 2017 and I always wanted to be cripz after a long time when I joined then I had to fight with someone and left to join CDC and then I came back to my family to serve it with my loyalty, I like chilling with friends on Discord . I really don't like all groups just I like the action and the criminal groups .
  17. best of luck
  18. it's a cool car +1
  19. Awesome, good job men
  20. it will be sick, I can't wait for the world war 3 @K2rhym I won't stop killing you until you give me your phone number :innocent: I'm glad that radrick is banned
  21. https://imgur.com/a/WXqYjBh fixed
  22. Address: Appartment block 131 Account name: huseyinefe Last seen: 16th September 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/G1Quf5Q
  23. @RadiO said in Organization Zero | Role play archive: Title: Cars Vs Weapons Participants: @Radio_ and @Bernasx Story: It came to our notice that one of our crew members associate from another gang called CripZ, was in desperate need of arms and ammunation. As for our general image in arms smuggling we couldnt let down the request so we were willing to accept any kind of offer they would give us for the arms. Our first priority is always money but we are satisfied with anything that can help our greater cause. We had a deal on a couple of cars and some stolen bike parts that eventually could be used on upgrading our current products for sale. As soon as we landed on the location given for the transition, a good looking woman was waiting for us by her car. By first sight she didnt look as a gamg member but only when she approached us did we know she was the one we would close the deal with. She told us she was an arms expert and that she was eager to check up on the weapons quality. We gave her a couple of rounds to shoot with and told her that they were on the house. She was delighted by the guns performance and then asked us to follow her back on their headquarters to retrieve our piece of the pie. Arriving at the garage were the cars were, we saw 2 cars parked next to each other. They could be useful, surely, so we called that a deal. She informed us that the 2 cars and the bike parts would be delivered to our garages in a couple of days and after that she offered us a ride back home. What a lady she was!
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